
Marriage is all about love and family.



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09.07.2023, solved by verified expert
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Hi there!  ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

I Disagree with this statement " Marriage is all about love and family."


We need to have 3 things, other than love and family. We need

good communication   respect, trust.

Most people say love is a feeling I also disagree with that. Below I will explain my feelings on love.

I have always thought love was not all feelings and instinct but is instead a generosity of time. that if you truly love someone you will give them all your hours without a second thought. Ideal moments are exactly what they sound like ideal and hard not to enjoy. But love has never been about ideal moments for me, but rather everyday ones that are brightened because the other person is there.

Hope this Helps!

happy Valentine's day!

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

Marriage is all about love and family. Agree, №18008634, 07.05.2021 03:38

It is was helpful?


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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Hi there!  ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

I Disagree with this statement " Marriage is all about love and family."


We need to have 3 things, other than love and family. We need

good communication   respect, trust.

Most people say love is a feeling I also disagree with that. Below I will explain my feelings on love.

I have always thought love was not all feelings and instinct but is instead a generosity of time. that if you truly love someone you will give them all your hours without a second thought. Ideal moments are exactly what they sound like ideal and hard not to enjoy. But love has never been about ideal moments for me, but rather everyday ones that are brightened because the other person is there.

Hope this Helps!

happy Valentine's day!

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
Capitalize Lawrence and Juliet in the first paragraph. Other than that, it's a pretty solid introduction.

In the second paragraph, make sure to close the quotation that you started on "deny thy father..."
-Capitalize Capulet since it's a last name.
-Change Romeos to Romeo's
-Again, close quotations "I gave thy mine.."

The rest of the writing is fine, just be sure to capitalize things and close quotations. :)
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
I think you have a lot of retelling, you simply passed the contents of the works of the great Shakespeare. In my opinion, you have to write your personal attitude to the events which were described by the author. Write what you personally felt along with the heroes. You have good speech, but you need more of your emotions, your feelings and your thoughts.
Sorry for the truth.  
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
Capitalize Lawrence and Juliet in the first paragraph. Other than that, it's a pretty solid introduction.

In the second paragraph, make sure to close the quotation that you started on "deny thy father..."
-Capitalize Capulet since it's a last name.
-Change Romeos to Romeo's
-Again, close quotations "I gave thy mine.."

The rest of the writing is fine, just be sure to capitalize things and close quotations. :)
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
I think you have a lot of retelling, you simply passed the contents of the works of the great Shakespeare. In my opinion, you have to write your personal attitude to the events which were described by the author. Write what you personally felt along with the heroes. You have good speech, but you need more of your emotions, your feelings and your thoughts.
Sorry for the truth.  
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
Based on paragraphs 5, 6, and 7 of the passage, the author's main idea is that investing in public school choice programs can be a good compromise to address the issue of inadequate funding for schools in low-income neighborhoods. These programs can provide alternative public school options for low-income students and parents, allowing them to determine if an alternative public school would better suit their needs and aspirations.

In paragraph 5, the author introduces the idea of investing in public school choice programs as an alternative to private school choice options. The author highlights that carefully managed public school choice programs can serve students well and promote social goods such as racial or socioeconomic integration.

Moving on to paragraph 6, the author elaborates on the benefits of public school choice programs, giving examples like vocational schools, alternative schools for dropouts, and dual-language public schools. These programs can meet the diverse needs of students and communities, contributing to their overall education and success.

Paragraph 7 further emphasizes the advantages of public school choice programs. It suggests that by focusing on and investing in these programs, education funding can be retained within the public school system instead of being diverted to private schools. Low-income students and parents can then have the opportunity to choose an alternative public school that aligns with their preferences and educational goals.

In summary, the author argues that public school choice programs can provide a viable solution to the issue of inadequate funding in low-income neighborhoods. These programs can offer students and parents choices within the public school system, ultimately enhancing access to quality education and improving educational outcomes.

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