
I’m not sure if I got this right can I get help

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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The description of Darry in paragraphs 21-22 primarily serves to:

b. emphasize how rational and tough-minded he is.

This is noted through several points made in the description including:

- "Darry is six-feet-two, and broad-shouldered and muscular,"
- "He’s got eyes that are like two pieces of pale blue-green ice. They’ve got a determined set to them, like the rest of him."
- "He looks older than twenty—tough, cool, and smart."
- "He doesn’t understand anything that is not plain hard fact. But he uses his head."

While other elements, like missing his parents (option a), Darry being cruel and unkind (option c), or drawing an unfavorable comparison between Darry and his dad (option d), might be subtly implied, they aren't the primary objective of these paragraphs.
The main focus remains on outlining Darry's rational, tough-minded character and the differences between him and his younger brother, Ponyboy.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The impact of the narrator's statement "And here we aren't, so quickly" on the passage as a whole is that it reveals the narrator's reflection on their life in a nostalgic and regretful manner. It suggests that time has passed by quickly, and the narrator is contemplating missed opportunities and the things that could have been. The statement conveys a sense of longing and sadness, as the narrator expresses disappointment about the unfulfilled potentials in their life. It indicates that the passage explores themes of lost time, missed connections, and the fleeting nature of existence. The narrator's reflection on their past highlights the importance of cherishing the present moment, as it's a reminder that life passes by quickly and that we should make the most of each experience. Therefore, option D, "It reveals that the narrator is looking back on their life while grieving their partner's death," is the most accurate interpretation of the impact of the statement on the passage as a whole.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

What is the author’s purpose for including the incident of the stolen fried doughnuts?

A) to demonstrate Peter's honesty

B) to show how hungry Peter constantly was

C) to illustrate that one is never too old to steal

D) to explain why he has a new perspective on life

For this one the answer is D ) to explain why he has a new perspective on life

What is the author’s purpose in including paragraphs 2-6?

A) to describe what the leaflet was claiming it could do

B) to make the reader aware that it was illegal to distribute such propaganda in public

C) to draw similarities between the leaflet and other religious pamphlets Peter had been given

D) to build suspense and internal conflict since neither the reader nor Peter knew the content of the leaflet

The answer is also D

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

When the author mentioned it "I thought we might drift apart a little when school work replaced camp counseling, but we've been even more inseparable since the summer ended. "No Filter," I captioned the summer album that showed the beginning of our friendship frame by frame." Then it shows the feeling of a friendship without prejudice was born. The term "No Filter" only denotes that both have met in a natural way, somewhat harmoniously, because nowadays many friendships are based on what people think of you, perhaps for status or personal interest, but in this case we can realize that there was a synchronicity between the will to make a better environment and the things that the characters had in common, leading to a pure and true friendship.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

When the author mentioned it "I thought we might drift apart a little when school work replaced camp counseling, but we've been even more inseparable since the summer ended. "No Filter," I captioned the summer album that showed the beginning of our friendship frame by frame." Then it shows the feeling of a friendship without prejudice was born. The term "No Filter" only denotes that both have met in a natural way, somewhat harmoniously, because nowadays many friendships are based on what people think of you, perhaps for status or personal interest, but in this case we can realize that there was a synchronicity between the will to make a better environment and the things that the characters had in common, leading to a pure and true friendship.

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