English : asked on jamallcoley

Now consider what types of things women can do in our society that men cannot and what types of things men can do in our society that women cannot. List what these things are and explain how our society enforces these rules and expectations with thorough and detailed explanations.

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27.02.2023, solved by verified expert
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I can provide a general explanation of the historical and social factors that have led to gender-based discrimination and how it has been perpetuated in our society.

Historically, gender roles have been established based on social and cultural norms. In many societies, men were traditionally considered the breadwinners, responsible for financial support of the family, while women were expected to take care of the household and children. This division of labor created a system of gender-based discrimination, which has persisted over time.

In modern society, gender-based discrimination manifests in various forms, such as differences in pay, job opportunities, and access to education. There are also certain activities and behaviors that are associated with specific gender roles and that are socially enforced. For example, some of the things that women can do in our society that men cannot include:

Giving birth: Biologically, only women have the ability to carry and give birth to children. However, this natural difference has been used to enforce gender-based stereotypes and discriminate against women in other areas, such as employment and education.

Breastfeeding: Women have the ability to produce milk and breastfeed their infants, which is often seen as a maternal duty. However, societal norms around breastfeeding have led to public shaming and discrimination against women who choose to breastfeed in public.

Wearing certain types of clothing: In many societies, there are specific types of clothing that are associated with femininity, such as dresses and skirts. While women are generally free to wear any type of clothing they choose, men are often discouraged from wearing clothing traditionally associated with women.

On the other hand, some of the things that men can do in our society that women cannot include:

Holding positions of power: In many industries, men hold a disproportionate amount of leadership positions. This is partly due to societal expectations that men are better suited for leadership roles, as well as systemic biases that limit women's opportunities for advancement.

Participating in certain sports or activities: There are certain sports or activities that are traditionally associated with masculinity, such as football and weightlifting. Women who participate in these activities may face discrimination and lack of support.

Being assertive: Men are often expected to be assertive and confident, while women who display these same traits may be seen as aggressive or unlikeable. This can lead to discrimination in the workplace and other areas.

Overall, gender-based discrimination is a complex issue that is perpetuated by societal norms and biases. It is important to challenge these norms and promote gender equality by providing equal opportunities and support for all individuals, regardless of their gender.


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Please, see below:

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Thoreau states, “… When an acorn and a chestnut fall side by side… bothobey their own laws…” (3). This can be interpreted as success being obtainable withoutthe assistance of another. The acorn and the chestnut are two individuals that are uniquein their own way yet had the same result. The same goes for people; for those reachingthe same goal as another, it is much better to do it under your qualities and your own way.The purpose of this passage was for Thoreau to inform his audience on his viewson the government and its negative affects on civilization. With its restrictions, peoplecannot fully live up to their potential because the bureaucracy will always limit them.Thoreau wants his audience to become successful in their own manor and uses theserhetorical devices to sync with his readers

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


According to the students learn in different ways such example as games, animations, family, and the school etc.

Step-by-step explanation:

The term student refers to learn the knowledge and the development of the body. They also the gain the experience. The students are the learn as the under the guidance of the teacher. The teacher is the teach to the students. The student is the learn on the different ways to the consumption of the different knowledge.

According to the student are the learn on the different ways are;

Animation video to the easily describe the concept and the remember to the easy in the task.

Games are the learn to mistakes not to repeated.

Family are the firstly teach to the student.

School are the teacher to the guide in the career.

As a result, the student is the learn on the different in the way.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Please, see below:

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Based on the context of the presented proposal, we can give such a definition:
Reverence is a feeling of deep respect or awe, in this case for nature. Reverence can be a feeling of awe, and it can also describe how you feel about something, especially.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


check below

Step-by-step explanation:

George and Lennie dream of getting their own farm. George wants the independence that comes with owning his own land, and Lennie wants to have rabbits. Their dream is the central theme in the story. It is their dream that brings them to the ranch, and that dream spreads to Candy and Crooks.

George is small while Lennie is burly in terms of physical size. George is cunning and calculating while Lennie is obtuse and carefree. But from the early scene where the two stopped to drink water, you can already perceive that George is the one who looks after Lennie.

Lennie and George have an argument over a mouse that Lennie has petted a little too hard and long. Lennie wants to keep the dead mouse in his pocket, but George throws it away.

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P Answered by PhD


Answer is in an image

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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


This phrase means that Rip Van Winkle's son took the time and did anything but his business.
He inherited this trait from his father.

Step-by-step explanation:

"To make a long story short, the company broke up, and returned to the more important concerns of the election. Rip's daughter took him home to live with her ; she had a snug, well-furnished house, and a stout, cheery farmer for a husband, whom Rip 660 recollected for one of the urchins that used to climb upon his back. As to Rip's son and heir, who was the ditto of himselt, seen leaning against the tree, he was employed to Avork on the farm ; but evinced a hereditary disposition to attend to anything else but 665 his business."

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Macbeth is Duncan's kinsman and his subject. Duncan is a good king and virtuous man; he has done no particular evil. Duncan is a popular king, and his death would bring sorrow and unrest upon Scotland.

Despite the many reasons Macbeth provides for not killing Duncan, he succumbs to his ambition and follows his wife's bloody plans. Macbeth worries about getting caught, feels Duncan has not done anything to deserve being killed, and believes a host should not kill a guest.

Basically, Macbeth would be violating every rule of gracious hosting by killing Duncan while he is staying at his home.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Answer: B. to help readers understand the context.

As many of the motivations for the characters and the way the setting works according to any specific period or society influence the context of a story it is a very functional tool for author to set the mood of the story, it will not always be the same this will be changing according to the development of both the story and the characters and that's why it helps readers not only to connect with the story but to get it better.

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