Spanish : asked on macylen3900

Worksheet 8.17 more on the present progressive answer key

. 42


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The impact of the narrator's statement "And here we aren't, so quickly" on the passage as a whole is that it reveals the narrator's reflection on their life in a nostalgic and regretful manner. It suggests that time has passed by quickly, and the narrator is contemplating missed opportunities and the things that could have been. The statement conveys a sense of longing and sadness, as the narrator expresses disappointment about the unfulfilled potentials in their life. It indicates that the passage explores themes of lost time, missed connections, and the fleeting nature of existence. The narrator's reflection on their past highlights the importance of cherishing the present moment, as it's a reminder that life passes by quickly and that we should make the most of each experience. Therefore, option D, "It reveals that the narrator is looking back on their life while grieving their partner's death," is the most accurate interpretation of the impact of the statement on the passage as a whole.
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P Answered by PhD

5. Answer;



Prepositions are part of speech that helps create phrases that deal with relationships concerning time, space, and logic.

Prepositions show how something is related to another word. They show spatial (space), temporal (time), or logical relationship of an object to the rest of the sentence.

Examples of prepositions are words like after, near, at, by, from, above and with, etc.

8. Answer;


Progressive verb is a verb that shows continuous (or ongoing) action.


Progressive verbs are verbs that are used to show an ongoing action in progress at some point in time.

They appear in three form; present progressive, past progressive and future progressive.

9. Answer;

D. Of everyone at the party, I received the smallest piece of cake.


When you are comparing more than two things the adjective should take the superlative form; the superlative form of small is smallest.

Superlative adjectives are used in sentences where a subject is compared to a group of objects.

12. Answer;

C. Verb tense

Verb tense is a part of a sentence that tells the reader when something is taking place.


Verb tenses indicate the connection between two or more time periods or the exact time an activity occurred.

16. Answers;

A. Audience

In terms of choosing your purpose, it's of utmost importance to know your Audience.


Knowing the audience for a particular type of writing is important because it determines the content that will appear in the writing.

The content of an essay that has a specific topic will vary depending on the intended audience.

17. Answers;


Revising is a writing process stage that involves looking through a written draft for organizational problems or issues with main ideas.


Revising involves making major changes, such as the deletion of entire paragraphs and the writing of new paragraphs.

It is important to spend plenty of time revising your writing.

Revising, like other stages of writing plays an important role.

18. Answers;



To help readers visualize what they're reading, writers often will use descriptive words.

Descriptive words describes and gives us more information about things.

A descriptive word can be a color, size, shape, texture, or number, etc. Descriptive words help you understand more when you're reading.

19. Answers;

Online dictionaries

A greater reliance on computers and technological advancements has given rise to online dictionaries as a spelling resource


Online dictionaries are a good spelling resource.

They are used as a reference point for finding out the meaning of words and also their spellings.

They help the learners to be more autonomous and to enhance good learner habits.

20. Answers;

A. synonym for dangerous

Synonym for dangerous would help you choose a word to describe a dangerous situation;


Synonyms ares words having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in  English language. 

Knowing different synonyms is important; as repeating the same words a couple of time in writing especially in creative writing, makes writing dill uninteresting, however replacing the repetition with synonyms shows creativity to the audience. 

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

5. Answer;



Prepositions are part of speech that helps create phrases that deal with relationships concerning time, space, and logic.

Prepositions show how something is related to another word. They show spatial (space), temporal (time), or logical relationship of an object to the rest of the sentence.

Examples of prepositions are words like after, near, at, by, from, above and with, etc.

8. Answer;


Progressive verb is a verb that shows continuous (or ongoing) action.


Progressive verbs are verbs that are used to show an ongoing action in progress at some point in time.

They appear in three form; present progressive, past progressive and future progressive.

9. Answer;

D. Of everyone at the party, I received the smallest piece of cake.


When you are comparing more than two things the adjective should take the superlative form; the superlative form of small is smallest.

Superlative adjectives are used in sentences where a subject is compared to a group of objects.

12. Answer;

C. Verb tense

Verb tense is a part of a sentence that tells the reader when something is taking place.


