Spanish : asked on AngelOfLove

Un _ necesita permiso de _

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Step-by-step answer

24.06.2023, solved by verified expert
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conductor conducir...


Un ___ conductor necesita permiso de conducir.    

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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

conductor conducir...


Un ___ conductor necesita permiso de conducir.    

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

1. Alfredo siempre tiene un pie cerca del freno cuando maneja porque es muy cuidadoso.

2. El baul del carro es pequeno. No puedo llevar cuatro maletas.

3. En Espana puedo tener el permiso para manejar a los 18 anos y por fin puedo usar mi carro.

4. Necesitas cambiar tu llanta con el gato antes de manejar a la cuidad.

I'm a native speaker, hopes it helps!!

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

1. Alfredo siempre tiene un pie cerca del freno cuando maneja porque es muy cuidadoso.

2. El baul del carro es pequeno. No puedo llevar cuatro maletas.

3. En Espana puedo tener el permiso para manejar a los 18 anos y por fin puedo usar mi carro.

4. Necesitas cambiar tu llanta con el gato antes de manejar a la cuidad.

I'm a native speaker, hopes it helps!!

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Traffic Law enforcement is the same.


In the text, it is said that:

"Si te ve la policía de Argentina, Surinam o Estados Unidos, te puede poner una multa".

In English, this means that if a police sees you (doing the illegal activity listed before) in Argentina, Surinam, or the United States, the police can give you a fine.

This is a similarity between each of the countries. The traffic Law enforcement, (a fine in this case) is this same.

This is also the only answer choice that is not disproven in the text. It was previously said that seatbelts were needed, texting while driving is not allowed, and the driving age does differ between the countries.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Traffic Law enforcement is the same.


In the text, it is said that:

"Si te ve la policía de Argentina, Surinam o Estados Unidos, te puede poner una multa".

In English, this means that if a police sees you (doing the illegal activity listed before) in Argentina, Surinam, or the United States, the police can give you a fine.

This is a similarity between each of the countries. The traffic Law enforcement, (a fine in this case) is this same.

This is also the only answer choice that is not disproven in the text. It was previously said that seatbelts were needed, texting while driving is not allowed, and the driving age does differ between the countries.

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