
What happens within the person who makes a great profit by cheating?

. 5


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In the poem "Barter" by Sara Teasdale, the meaning of "barter" goes beyond its literal definition of exchanging goods. The author employs word choice, figurative language, and poetic devices to convey a deeper meaning and set the tone of the poem. Teasdale uses the concept of "barter" as a metaphor for the way life should be lived. The poem suggests that instead of valuing material possessions or worldly gains, one should prioritize the intangible and beautiful aspects of life. The author encourages readers to exchange their worldly concerns for moments of loveliness, joy, and spiritual fulfillment.

Teasdale's word choice, such as "loveliness," "splendid," "holy thoughts," and "ecstasy," evoke a sense of beauty, wonder, and spiritual richness. The figurative language, including "blue waves whitened on a cliff" and "music like a curve of gold," paints vivid and captivating images, enhancing the poem's tone of enchantment and allure. The use of poetic devices, such as rhyme and rhythm, adds musicality and emphasizes the lyrical quality of the lines.


The speaker's purpose in "Acres of Diamonds" is to convey the viewpoint that opportunities for wealth and success are readily available to individuals in Philadelphia. The speaker emphasizes the idea that getting rich is not only possible but also a duty. The speaker's viewpoint is that pursuing wealth honestly is akin to preaching the gospel and that the majority of rich individuals are honest and trustworthy. To advance his purpose and convey his viewpoint, the speaker employs various rhetorical strategies. One such strategy is the use of anecdotal evidence, exemplified by the story of the diamond found in North Carolina and the professor's analysis of its origins. This story serves to illustrate the idea that valuable opportunities may be hidden in unexpected places.

The speaker also uses persuasive language and appeals to logic and reason. He asserts that the city of Philadelphia is uniquely suited for individuals to become wealthy quickly and honestly. By stating that the Queen of England's lack of jewels has diminished the need for diamonds, the speaker appeals to the audience's practicality and desire for financial gain. Additionally, the speaker employs repetition and direct address to engage the audience and reinforce his message. By repeatedly emphasizing the concept of "acres of diamonds" and directly addressing the audience, the speaker aims to inspire them to recognize the potential for wealth within their reach.


The main argument of the passage is that virtual friendships, despite their prevalence in a digital world, cannot provide the same level of emotional connection and support as face-to-face friendships. The author supports this argument by highlighting the limitations of online friendships, such as the lack of shared real-world experiences and the inability to convey nonverbal cues and emotions effectively. The author also references a study on communication that emphasizes the importance of body language and tone in conveying meaning.

The reasoning and evidence used to support the argument are valid, relevant, and sufficient. The author presents examples and explanations that demonstrate how online friendships may fall short in terms of emotional bonding, comfort, and understanding. By pointing out the potential misunderstandings and limitations of digital communication, the author strengthens the argument that in-person friendships offer more meaningful connections.

The author does not use false statements or fallacious reasoning to support the argument and claims. The reasoning is grounded in observations about human interaction and the limitations of digital communication. The evidence provided, such as the study on communication and the exploration of the nature of true friendships, aligns with common experiences and observations about the importance of physical presence and nonverbal cues in relationships.

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The excerpt that best describes how Diane Rodriguez is making a positive difference in the Latina community is option D:

"She has also reached an entirely new generation of young girls through her work writing and consulting on scripts [for] the Disney television show Elena of Avalor, which focuses on the adventures of a Latina princess." (paragraph 2)

This excerpt highlights how Diane Rodriguez has made a positive impact by contributing to the creation of a popular children's show that features a Latina princess as the main character. Through her work on "Elena of Avalor," she has helped bring representation and diversity to the entertainment industry, inspiring young Latina girls and providing them with a relatable role model. By showcasing a Latina princess and her adventures, Rodriguez has contributed to empowering and uplifting traditionally underrepresented voices in mainstream media.
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The statement that best supports the inference that Diane Rodriguez is still frustrated about being denied opportunities is option A: "But those in power still do not believe that" (paragraph 8).

In the given passage, Diane Rodriguez discusses the challenges she has faced as a Chicana theater artist. She mentions her attempts to gain entry into managerial and executive positions in the theater industry. She expresses her frustration that there have been very few women of color, particularly Latinas, in such leadership roles. In paragraph 8, she talks about the difficulties in gaining recognition and acceptance from those in power. The statement mentioned in option A reflects her frustration in facing skepticism and resistance from those individuals who do not believe in her ability to lead and make positive changes in the theater industry.

