
Explain Java or Java language??

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09.07.2023, solved by verified expert
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Explain Java or Java language??, №18009825, 30.04.2023 11:56

Java is a general-purpose, class-based, object-oriented programming language designed for having lesser implementation dependencies. It is a computing platform for application development. Java is fast, secure, and reliable, therefore. It is widely used for developing Java applications in laptops, data centers, game consoles, scientific supercomputers, cell phones, etc.

★ What is Java used for?

Here are some important Java applications:

• It is used for developing Android Apps.

• Helps you to create Enterprise Software.

• Wide range of Mobile java Applications.

• Scientific Computing Applications.

• Use for Big Data Analytics.

• Java Programming of Hardware devices.

• Used for Server-Side Technologies like Apache, JBoss, GlassFish, etc.

★ What is Java Platform?

Java Platform is a collection of programs that help programmers to develop and run Java programming applications efficiently. It includes an execution engine, a compiler, and a set of libraries in it. It is a set of computer software and specifications. James Gosling developed the Java platform at Sun Microsystems, and the Oracle Corporation later acquired it.

Explain Java or Java language??, №18009825, 30.04.2023 11:56
It is was helpful?


Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

Java is a general-purpose, class-based, object-oriented programming language designed for having lesser implementation dependencies. It is a computing platform for application development. Java is fast, secure, and reliable, therefore. It is widely used for developing Java applications in laptops, data centers, game consoles, scientific supercomputers, cell phones, etc.

★ What is Java used for?

Here are some important Java applications:

• It is used for developing Android Apps.

• Helps you to create Enterprise Software.

• Wide range of Mobile java Applications.

• Scientific Computing Applications.

• Use for Big Data Analytics.

• Java Programming of Hardware devices.

• Used for Server-Side Technologies like Apache, JBoss, GlassFish, etc.

★ What is Java Platform?

Java Platform is a collection of programs that help programmers to develop and run Java programming applications efficiently. It includes an execution engine, a compiler, and a set of libraries in it. It is a set of computer software and specifications. James Gosling developed the Java platform at Sun Microsystems, and the Oracle Corporation later acquired it.

Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

I can help with most of these!

#1: Explain the use of logic gates.

Logic gates are comparisons to operations that are performed in the CPU using keywords such as, OR, XOR, NOT, AND, NAND, XNOR, and NOR.

#2: refers to logic in programming and errors in program code.

BUGS refers to logic in programming and errors in program code.

#3: What type of software resides on a computer’s hard drive, and controls the CPU and all other activity between components?

The operating system!

#4: Why are high-level languages easier for humans to understand?

They are written with human-friendly words that humans understand.

#5:  Which component receives data and loads it into memory for use?

The CU!

#6: Explain why a CPU’s speed is affected by the number of buses.

Each bus is basically a highway on the motherboard that is enabling data transfers from and to the CPU. So, since there are numerous buses, large amounts of data are being transferred. This is how the CPU's speed is affected.

#7: What's the keyword for a field that stores a true/false value?


#9: How is Windows 8 different from an Internet browser such as Firefox?

Windows 8 is system software; Firefox is application software.

#10:  Which computer programming language would be most easy to understand if you have never seen it before? Choose the best answer.

Javascript language!

#11: Which part of the CPU provides access to the external cache unit and other CPUs on the motherboard?

The southbridge!

#14: What is a user-friendly software program that displays information to the user, accepts input from the user, and provides output for the user?

Human-computer interface!

#15:  What is a group of printable characters enclosed within double quotation marks called?

String Literal!

#16: Which component comprises the central processing unit?

The Control unit!

#17: What typically handles communications among the CPU, in some cases RAM, PCI Express (or AGP) video cards, and the southbrige?

The northbridge!

#18: Explain why clock speed is used to measure a computer’s speed in calculation and processing data.

Clock speed is the measurement of how many cycles a CPU can process. When the processor speed or CPU is compared to different computers, the higher the clock speed is, the more efficient and faster the computer will run.

#19: Choose the following components that are controlled by the motherboard.

The CPU cooling fan, power supply and internal speaker are all controlled by the motherboard.

#21: When does the ALU get activated? Choose the most appropriate answer.

Once an instruction that involves a calculation comes to the CPU.

#22: Which of the following makes up binary code?

1s and 0s!

Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

I can help with most of these!

#1: Explain the use of logic gates.

Logic gates are comparisons to operations that are performed in the CPU using keywords such as, OR, XOR, NOT, AND, NAND, XNOR, and NOR.

