
create a thesis and rebuttal for the following prompt

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14.04.2023, solved by verified expert
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Thesis: In "The Great Gatsby," Fitzgerald's claim that individuals are constantly struggling against the past and cannot escape it is valid, as demonstrated by Gatsby's failed attempts to reclaim his past with Daisy and the societal emphasis on wealth and status.

Rebuttal: While it is true that Gatsby is unable to fully escape his past, there are instances in the novel where characters are able to move beyond their past and achieve a better future. For example, Nick is able to leave his past behind and start anew in the Midwest, and even Gatsby himself was able to accumulate wealth and status despite his impoverished beginnings. Additionally, Fitzgerald's claim may be overly pessimistic and fail to recognize the agency individuals have in shaping their own futures.

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P Answered by Studen AI
When creating a well-crafted thesis statement, it is important to consider the option C, which states that a thesis statement should be debatable. Let me explain why.

A thesis statement is a concise and clear statement that presents the main idea or argument of an essay or research paper. It serves as a roadmap for the reader and gives direction to the entire paper. A well-crafted thesis statement is crucial because it sets the tone and establishes the purpose of your work.

Now, let's look at each option and analyze why option C is the correct choice.

A. A thesis statement should have a rebuttal:
Including a rebuttal in a thesis statement is not necessary. A rebuttal is a counter-argument to your main point, and while it is important to consider opposing viewpoints in your essay, it is not a requirement for a thesis statement. The thesis statement should focus on presenting your main argument or idea, not anticipating counter-arguments.

B. A thesis statement should be very broad:
Having a broad thesis statement can result in a lack of focus and clarity in your essay. A well-crafted thesis statement should be specific, concise, and narrow enough to be effectively supported and discussed in the body of your paper. A broad thesis statement may lead to a lack of coherence and difficulty in addressing the main point.

C. A thesis statement should be debatable:
This is the most important characteristic of a well-crafted thesis statement. A thesis statement should present an argument that can be supported or refuted based on evidence and logical reasoning. If a thesis statement is not debatable, it is merely a statement of fact or an opinion without any room for discussion. A strong thesis statement should raise questions or invite different perspectives, which will make your essay more engaging and thought-provoking.

D. A thesis statement should have three sentences:
The length of a thesis statement is not determined by the number of sentences it contains. In fact, a thesis statement is generally a single sentence that succinctly expresses the main idea or argument of your paper. The primary goal is to provide a clear and concise statement that guides your writing.

In conclusion, when creating a well-crafted thesis statement, it is important to consider that it should be debatable. This ensures that your thesis statement presents a strong argument or main idea that can be explored further in your essay. A debatable thesis statement allows for critical thinking, analysis, and the development of a coherent and persuasive essay.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The correct answer is C. A thesis statement should be debatable.


A thesis statement is a sentence or statement that guides the process of writing an essay or arguing a position or claim about some situation or issue.  Because of this an appropriate and effective (well-crafted) thesis statement should express the topic and the position of the author on this topic, which means thesis statements should not only report facts or opinions, also, it should not be too narrow or too broad. Besides this, considering the thesis statement is used for argument and proving one's position as valid and logic, it is important this thesis statement is debatable, which means the author will need to provide evidence to show it is valid. Thus, when creating a well-crafted thesis statement it is important to consider that the "thesis statement should be debatable" as without this feature the thesis would not support the process of arguing it aims at.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The correct answer is C. A thesis statement should be debatable.


A thesis statement is a sentence or statement that guides the process of writing an essay or arguing a position or claim about some situation or issue.  Because of this an appropriate and effective (well-crafted) thesis statement should express the topic and the position of the author on this topic, which means thesis statements should not only report facts or opinions, also, it should not be too narrow or too broad. Besides this, considering the thesis statement is used for argument and proving one's position as valid and logic, it is important this thesis statement is debatable, which means the author will need to provide evidence to show it is valid. Thus, when creating a well-crafted thesis statement it is important to consider that the "thesis statement should be debatable" as without this feature the thesis would not support the process of arguing it aims at.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

“. . . We have come to our nation’s capital to cash a check.  When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall Heir.”

