Spanish : asked on tressasill

How does the authors' comparison of successful college dropouts and successful college graduates contribute to the central idea of the text? Use details from the text to support your response.

. 6


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer: The central idea of this text is that there is a higher chance of succeeding with a college degree than when a student drops out. The author showed through statistics from his research that among those who were seen as successful, the higher percentage graduated from school.

Through research conducted on more than 11,000 successful people in the United States, the results show that the higher percentage graduated from colleges. 94% of U.S leaders graduated from colleges, while 50% of these graduated from elite colleges. So, among those who graduated from colleges, the majority of successful individuals graduated from elite colleges.
The author stated that the fact that people like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg were dropouts from colleges but were still super successful is a rare occurrence and should never be a reason why a student would decide not to go to school.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

what text is it o3o si o can read up on it

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The central idea of this text is that there is a higher chance of succeeding with a college degree than when a student drops out. The author showed through statistics from his research that among those who were seen as successful, the higher percentage graduated from school while a very insignificant figure were dropouts.


Through research conducted on more than 11,000 successful people in the United States, the results show that the higher percentage graduated from colleges. 94% of U.S leaders graduated from colleges, while 50% of these graduated from elite colleges. So, among those who graduated from colleges, the majority of successful individuals graduated from elite colleges.

The author stated that the fact that people like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg were dropouts from colleges but were still super successful is a rare occurrence and should never be a reason why a student would decide not to go to school.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The answer to your question is below.


Amor sin fronteras es más que una película de amor. En la primera escena, Francisco le dice a Fernanda que él está enamorado de ella. La joven, sin embargo, no comparte el sentimiento , ya que ama en secreto a Javier, el hermano de Francisco, que emigró a Texas hace dos años. Francisco la besa y la abraza, pero confunde su frialdad con timidez. Sin embargo, cuando Francisco le ofrece llevarla a Texas con él, Fernanda no puede contener la emoción. Es su oportunidad de volver a ver a Javier. La historia de estas dos personas confundidas se complica cuando, una vez en Texas, Francisco descubre que su novia en realidad ama a su hermano y lo invaden los celos .

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. Ilógico

2. Lógico

3. Lógico

4. Lógico


1. Sr. Vega wants to go fishing and go riding a horse to a warm place.

2. The travel agent tells Sr. Vega that he has beautiful beaches.

3. Sr. Vega will go the first week of March

4. Yes, Sr. Vega makes a reservation for five nights, so the travel agency is supposed to sell him the tickets as well.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Question 1 with 6 blanksAntes de salir con amigos el sábado por la noche, mi rutina típica es la siguiente: primero, (yo)(1) ___me ducho y (2)me lavo el pelo. Luego, (3)me seco el cuerpo con la toalla. A continuación, (4) me visto

muy elegante y (5) me maquillo. Así, cuando estoy con mis amigos en la discoteca, (6)me divierto mucho toda la noche.


Los verbos encontrados en esta pregunta se llaman 'verbos pronominales'. Se conjugan con pronombres reflexivos como 'me, te, se, nos, os, se' antes de la correspondiente desinencia. La mayoría de dichos verbos son intransitivos (no necesitan objeto directo) y muchos, como en este caso se refieren a acciones de aseo y cuidado personal.

Esto se debe a que el sujeto y quien recibe la acción del verbo son la misma persona.

Yo me lavo

Yo me maquillo

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
El primera es letra C                                                   The first one is C
El segunda es letra D yo creo                               The second one is D i think
El tercero es letra B                                                   The third one is B i think
Y numbero cuatro es letra B yo creo                           The last one is B i think
Espero que haya ayudado                                                    Hope that helped
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Ignacio estudia porque hay en examen el jueves

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