Verb tenses indicate the connection between two or more time periods or the exact time an activity occurred.

16. Answers;

A. Audience

In terms of choosing your purpose, it's of utmost importance to know your Audience.


Knowing the audience for a particular type of writing is important because it determines the content that will appear in the writing.

The content of an essay that has a specific topic will vary depending on the intended audience.

17. Answers;


Revising is a writing process stage that involves looking through a written draft for organizational problems or issues with main ideas.


Revising involves making major changes, such as the deletion of entire paragraphs and the writing of new paragraphs.

It is important to spend plenty of time revising your writing.

Revising, like other stages of writing plays an important role.

18. Answers;



To help readers visualize what they're reading, writers often will use descriptive words.

Descriptive words describes and gives us more information about things.

A descriptive word can be a color, size, shape, texture, or number, etc. Descriptive words help you understand more when you're reading.

19. Answers;

Online dictionaries

A greater reliance on computers and technological advancements has given rise to online dictionaries as a spelling resource


Online dictionaries are a good spelling resource.

They are used as a reference point for finding out the meaning of words and also their spellings.

They help the learners to be more autonomous and to enhance good learner habits.

20. Answers;

A. synonym for dangerous

Synonym for dangerous would help you choose a word to describe a dangerous situation;


Synonyms ares words having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in  English language. 

Knowing different synonyms is important; as repeating the same words a couple of time in writing especially in creative writing, makes writing dill uninteresting, however replacing the repetition with synonyms shows creativity to the audience. 

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

All the sentences are about pass habits or events that happened in the past.


The sentences are describing habits in the past or activities that started and finished in the past without interruption. For example, if I say - *El cayó al suelo. Iba a ver lo que pasó.- I am saying that I was going to see what happened when suddenly he felt. Is an action that was interrupted by another action in the past.

In the case of the sentences that are describing activities in the past, it is incorrect to say, for example  - *Siempre fuimos al lago durante el verano- because it is stating that this year, we also are going to the lake because we always go there during summer. What the sentence is trying to say is that we went there every summer but not anymore.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The answer to your question is below.


Amor sin fronteras es más que una película de amor. En la primera escena, Francisco le dice a Fernanda que él está enamorado de ella. La joven, sin embargo, no comparte el sentimiento , ya que ama en secreto a Javier, el hermano de Francisco, que emigró a Texas hace dos años. Francisco la besa y la abraza, pero confunde su frialdad con timidez. Sin embargo, cuando Francisco le ofrece llevarla a Texas con él, Fernanda no puede contener la emoción. Es su oportunidad de volver a ver a Javier. La historia de estas dos personas confundidas se complica cuando, una vez en Texas, Francisco descubre que su novia en realidad ama a su hermano y lo invaden los celos .

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. Ilógico

2. Lógico

3. Lógico

4. Lógico


1. Sr. Vega wants to go fishing and go riding a horse to a warm place.

2. The travel agent tells Sr. Vega that he has beautiful beaches.

3. Sr. Vega will go the first week of March

4. Yes, Sr. Vega makes a reservation for five nights, so the travel agency is supposed to sell him the tickets as well.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Question 1 with 6 blanksAntes de salir con amigos el sábado por la noche, mi rutina típica es la siguiente: primero, (yo)(1) ___me ducho y (2)me lavo el pelo. Luego, (3)me seco el cuerpo con la toalla. A continuación, (4) me visto

muy elegante y (5) me maquillo. Así, cuando estoy con mis amigos en la discoteca, (6)me divierto mucho toda la noche.


Los verbos encontrados en esta pregunta se llaman 'verbos pronominales'. Se conjugan con pronombres reflexivos como 'me, te, se, nos, os, se' antes de la correspondiente desinencia. La mayoría de dichos verbos son intransitivos (no necesitan objeto directo) y muchos, como en este caso se refieren a acciones de aseo y cuidado personal.

Esto se debe a que el sujeto y quien recibe la acción del verbo son la misma persona.

Yo me lavo

Yo me maquillo

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Ignacio estudia porque hay en examen el jueves

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