-Martin Luther King, Jr., “I Have a Dream” Speech, August 1963, March on Washington

Should the American Independence movement be interpreted as a promise that the government will protect the natural rights of all of its citizens?

•Articulate a defensible claim or thesis that responds to the prompt and establishes a line of reasoning to defend it.

•Support your claim with at least TWO pieces of accurate and relevant information:

At least ONE piece of evidence must be from one of the following foundational documents:

In a 1973 book, historian Arthur Schlesinger analyzed whether the president of the United States has
Advanced Placement (AP)
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The school board as a government body cannot abridge or restrict the students' exercise of religion. You could argue that the other students walking past the wall are free t disregard the quotes on the wall. Or that if quotes from other sources such as atheists or other religions or philosophies are allowed, the quotes from the Bible should be treated as any other quotes from published literature.

Explanation: I hope this is a start for you. You will have to develop the essay and find support from the sources suggested. I am not an attorney, and have no insights into the cases mentioned.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

“. . . We have come to our nation’s capital to cash a check.  When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall Heir.”

-Martin Luther King, Jr., “I Have a Dream” Speech, August 1963, March on Washington

Should the American Independence movement be interpreted as a promise that the government will protect the natural rights of all of its citizens?

•Articulate a defensible claim or thesis that responds to the prompt and establishes a line of reasoning to defend it.

•Support your claim with at least TWO pieces of accurate and relevant information:

At least ONE piece of evidence must be from one of the following foundational documents:

In a 1973 book, historian Arthur Schlesinger analyzed whether the president of the United States has
Advanced Placement (AP)
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The United States system of checks and balances, has been proven time and time again to have benefited our country. This system prevents certain federal institutions from having too much power, thus making America the beakon of freedom, and for the past 200 years the example of what a government should be. It has greatly helped the policy-making process, by making sure that certain laws are not passed, per se a simple majority blocking it, but higher ups having that higher up power. Checks and balances are the bedrock to a solid long-lasting democracy. In some governments, especially back when these arguements were first being made, one leader or group of leaders could block any decision. By making this system it preserves American democracy to where it would not fall to an overthrow or revolution.  In Federalist No. 51, Alexander Hamilton writes; "In order to lay a due foundation for that separate and distinct exercise of the different powers of government, which to a certain extent is admitted on all hands to be essential to the preservation of liberty". If it were not for these checks and balances America would, in a snap, instantly be a dictatorship. Checks and balances were also the sidekick to what the constitution conveys. Even among the first paragraph of the contitution, they state, "establish  Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the  general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity". Posterity could only be achieved if certain things were in place, tranquility could only be achieved if certain things were in place. Among those "certain things" was checks and balances. Without these, the government could be overthrown by dictatorship, or overrun with people doing things to simply serve their own agenda, or to simply state themselves the winner (sound familiar?). Thanks to these it has prevented obstruction to our democracy, thus making checks and balances one of the most beneficial things in place in our country.


Hoped this helped

Advanced Placement (AP)
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The Electoral College as currently implemented impedes democracy. The framers of the Constitution envisioned a gathering of well-informed representatives from the states who would bring the concerns of the citizens to the attention of the rest of their colleagues. The goal was to select a President who would be able to guide the federal government in its decisions and policies in such a manner as to bring the most benefit to the nation while being mindful of issues of concern to various individual states and regions. The electors were intended to be free to vote their consciences in light of the discussion and debates that would take place. They were to select the best candidates and select a president and vice president. It was a sensible method, especially in view of difficulties in travel and communications at the time-- long before highways, planes, telephones and the internet had been invented.

Such is not current practice. As political parties took over the nominations process, and states passed laws to restrict electors to voting only for the candidates who won the majority of votes in each state, the Electoral College has become a meaningless formality. It is a numbers game that allows TV networks to project winners long before all the ballots have been counted. It has resulted in the election of President Bush, in 2000, an President Trump in 2061 despite the overall majorities of the popular vote having been cast for their opponents, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton.

Explanation: This will not fulfill the requirements of the assignment to quote from the sources and respond to an opposing perspective. It should, however, present a perspective for you to develop-- or to argue against.

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