#2: refers to logic in programming and errors in program code.

BUGS refers to logic in programming and errors in program code.

#3: What type of software resides on a computer’s hard drive, and controls the CPU and all other activity between components?

The operating system!

#4: Why are high-level languages easier for humans to understand?

They are written with human-friendly words that humans understand.

#5:  Which component receives data and loads it into memory for use?

The CU!

#6: Explain why a CPU’s speed is affected by the number of buses.

Each bus is basically a highway on the motherboard that is enabling data transfers from and to the CPU. So, since there are numerous buses, large amounts of data are being transferred. This is how the CPU's speed is affected.

#7: What's the keyword for a field that stores a true/false value?


#9: How is Windows 8 different from an Internet browser such as Firefox?

Windows 8 is system software; Firefox is application software.

#10:  Which computer programming language would be most easy to understand if you have never seen it before? Choose the best answer.

Javascript language!

#11: Which part of the CPU provides access to the external cache unit and other CPUs on the motherboard?

The southbridge!

#14: What is a user-friendly software program that displays information to the user, accepts input from the user, and provides output for the user?

Human-computer interface!

#15:  What is a group of printable characters enclosed within double quotation marks called?

String Literal!

#16: Which component comprises the central processing unit?

The Control unit!

#17: What typically handles communications among the CPU, in some cases RAM, PCI Express (or AGP) video cards, and the southbrige?

The northbridge!

#18: Explain why clock speed is used to measure a computer’s speed in calculation and processing data.

Clock speed is the measurement of how many cycles a CPU can process. When the processor speed or CPU is compared to different computers, the higher the clock speed is, the more efficient and faster the computer will run.

#19: Choose the following components that are controlled by the motherboard.

The CPU cooling fan, power supply and internal speaker are all controlled by the motherboard.

#21: When does the ALU get activated? Choose the most appropriate answer.

Once an instruction that involves a calculation comes to the CPU.

#22: Which of the following makes up binary code?

1s and 0s!

Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

Solution :


import Controller.Controller;

import Model.Model;

import View.View;  

public class App


public static void main(String[] args) // Main method


Model model = new Model(); // Creates model object.    

View view = new View(); // Creates view object.    

Controller controller = new Controller(view, model); // Creates controller object that accepts view and model objects.    




package Controller;  

\text{impor}t \text{ Model.Model;}

import View.View;  

\text{public class Controller}


Model model; // Model object    

View view; // View object

public Controller(View v, Model m) // Method that imports both model and view classes as objects.


model = m;    

view = v;  

//view.basicDisplay(model.getData()); // basicDisplay method from View class prints FootballPlayer objects as Strings from Model class.  





view.basicDisplay("size of names=" + model.getMembers().get(1).getAttributeNames().size());    

view.basicDisplay("size of attributes=" + model.getMembers().get(1).getAttributes().size());




package Model;  

import java.util.ArrayList;  

public class FootballPlayer extends Person implements TableMember { // Used "extends" keyword to inherit attributes from superclass Person, while using "implements" to implement methods from TableMember interface.    

private int number; // Creating private attribute for int number.    

private String position; // Creating private attribute for String position.  

public FootballPlayer(String name, int feet, int inches, int weight, String hometown, String highSchool, int number, String position) // Full parameter constructor for FootballPlayer object (using "super" keyword to incorporate attributes from superclass).


super(name, feet, inches, weight, hometown, highSchool); // Used super keyword to include attributes from superclass.  

this.number = number; // Value assigned from getNumber method to private number instance variable for FootballPlayer object.  

this.position = position; // Value assigned from getPosition method to private position instance variable for FootballPlayer object.    


public FootballPlayer() // No parameter constructor for FootballPlayer object.


this.number = 0; // Default value assigned to private number instance variable under no parameter constructor for FootballPlayer object.    

this.position = "N/A"; // Default value assigned to private position instance variable under no parameter constructor for FootballPlayer object.    



public String getAttribute(int n) // getAttribute method that is implemented from interface.


switch (n) { // Switch statement for each attribute from each FootballPlayer object. Including two local attributes, denoted by this. While the others are denoted by "super".

case 0:

return String.valueOf(this.number); // Use of the dot operator allowed me to discover String.valueOf method to output int attributes as a string.

case 1:

return this.position;

case 2:

return super.getName();

case 3:

return super.getHeight().toString();

case 4:

return String.valueOf(super.getWeight());

case 5:

return super.getHometown();

case 6:

return super.getHighSchool();


return ("invalid input parameter");




public ArrayList<String> getAttributes() // getAttributes ArrayList method that is implemented from interface.


