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. 4


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The best objective summary of the text is:

C. Calla Gibson reflects on the community of problem solvers by highlighting her experience at the Points of Light Conference. She discusses the importance of people coming together to recognize a need and find solutions to world issues.

The text primarily focuses on Calla Gibson's experience at the Points of Light Conference and her reflections on the community of problem solvers. She discusses the significance of recognizing needs and working together to find solutions for global issues. The other options do not accurately capture the main theme and points discussed in the text.
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For Janelle's research paper, the best advice for crafting the concluding paragraph would be option C: Emphasize the significance and implications of your research.

The concluding paragraph is meant to wrap up the essay and leave a lasting impression on the reader. It provides an opportunity for Janelle to reflect on the findings and arguments presented in the paper. By emphasizing the significance and implications of her research, Janelle can highlight the importance of her work and demonstrate the broader implications of her findings.

Restating the main points word for word (option A) may seem repetitive and can sometimes be confusing for the reader. It is better to summarize the main points concisely rather than providing a word-for-word repetition.

Including the strongest piece of evidence (option B) can be helpful in reinforcing the arguments and insights. However, it is more appropriate to include supporting evidence throughout the body of the essay. The concluding paragraph should focus on summarizing and reflecting on the research rather than introducing new evidence.

Introducing forgotten ideas (option D) should ideally be done within the body of the essay. The concluding paragraph is not the space to introduce new ideas, but rather to provide closure and reinforce the main points discussed in the paper.

Therefore, option C is the most appropriate advice for Janelle to follow as she crafts the final component of her essay.
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An effective research question based on the information in paragraph 4 would be:

C. Which local service projects have successfully expanded to the international level?

Paragraph 4 mentions the introduction of the Global track at the Conference on Volunteering and Service, highlighting the recognition of the service community for the need of international involvement and the expansion of outreach. The author also mentions being in China and participating in several service projects while utilizing the skills shared in the workshops. Therefore, a research question that focuses on identifying local service projects that have successfully expanded to an international level aligns with the information provided in paragraph 4.
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The piece of evidence from the article "For the Win: Problem-Solving People" that would best support Liam's claim that young adults who take part in advocacy programs are better equipped to solve life's challenges is option A.

In paragraph 5, it states, ""it was about coming together…to engage, empower and inspire, so that together we can grow through the creation of solutions to the problems that we each recognize..." This passage highlights the importance of working collectively to address and solve problems. It suggests that through advocacy programs, young adults learn how to engage with others, empower themselves and others, and find inspiration to create solutions. By participating in these programs, young adults gain the skills and mindset needed to tackle life's challenges effectively.

Option B mentions the various issues that exist, but it does not directly link them to the benefits of participation in advocacy programs. Option C talks about the projects and initiatives of Calla Gilson, but it does not explicitly connect her involvement to the development of problem-solving skills. Option D discusses the author's initial expectations of the conference but does not directly pertain to the claim about youth advocacy programs and their impact on problem-solving abilities.

Therefore, option A is the most relevant evidence to support Liam's claim.
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The sentence from the passage that develops the idea that the Points of Light Conference is inspiring is:

D. "The enthusiasm of each individual who attended the conference was undeniably contagious." (paragraph 5)

This sentence conveys the idea that the conference was filled with enthusiastic individuals whose energy and passion were infectious. This suggests that the conference was inspiring because it created an atmosphere of support, optimism, and motivation among the attendees. The contagious enthusiasm of the participants implies that they were inspired by the conference and its focus on service, problem-solving, and making a positive impact on their communities.
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In paragraph 5, the author describes problem-solving as a "productive fire" fed by "kindling of enthusiasm." This word choice reveals the author's tone in the article as option C - It parallels her own excitement for not only making a difference, but inspiring others to do so as well.

The use of the phrase "productive fire" suggests that the author sees problem-solving as a source of energy and progress. By comparing it to a fire, the author implies that problem-solving can ignite passion and motivation in individuals. This choice of words conveys the author's own excitement and enthusiasm for making a difference.

