
What are different about local and linen

. 4


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
by doing research and getting informed about local environmental problems by volunteering with different groups whose vision aligns with his current mission by contacting local nonprofits about issues and learning about their services in his community by finding funded research initiatives that monitor diseases associated with environmental pollution


Jared wants to improve the environmental health of his community. There are several ways he can do this, but he should start by researching and learning about local environmental issues so that he can plan next steps to help his community based on the environmental health issues facing his community.

Once these issues have been identified and studied by Jared, he will be able to look for groups and surveys that can help his community, so Jared can:

Volunteer in a group that has a purpose and vision that is similar to his, and participate in the group's work that helps the community. He could also contact nonprofit organizations, explain the problems of his community, and determine how organizations could help.Finally, he could contact institutions conducting research on environmental health and explain once again what problems his community has and how the institutions could help.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
by doing research and getting informed about local environmental problems by volunteering with different groups whose vision aligns with his current mission by contacting local nonprofits about issues and learning about their services in his community by finding funded research initiatives that monitor diseases associated with environmental pollution


Jared wants to improve the environmental health of his community. There are several ways he can do this, but he should start by researching and learning about local environmental issues so that he can plan next steps to help his community based on the environmental health issues facing his community.

Once these issues have been identified and studied by Jared, he will be able to look for groups and surveys that can help his community, so Jared can:

Volunteer in a group that has a purpose and vision that is similar to his, and participate in the group's work that helps the community. He could also contact nonprofit organizations, explain the problems of his community, and determine how organizations could help.Finally, he could contact institutions conducting research on environmental health and explain once again what problems his community has and how the institutions could help.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The sentence that shows the cause and the effect of an event in the passage is option D: "As a result, very little water managed to flow downstream."

In this sentence, the cause is the beavers creating a dam that significantly blocked the water flow to the Delta River. The effect is that very little water managed to flow downstream. The phrase "As a result" indicates that the beavers' dam caused the decrease in water flow. This cause and effect relationship is clearly stated in the sentence, making option D the correct choice.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
Based on the information provided in the articles, the logical conclusion that can be drawn is:

B. Various factors contributed to the extinction of the woolly mammoth.

The articles discuss multiple factors that could have played a role in the extinction of woolly mammoths. In the first article, it is mentioned that scientists are unsure of the exact cause, but some theories include climate change, disease, and human hunting. The second article further supports this by stating that mammoths faced habitat loss due to the retreat of glaciers during the Holocene epoch, which made them more vulnerable to human hunting.

Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that a combination of factors, including climate change and human hunting, contributed to the extinction of woolly mammoths.
Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

The correct answer to the following question will be "Community Corrections acts".


This act incorporates its growth or development, basic tenets, and subsequent results.The act consolidated current decentralized strategies into some kind of comprehensive solution and established the state-to-local government relationships.

Therefore, it's the right answer.

Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

The correct answre is D.

Citizens United v. FEC was a case which led to the enactment of a landmark decision by the US Supreme Court in 2010.

The Federal Election Comission, a conservative non-profit organization, broadcasted an advertsiment against the aspiration of Hilary Clinton during the 2008 presidential election. Such ad had an audience superior to 50,000.

The freedom of speech right, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the US Constitution, states that goverment cannot limit communications financed with private funds and performed by nonprofit corporations, for-profit corporations, labor unions, and other associations.

On the other hand, the federal law explicitly prohibits such organizations from  "electioneering communication" in the 60 days prior to the election, if these communications reach more than 50,000 people from the electorate. Therefore, the US Supreme Court declared that the Federal Election Comission had acted against the federal law and the US Constitution.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The difference lies in the coverage of the construction.  While local level construction focuses on the local area, national level construction has a nation-wide coverage.


Residential construction concentrates on the construction of residential buildings that have sleeping accommodations.  Such constructions are opposed to the construction of other buildings that are meant for commercial uses as they lack sleeping accommodations.  The federal, state, and local governments can embark on the construction of residential quarters for their residents.  The constructions are also funded at the given level.  When it is locally funded, the construction is meant to satisfy specific local needs.  The constructions by the federal government consider the needs of many localities, and may not meet specific local needs.

Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

The correct answre is D.

Citizens United v. FEC was a case which led to the enactment of a landmark decision by the US Supreme Court in 2010.

The Federal Election Comission, a conservative non-profit organization, broadcasted an advertsiment against the aspiration of Hilary Clinton during the 2008 presidential election. Such ad had an audience superior to 50,000.

The freedom of speech right, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the US Constitution, states that goverment cannot limit communications financed with private funds and performed by nonprofit corporations, for-profit corporations, labor unions, and other associations.

On the other hand, the federal law explicitly prohibits such organizations from  "electioneering communication" in the 60 days prior to the election, if these communications reach more than 50,000 people from the electorate. Therefore, the US Supreme Court declared that the Federal Election Comission had acted against the federal law and the US Constitution.

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