
Children can build healthy eating habits by

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09.07.2023, solved by verified expert


Advanced Placement (AP)
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Children can build healthy eating habits by
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
Question 1: Lisette wants to use technology to measure her intensity level. Which of the following should she use?
Answer: Lisette should use a heart rate monitor to measure her intensity level. A heart rate monitor measures the number of times her heart beats per minute, which can be used as an indicator of her intensity level during physical activities.

Question 2: Marco wants to improve his body composition, so he set the following goal: "I will not eat junk food ever again." However, it is not a MAD goal. Select the area he should improve.
Answer: Marco should focus on the "Attainable" aspect of the SMART goal-setting framework. Instead of setting a goal of "not eating junk food ever again," which may be too challenging and unrealistic, he should replace it with a more attainable goal, such as "eat two more daily fruits and vegetables." This allows for a gradual and sustainable change in his eating habits.

Question 3: ________ is a self-improvement strategy for a person who has trouble sticking with individual fitness activities.
Answer: Participating in scheduled team activities is a self-improvement strategy for a person who has trouble sticking with individual fitness activities. Joining a team or group can provide social support, motivation, and accountability, making it easier to maintain consistency in fitness activities.

Question 4: Kaleb is preparing for his track meet. Which warm-up would be most effective?
Answer: Arm rotations and triceps stretching would be the most effective warm-up for Kaleb before his track meet. This warm-up specifically targets the muscles used in sprinting, preparing them for the intense activity and reducing the risk of injury.

Question 5: Which of the following is a long-term benefit of regularly participating in physical activity?
Answer: Having ample energy to enjoy leisure time is a long-term benefit of regularly participating in physical activity. Regular physical activity leads to improved cardiovascular fitness, increased strength and endurance, and enhanced energy levels, allowing individuals to engage in leisure activities without feeling fatigued.

Question 6: Jasmine read cardiovascular exercise can reduce anxiety and sleeplessness. Which activity should she try?
Answer: Swimming is the activity that Jasmine should try. Swimming is a form of cardiovascular exercise that engages large muscle groups, increases heart rate, and promotes overall fitness. It can be effective in reducing anxiety and sleeplessness, providing both physical and mental health benefits.

Question 7: What is a self-improvement strategy for a senior citizen struggling with a lack of flexibility, balance, and strength?
Answer: Attending yoga classes for senior citizens is a self-improvement strategy for a senior citizen struggling with a lack of flexibility, balance, and strength. Yoga focuses on improving flexibility, balance, and strength through a series of gentle movements, poses, and breathing exercises, making it suitable for individuals of all ages and fitness levels.

Question 8: Marti wants a more challenging workout session in her 3 times per week, 30-minute exercise block. She currently uses 8-pound weights during her cardio-strength training class, and she is not ready to increase weight or change her schedule. Marti should focus on which overload training principle?
Answer: Marti should focus on the "Intensity" overload training principle. Instead of increasing weight or changing her schedule, Marti can increase the effort expended during her workout by performing exercises with higher intensity, such as increasing the number of repetitions or sets, shortening rest periods, or incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) techniques.

Question 9: Jackie rides her bike to school every day and enjoys playing beach volleyball on weekends. She also helps with tasks around the house, like pulling weeds in the garden and sweeping the porch. Which of the following describes a possible benefit of Jackie's physical activity?
Answer: Jackie may maintain healthy body fat levels as a possible benefit of her physical activity. Regular physical activity, including biking, playing volleyball, and engaging in household chores, helps burn calories and maintain a healthy body weight, contributing to a healthy body fat percentage.

Question 10: Which of the following is a controllable risk factor that may affect physical activity throughout a person's life?
Answer: Poor eating habits are a controllable risk factor that may affect physical activity throughout a person's life. Nutrition plays a crucial role in providing energy for physical activity, and poor eating habits can lead to low energy levels, reduced endurance, and overall decreased motivation to engage in physical activities.

Question 11: Which of the following is a technology-based way to monitor physical activity?
Answer: Wearing a fitness tracker is a technology-based way to monitor physical activity. Fitness trackers, commonly worn as wristbands or smartwatches, can track metrics such as steps taken, distance traveled, calories burned, heart rate, and even sleep patterns, providing individuals with valuable information about their activity levels and progress.

Question 12: The fitness training principle used for gradually building up to a higher level is known as_______.
Answer: The fitness training principle used for gradually building up to a higher level is known as "progression." Progression involves progressively increasing the intensity, duration, or frequency of physical activity over time to stimulate further improvements in fitness and prevent plateaus.

Question 13: Finding a positive way to share your feelings with others can benefit your ________ wellbeing.
Answer: Finding a positive way to share your feelings with others can benefit your "social" wellbeing. Sharing emotions, thoughts, and experiences with others in a supportive and empathetic manner fosters social connections, communication skills, and a sense of belonging, which are important aspects of overall wellbeing.

Question 14: What is one action a person can take to help ensure ability to participate in physical activity throughout life?
Answer: One action a person can take to help ensure the ability to participate in physical activity throughout life is to "exercise regularly." Regular exercise helps maintain and improve various aspects of physical fitness, including cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and overall stamina, which are essential for engaging in physical activities in the long run.

Question 15: Which of the following is an example of a measurable goal?
Answer: "Jog for 10 minutes" is an example of a measurable goal. Measurable goals are specific and quantifiable, allowing progress to be tracked and evaluated. In this case, the goal of jogging for 10 minutes can be easily measured by using a stopwatch or a fitness tracker.