Additionally, the mention of "kindling of enthusiasm" further emphasizes the author's tone. Kindling refers to small, dry materials used to start a fire. By using this metaphor, the author implies that enthusiasm is the fuel that drives problem-solving. This suggests that the author believes in the power of enthusiasm to inspire and mobilize others.

Overall, the author's choice of words in this paragraph reveals a tone of passion and inspiration, encouraging others to join in the efforts of problem-solving and making a positive impact.
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In the passage, the information is treated differently compared to the photograph. The correct answer is C. The passage focuses on the results of advocacy, while the photograph focuses on areas that need advocacy.

In the passage, the main focus is on the advocacy work of Calla Gilson, a young advocate for local migrant workers and the educational needs of migrant youth. It mentions her involvement in various projects, raising awareness about the challenges affecting migrant youth, and her role in different youth development programs and advisory boards. The passage highlights the achievements and initiatives of Calla, emphasizing the positive outcomes of her advocacy work.

On the other hand, the photograph depicts children of migrant workers posing at the entrance to El Rio FSA Camp in El Rio, California in 1941. The photograph serves as a visual representation of the living conditions and challenges faced by migrant workers and their families. It provides a glimpse into the areas that needed advocacy and support, showcasing the reality and experiences of the migrant worker community.

Therefore, while the passage focuses on the outcomes and positive results of advocacy work, the photograph highlights the areas that require advocacy and support.
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In paragraph 4, Calla Gilson discusses her experience attending the Conference on Volunteering and Service, specifically highlighting the impact of the conference and the empowerment it provides to attendees. The question asks which sentence best describes the relevancy of the evidence provided in paragraph 4.

The correct answer is C. The evidence is relevant because it shows Gibson is using what she heard at the conference to engage in service while studying in China.

This answer is supported by the following statement from paragraph 4: "I write this blog from China, and while the focus of my visit is on language immersion, I am enjoying learning about the societal norms for service. My group will be partaking in several service projects in which I will be able to utilize the skills shared in the workshops." This sentence clearly demonstrates that the evidence is relevant because it shows how Gilson is applying the knowledge and inspiration gained from the conference to engage in service projects while studying abroad in China.
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In this passage, the author discusses their experience attending the Points of Light Conference on Volunteering and Service and highlights the importance of problem-solving and community engagement. The author also mentions the empowerment and enthusiasm that comes from connecting with others who advocate for change.

To answer the question, "How does the author introduce the idea that there are ways to get inspired and motivated to connect with others who also advocate for change?", we need to identify the part of the passage that addresses this concept.

Looking at the passage, it is evident that the author discusses various aspects of the conference and the impact it had on them. In paragraph 2, the author emphasizes the service community's ability to recognize needs, work towards solutions, and invites others to be part of something greater than themselves through giving back. They describe this innovation as ingenious and a mainstay of productivity.

Furthermore, in paragraph 5, the author praises the collective can-do attitude and enthusiasm of the conference attendees, which created an atmosphere of support and optimism. They highlight that this enthusiasm is an essential component of the problem-solving formula and is fueled by the kindling of enthusiasm. The author acknowledges that embracing change and denying the "impossible" helps nurture the growth of the community.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is:
C. by providing examples of people she has worked with in her quest to change the world.
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The correct answer to the question "What is one way the author develops the central idea that collective problem-solving is effective?" is:

B. by explaining that those who conference with others on problem-solving become inspired to bring change to their community.

In the text, the author describes the Points of Light 2013 Conference on Volunteering and Service, where various workshops are held to address different social issues. The author mentions that during these workshops, the attendees recognize the need for collective problem-solving and are inspired to make a difference in their communities. This evidence demonstrates how the author develops the idea that collective problem-solving is effective by highlighting the impact and inspiration gained from attending conferences and collaborating with others.

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