
Why did many women in classical china and india prefer buddhism to other religions?

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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The answer is D. Each position in the state reflects the persons spiritual achievement, according to the Buddhist tradition. In the Early Buddhism, the women were allowed to participate in communal activities. In the traditional view of Buddhism, women are viewed as inferior. Even though Buddhism is relentlessly misogynist, it is open to multiplicity and contradiction.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The correct answer is A. It allowed women to play a more active role than their societies typically allowed.

In classical China and India, women were often restricted and had limited opportunities compared to men. However, Buddhism provided a relatively more inclusive and accepting environment for women compared to other religions at that time.

Buddhism offered certain advantages for women in classical China and India. First, Buddhism emphasized that all beings, including women, have the potential to attain enlightenment and spiritual liberation. This notion challenged the traditional gendered hierarchy, which considered women inferior to men in many aspects.

Secondly, Buddhist teachings highlighted the importance of personal spiritual development and individual effort rather than relying solely on societal structures or external influences. This belief allowed women to focus on their own spiritual growth and seek liberation on their own terms, enabling them to have a more active role in their spiritual journeys.

Furthermore, Buddhist monastic communities provided opportunities for women to pursue education, practice meditation, and participate in religious rituals. These monastic environments offered women greater independence and autonomy, which were often lacking in their everyday lives.

In contrast, other religions in classical China and India tended to uphold patriarchal norms and restrict women's roles to more subordinate positions within society. These religions often reinforced the existing gender hierarchy and societal expectations, which limited women's agency and active participation.

Therefore, the preference for Buddhism among many women in classical China and India can be attributed to the fact that Buddhism allowed women to play a more active role in spiritual matters, challenged social norms, and provided opportunities for personal growth and religious involvement that were not readily available in other religions of that time.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The answer is D. Each position in the state reflects the persons spiritual achievement, according to the Buddhist tradition. In the Early Buddhism, the women were allowed to participate in communal activities. In the traditional view of Buddhism, women are viewed as inferior. Even though Buddhism is relentlessly misogynist, it is open to multiplicity and contradiction.
Social Studies
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P Answered by Specialist
Gave them more rights and allowed to play a more active role in society 
Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The climate of India is described as C. Seasonally rainy monsoonsReasoning: A monsoon is a seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region. The summer monsoon and the winter monsoon determine the climate for most of India and Southeast Asia.
Also, India is home to an extraordinary variety of climatic regions, ranging from tropical in the south to temperate and alpine in the Himalayan north, where elevated regions receive sustained winter snowfall. The nation's climate is strongly influenced by the Himalayas and the Thar Desert.
Social Studies
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P Answered by Master

secret explanation


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Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
Answer and Explanation:

Risky behavior defines that behavior which is riskier to the life of people

As if you want to choose a career in a Nurse or a Doctor you want to judge the risk.

As a doctor, if the doctor gives the high dosage to the patient to recover from illness but even less dosage also works still the doctor gives which affect the kidney, liver of the patient, etc

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Therefore do not play with the life of the people as it is precious for them.[youtube=5j29EeDG4iw]
Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Prospective research subjects who are not able to comprehend information, deliberate, and make decisions about participation in a proposed research study have Cognitive or communicative vulnerability.

Option A


Prospective research subject are those who are taken as subject for the purpose of research on the objective of prospective. When the subjects of Prospective research lack ability in some manners to make an informed choice, the incapacity demonstrated here is remarked as the Capacity-related cognitive vulnerability.

When the subject of prospective research have the above mentioned capacity, in lieu of which, because of limited ability for communication, the subject cannot communicate with researchers and the latter are not able to exercise their capacities effectively, such inability is remarked as the Communicative vulnerability.

Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


- Only think positively. Do not ever think of "what if" s because this will make you think negatively and stop you from doing your job.

- One strategy I have is writing lots of different positives messages in a paper and cutting out each of them. Put them in anywhere you want and take one each day. This will make you start your day positively.

Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

trip the circuit cut of the current electricity then sense the current leakage


you have the trip the circuit so theirs no power to have electricity  and that a sign that like tells you theirs a leakage or the insulation is to old then you cut off the electricity so theirs no electricity running and sense the current leakage so the GFCI wont trip anymore

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