
Give me an answer of how can a compass could of work?

. 4


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Step-by-step explanation:

(a)(i) The average rate of change is:

(895 − 455) / (250 − 150)


(a)(ii) Since the profit is linear, the slope of the line is equal to the average rate of change.  Using point-slope form:

y − 455 = 4.4 (x − 150)

Simplifying to slope-intercept form:

y − 455 = 4.4x − 660

y = 4.4x − 205

(a)(iii) The break-even point is when the profit is 0.

0 = 4.4x − 205

4.4x = 205

x = 46.6

(b)(i) The "demand function" is the selling pice of the compasses:

p = 40 − 4q²

where p is the price in dollars and q is the quantity in millions of units.

Profit is revenue minus cost.

P = R − C

P = pq − 15q

P = (p − 15) q

P = (25 − 4q²) q

P = 25q − 4q³

where P is the profit in millions of dollars and q is the quantity in millions of units.

(b)(ii) Find values of q when P = 18.

18 = 25q − 4q³

4q³ − 25q + 18 = 0

We know that q=2 is a root of this equation.  Using grouping:

4q³ − 8q² + 8q² − 25q + 18 = 0

4q² (q − 2) + (q − 2) (8q − 9) = 0

(q − 2) (4q² + 8q − 9) = 0

4q² + 8q − 9 = 0

Solve with quadratic formula.

x = [ -b ± √(b² − 4ac) ] / 2a

q = [ -8 ± √(8² − 4(4)(-9)) ] / 2(4)

q = (-8 ± √208) / 8

q = (-8 ± 4√13) / 8

q = (-2 ± √13) / 2

Since q is positive, q = (-2 + √13) / 2, or approximately 0.803.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Step-by-step explanation:

(a)(i) The average rate of change is:

(895 − 455) / (250 − 150)


(a)(ii) Since the profit is linear, the slope of the line is equal to the average rate of change.  Using point-slope form:

y − 455 = 4.4 (x − 150)

Simplifying to slope-intercept form:

y − 455 = 4.4x − 660

y = 4.4x − 205

(a)(iii) The break-even point is when the profit is 0.

0 = 4.4x − 205

4.4x = 205

x = 46.6

(b)(i) The "demand function" is the selling pice of the compasses:

p = 40 − 4q²

where p is the price in dollars and q is the quantity in millions of units.

Profit is revenue minus cost.

P = R − C

P = pq − 15q

P = (p − 15) q

P = (25 − 4q²) q

P = 25q − 4q³

where P is the profit in millions of dollars and q is the quantity in millions of units.

(b)(ii) Find values of q when P = 18.

18 = 25q − 4q³

4q³ − 25q + 18 = 0

We know that q=2 is a root of this equation.  Using grouping:

4q³ − 8q² + 8q² − 25q + 18 = 0

4q² (q − 2) + (q − 2) (8q − 9) = 0

(q − 2) (4q² + 8q − 9) = 0

4q² + 8q − 9 = 0

Solve with quadratic formula.

x = [ -b ± √(b² − 4ac) ] / 2a

q = [ -8 ± √(8² − 4(4)(-9)) ] / 2(4)

q = (-8 ± √208) / 8

q = (-8 ± 4√13) / 8

q = (-2 ± √13) / 2

Since q is positive, q = (-2 + √13) / 2, or approximately 0.803.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Step-by-step explanation:

(a)(i) The average rate of change is:

(895 − 455) / (250 − 150)


(a)(ii) Since the profit is linear, the slope of the line is equal to the average rate of change.  Using point-slope form:

y − 455 = 4.4 (x − 150)

Simplifying to slope-intercept form:

y − 455 = 4.4x − 660

y = 4.4x − 205

(a)(iii) The break-even point is when the profit is 0.

0 = 4.4x − 205

4.4x = 205

x = 46.6

(b)(i) The "demand function" is the selling pice of the compasses:

p = 40 − 4q²

where p is the price in dollars and q is the quantity in millions of units.

Profit is revenue minus cost.