Option B refers to her attempts to get into certain doors, but it does not explicitly convey her frustration. Option C discusses her excitement about seeing actresses perform her work and create three-dimensional characters, which is not directly related to her frustration about being denied opportunities. Option D highlights the current challenges in the theater industry, but it does not specifically address her personal frustration about being denied opportunities.
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In the passage, Diane Rodriguez discusses the influence of her Latina heritage on her career and how it has shaped her storytelling. She expresses a strong connection to her roots and how they have grounded her throughout her journey in the theater industry. By examining different parts of the passage, we can determine how she develops the idea of celebrating her Latina roots.

In paragraph 3, Rodriguez mentions that she joined El Teatro Campesino after getting turned down by the California Institute of the Arts. She explains that this experience opened her eyes to new possibilities but also rooted her in her origins. She specifically mentions the fields and canneries where her parents worked, emphasizing that she never forgot her roots. This demonstrates her celebration of her Latina heritage by highlighting the work her parents did and the environments in which she grew up.

Additionally, in paragraph 10, Rodriguez reveals her desire to write plays about the middle class and struggles faced by Latinas in the United States. She feels it is important to represent this often overlooked section of the population, showcasing their investment in American values and their connection to their communities. By incorporating these stories into her plays, she continues to weave her heritage into her storytelling, celebrating her Latina roots.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. She explains how her heritage continues to be woven into her storytelling.
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The central idea in this passage is:

C. Creating new leadership means more people are represented.

Throughout the passage, Diane Rodriguez discusses the challenges she has faced as a Chicana theater artist, specifically highlighting the lack of representation and leadership opportunities for women of color in the theater industry. She emphasizes the need for diverse voices and perspectives to be heard and included in order to create a more inclusive and representative theater community. This central idea is supported by her experiences and observations throughout the passage.
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The details from the text that make the connection between women’s lack of rights in the household and the effect on children are:

1. "I do believe that this mode of kidnapping—and it is frequent enough in all classes of society—will be by the next age viewed as it is by Heaven now." This refers to the unfair treatment of women in the society which often subject them to the pain of losing their children to their husbands. This can have a negative impact on the children as they are forcibly separated from their mothers.

2. "I have known these kinds of men to steal their children, whom they knew they had no means to maintain, take them into corrupt company, and to expose them to bodily danger, just to assert their power over their wives." This statement explicitly illustrates the negative impact on children due to their mother's inferior position in the society. The power-tussle between parents and lack of rights for women lead to children being thrown into inappropriate environments, thereby negatively affecting their well-being and growth.

Both statements effectively establish the correlation between the lack of rights for women in a family and the accompanying consequence on the children as they become victims of their mothers' oppressed position within the marital structure.
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Question 1, Part A:
The key idea that Fuller develops in "Woman of the Nineteenth Century" is that men are denying women and enslaved people the unalienable rights they are born with.

Throughout the text, Fuller highlights the oppression faced by women in society and argues that they should have the same rights and privileges as men. She criticizes the way women are oppressed by their husbands and the broader society. Fuller believes that men should do more to help women and enslaved people function independently and that society should adapt to the needs of its members. These ideas align with the concept of unalienable rights, which are inherent and cannot be taken away by others.

Question 2, Part B:
The detail from the text that contributes to the development of the key idea identified in Part A is:

"The gift of reason, Man's highest prerogative, is assigned to them in much lower degrees. There exists in the minds of men a similar tone of feeling toward women as toward enslaved persons, such as is expressed in the common phrase, 'Tell that to women and children.'"

This detail showcases how women are viewed as inferior by men and draws a parallel between the treatment of women and enslaved persons. Both groups are not given the same respect and are often dismissed or not taken seriously. This detail supports the key idea that men are denying women and enslaved people their unalienable rights by highlighting the unequal treatment and disregard for their voices and intellect.
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Paragraph 4 contributes to the development of Fuller's argument for equality for women by presenting the counterargument of men that has hindered the advancement of women's rights. In this paragraph, Fuller addresses the perspective of those who believe that women should not be involved in politics or public life. She mentions how some argue that women should focus on their role within the home and that allowing them to participate in government or leadership positions would violate their delicacy and destroy the beauty of home. Fuller acknowledges the opposition's concern about introducing women into public spheres and provides arguments to counter these viewpoints. This paragraph helps to strengthen Fuller's argument by recognizing the opposing views and offering persuasive rebuttals to promote equality for women.
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Based on the passage, paragraph 8 suggests that Fuller believes that women are just as interested in public events and participation as men. The paragraph emphasizes that women, like men, seek opportunities for expansion and engagement outside of their domestic lives. Fuller argues that women are not content with solely fulfilling their roles in the home, and that they actively participate in social and public activities, such as attending religious festivals or engaging in charitable work. She rejects the notion that women should be confined to domesticity and highlights the importance of providing women with the same opportunities and freedoms as men to explore their interests and contribute to society. Therefore, the most accurate response is: "Fuller believes that women are just as interested in public events and participation as men."

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