Question 16: A ________ is a risk associated with poor-fitting clothing that causes friction with another body part.
Answer: A "blister" is a risk associated with poor-fitting clothing that causes friction with another body part. When clothing rubs against the skin repeatedly, it can create friction leading to blisters, particularly in areas such as feet, hands, or thighs.

Question 17: Every afternoon before Dylan leaves for debate practice, he eats a bag of pretzels and drinks a sports drink. In the evening after he finishes his homework, he has a snack of either gelato or fruit bars. What area does Dylan need to strengthen, and how can he improve?
Answer: Dylan needs to strengthen his "Healthy eating" habits. Instead of consuming a bag of pretzels and a sports drink as an afternoon snack, he can replace these with healthier options such as fresh fruits, vegetables, or whole grain snacks. Similarly, instead of consuming gelato or fruit bars as an evening snack, Dylan can opt for more nutritious alternatives like yogurt or homemade smoothies.

Question 18: Lyla walks three times per week for 45 minutes at a speed of 4.0 miles per hour. She wants to increase her time. What should she do?
Answer: Lyla should "walk for 50 minutes" to increase her time. By extending the duration of her walks by 5 minutes, Lyla can gradually increase her overall walking time and challenge her endurance further.

Question 19: The fitness training principle used to adjust the effort level of a workout is known as ________.
Answer: The fitness training principle used to adjust the effort level of a workout is known as "intensity." Adjusting the intensity of a workout involves modifying variables such as resistance, speed, or load to ensure that the exercise is appropriately challenging for the individual and promotes desired fitness adaptations.

Question 20: Joaquin experiences a sharp pain in his side when he runs for an extended time. What can prevent Joaquin from experiencing side stitches in the future?
Answer: "Controlling his breathing while running" can help prevent Joaquin from experiencing side stitches in the future. Side stitches, also known as exercise-related transient abdominal pain (ETAP), are often caused by inadequate breathing techniques. Encouraging Joaquin to focus on deep, rhythmic breathing and avoiding shallow or erratic breathing patterns while running can help alleviate or prevent side stitches.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
"But at the same time, we know that ultimately, we are the ones responsible for what our kids eat. We're responsible for how much time they spend on the couch with that remote control. While we might not always feel like it, when it comes to our kids' health and well-being, we're the ones in charge" is the statement that would provide a possible rebuttal to the statement in question. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "a".
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
"But at the same time, we know that ultimately, we are the ones responsible for what our kids eat. We're responsible for how much time they spend on the couch with that remote control. While we might not always feel like it, when it comes to our kids' health and well-being, we're the ones in charge" is the statement that would provide a possible rebuttal to the statement in question. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "a".
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

A. "But at the same time, we know that ultimately, we are the ones responsible for what our kids eat. We're responsible for how much time they spend on the couch with that remote control. While we might not always feel like it, when it comes to our kids' health and well-being, we're the ones in charge."


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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The correct answer is “The authors include details about the changes in diets over time to inform readers about how sugar has transformed what we eat.” Although there is a hidden subtext that indicates that modern diets are indeed unhealthy because of the excessive intake of sugar, the author’s main concern is to illustrate above all the economic importance of sugar and how it affects other unrelated issues. It also provides hints as to what such importance means for nutrition, social justice and economic justice. The author does that by enumerating the historical facts about the indirect and direct effects of sugar on the lives of people (poor factory workers, slaves), the effect on the economy (the wealth they gained, the trade connections they made, and the banking systems they developed in the slave and sugar trade), the effect on culinary practices (jams, cakes, syrups, and tea) and finally its effects on human health (Americans eat an average of 140 pounds every year).

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The correct answer is “The authors include details about the changes in diets over time to inform readers about how sugar has transformed what we eat.” Although there is a hidden subtext that indicates that modern diets are indeed unhealthy because of the excessive intake of sugar, the author’s main concern is to illustrate above all the economic importance of sugar and how it affects other unrelated issues. It also provides hints as to what such importance means for nutrition, social justice and economic justice. The author does that by enumerating the historical facts about the indirect and direct effects of sugar on the lives of people (poor factory workers, slaves), the effect on the economy (the wealth they gained, the trade connections they made, and the banking systems they developed in the slave and sugar trade), the effect on culinary practices (jams, cakes, syrups, and tea) and finally its effects on human health (Americans eat an average of 140 pounds every year).

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

C.  The authors include details about how much sugar people have eaten over time to entertain readers with surprising statistics.

When looking at the excerpt, there are no arguments being made/defended.  As such, we can safely say this piece is not to persuade. While we do see details about the changes in diets, that information is in support of the statistics.  The statistics present are somewhat alarming, but this seems to be done for shock value or entertainment purposes only.  

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The authors include details about the changes in diets over time to inform readers about how sugar has transformed what we eat.

Option B.


The passage that has been shown above in the question talks about the change in the diet of the consumers from time to time with the development in the technology and ways of using and developing sugar.

The sugar that we eat today and the form in which we eat it today, it was never the same thing many years ago. From around 1800 the way and form of consumption of sugar was entirely different from the way it is done in the form today in different food items. This is what the passage in the question talks about.

Advanced Placement (AP)
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

the answer is below

Explanation: The independent variable is the experimental factor which is manipulated and the variable whose effects are being studied. The dependent variable is a variable that could change due to the independent variable. The independent variable is the different ways that Jennifer treats her puppies in order to bring them closer to what she wants in the agility competition. The dependent variable is how they puppies perform each day.

Behavioral shaping is a conditioning procedure where the reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of a desired behavior. Jennifer guided Sasha closer and closer to completing a behavior correctly, thus utilizing shaping in order to bring the puppy closer to what she wanted.

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