ArrayList<String> getAttributes = new ArrayList<>();    

for(int i = 0; i <= 6; i++){ // For loop to add each attribute to the getAttributes ArrayList from getAttributes method.    



return getAttributes;



public String getAttributeName(int n) // getAttributeName method implemented from interface.


switch (n) { // Switch statement for the name of each attribute from each FootballPlayer object.

case 0:

return "number";

case 1:

return "position";

case 2:

return "name";

case 3:

return "height";

case 4:

return "weight";

case 5:

return "hometown";

case 6:

return "highSchool";


return ("invalid input parameter");



Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.


"D" option is correct

           "Each statement needs to end in a semicolon."

semicolon must use in program.without semicolon program doesn't accept.so each statement needs to end in a semicolon.

Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.


"D" option is correct

           "Each statement needs to end in a semicolon."

semicolon must use in program.without semicolon program doesn't accept.so each statement needs to end in a semicolon.

Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The difference to this question can be defined as follows:


Java language processor:

In java, it uses both compiler and interpreter.It uses high-level data is translated by java computer to byte-code, and by this, it transfers to an element, through either java interpreter or the Just-in-time, into electronic format Just-in-time compiler optimizations are generally preferred to the interpretation so because the process is slowed down. Its state of development of java bytecode is moderate (this byte code can run on any machine, on any operating system), therefore JAVA is an independent platform language.

C++ language processor:

In C++, it uses the only compiler. The software is preserved with the .cpp extension. so, that it can be converted to allelopathy of the c++ COMPILER, high - level language. The creation of the byte code is no intermediary, and it is not an independent platform.
Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The difference to this question can be defined as follows:


Java language processor:

In java, it uses both compiler and interpreter.It uses high-level data is translated by java computer to byte-code, and by this, it transfers to an element, through either java interpreter or the Just-in-time, into electronic format Just-in-time compiler optimizations are generally preferred to the interpretation so because the process is slowed down. Its state of development of java bytecode is moderate (this byte code can run on any machine, on any operating system), therefore JAVA is an independent platform language.

C++ language processor:

In C++, it uses the only compiler. The software is preserved with the .cpp extension. so, that it can be converted to allelopathy of the c++ COMPILER, high - level language. The creation of the byte code is no intermediary, and it is not an independent platform.
Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

userAge ( C )


The option (C) is called a camel case and it is used in JavaScript language to to form JavaScript variable name more frequently. it is legal and a good style as well  because it is used to different variable names as well.

The option ( B ) is known as pascal case and it can be used in various languages as well, it is used to form a more general variable name and it is not considered a good style in JavaScript language when a specific variable name is to be formed. it is not considered a very good style and it is not very much used like the camel case in JavaScript language.

Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

// Here is code in Java.

// import package

import java.util.*;

// class definition

class Main


   // main method of the class

public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception



   // variables

    final int CENTS_PER_POUND = 25;

    final int FLAT_FEE_CENTS = 75;

    // Scanner object to read input

   Scanner sr=new Scanner(System.in);

   System.out.print("Enter the shipping weight:");

   // read the input weight

   int shipWeightPounds=sr.nextInt();

   // calculate total cost

  int shipCostCents = (shipWeightPounds * CENTS_PER_POUND) + FLAT_FEE_CENTS;

  // print Weight

  System.out.println("shipping  Weight: " + shipWeightPounds);

  // print flat fee

     System.out.println("flat fee of shipping in cents : " + FLAT_FEE_CENTS);

     // print cents per round

     System.out.println("Cents/pound for shipping: " + CENTS_PER_POUND);

     // print cost of Shipping

    System.out.println("total cost of shipping in cents: " + shipCostCents);



   }catch(Exception ex){





Declare and initialize two constant variables "CENTS_PER_POUND=25" & "FLAT_FEE_CENTS = 75". Read the input weight from user with the help of Scanner class object. Then  calculate the cost of shipping by multiply weight with cent per pound and add flat fee. Then print each of them.


Enter the shipping weight:12                                                                                                                                  

shipping  Weight : 12                                                                                                                                        

flat fee of shipping in cents: 75                                                                                                                              

Cents/pound for shipping: 25                                                                                                                                  

total cost of shipping in cents: 375  

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