P = R − C

P = pq − 15q

P = (p − 15) q

P = (25 − 4q²) q

P = 25q − 4q³

where P is the profit in millions of dollars and q is the quantity in millions of units.

(b)(ii) Find values of q when P = 18.

18 = 25q − 4q³

4q³ − 25q + 18 = 0

We know that q=2 is a root of this equation.  Using grouping:

4q³ − 8q² + 8q² − 25q + 18 = 0

4q² (q − 2) + (q − 2) (8q − 9) = 0

(q − 2) (4q² + 8q − 9) = 0

4q² + 8q − 9 = 0

Solve with quadratic formula.

x = [ -b ± √(b² − 4ac) ] / 2a

q = [ -8 ± √(8² − 4(4)(-9)) ] / 2(4)

q = (-8 ± √208) / 8

q = (-8 ± 4√13) / 8

q = (-2 ± √13) / 2

Since q is positive, q = (-2 + √13) / 2, or approximately 0.803.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist


1- He started his speech making reference to the sky and it´s infinit limits, mentioning their birth rights as part of the land , the country and the spirits that sorround that area.

2- The white ones wanted to eliminate the Native Americans´culture from the American continent, but he made some comments on their culture and beliefs. For him the mith is truely relevant because he mentions that the natives still pay homage to teir deads. They leave the alive world but are still walking around them, observing, communicating and influencing their acts.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master


1- He started his speech making reference to the sky and it´s infinit limits, mentioning their birth rights as part of the land , the country and the spirits that sorround that area.

2- The white ones wanted to eliminate the Native Americans´culture from the American continent, but he made some comments on their culture and beliefs. For him the mith is truely relevant because he mentions that the natives still pay homage to teir deads. They leave the alive world but are still walking around them, observing, communicating and influencing their acts.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The theme of this passage can be identified as: C. Respect and compassion lead to loyalty.

Throughout the passage, we see John Thornton's deep care and compassion for Buck, the dog. Despite his fear for Buck's safety, Thornton is willing to let Buck attempt a difficult task to save face and not refuse the bet. He recognizes Buck's potential and wants to support him. Buck, in turn, feels a strong sense of loyalty towards Thornton, as shown when he whines with eagerness when Thornton whispers in his ear and grabs Thornton's hand with his teeth. Thornton's respect and compassion towards Buck ultimately lead to a loyal bond between them.

This theme is supported by the interactions between the characters and the reactions of the crowd. The crowd admires Buck's appearance and physical capabilities, but their admiration is not enough for them to loosen their pouch-strings and bet on Buck's success. It is Thornton's deep connection and understanding of Buck that creates the trust and loyalty between them.

Therefore, the theme that emerges from this passage is that respect and compassion lead to loyalty.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Option: C is the correct answer.

C) Use the straightedge to draw the line through points C and D.

Step-by-step explanation:

Katie is constructing the circumscribed circle for △RST.

The next step in the construction of the circumscribed circle is:

Use the straightedge to draw the line through points C and D.

( Since on drawing a straight edge that passes through point C and D we get a point where the line AB and CD meets that point will be considered as the center of the circumscribed circle ).

Hence, option: C is correct.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Byzantine Empire



Treaty of Tordesillas

John Cabot



Great Dying



Answers may vary. Europeans were motivated to explore for several reasons. First, they wanted to control trade with Asia. Since the fall of the Byzantine Empire, Europeans had to trade with Muslim middlemen, making it much more expensive to buy goods from Asia. They wanted to find a quicker way to the east so they could trade directly with the far eastern Asian powers. Second, they were motivated to explore because they had the technology that made it possible in the fifteenth century. They had the astrolabe, compasses, and the caravel, which all made long-distance navigation by sea possible. Third, they wanted to expand their empires, especially to spread Christianity. This was especially true of Spain, which saw exploration as an extension of the Reconquista.

Answers may vary. Strong answers would include the following: a description of two to three main ideas about the Reformation and exploration, followed by an analysis of how those main ideas challenged something about European society. The analysis should include examples from the reading.


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