
Unscramble these letters d,r,a,l,a,o,i,r

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24.06.2023, solved by verified expert
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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Not very easy.

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-Ɽ3₮Ɽ0 Ⱬ3Ɽ0

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Answers are mentioned along with explanations/


1. We are given D = 5R

where D = no. of diamonds and R = no. of rubies

a. In words, Number of diamonds = 5 times no. of rubies

In letters D = 5R

b. Given R = 4, so D = 5 x R = 5x 4

D = 20

c.  Given R = 10 , so D = 5 x R = 5x 10

D = 50

d. Given D = 15 , D = 5R so , R = D/5 = 15/5 = 3

R = 3

e. R = \frac{D}{5}  because D = 5R

2. Given A = B + C

a. B = 5 , C = 2 => A= 5+2 => A= 7

b. B = A - C from above equation and given A = 10 , C = 2 , B= 10 - 2

B = 8

c.  two values of B and C for A to be 7

B = 4 C = 3 and vice versa as 4+3 = 7

d. B = A - C by moving C on the RHS thus changing its prefix sign.

3. Given A = 3x and B = 5x+1

a. B goes up faster because it is 5 times x plus 1 where A is just 3 times x

b. if x = 0, A = 3x = 3x0 = > A = 0

c. if x =1 , B = 5x+1 = 5x1 +1 = 5+1 => B = 6

4. Given A = 2x and B = x2 where x2 means x*x so,

a. if x=1 , A = 2*1 = 2 and B = 1*1 = 1

b. if x = 3, A = 3*1 = 3 and B = 3*3 = 9

5. Given D =2R

a. given R = 8 , D = 2*8 => D=16

b. given R =3 then D = 2*3 => D = 6

c. D= 20 given, R = D/2 = 20/2 => R = 10

d. D = 100 so R = D/2 = 100/2 => R =50

e. R = \frac{D}{2} or D/2

6. Given C = π D and π  = 3.14

a. if D = 20, C = 3.14*20 => C = 62.8 centimeters

b. if D = 10, C = 3.14*10 => C = 31.4 inches

c. Given C = 18, D = C/31.4 = 18/3.14 => D = 5.732 inches

7. Given S = D/T

a. S = 12/3 = 4 feet/seconds

b. S = 100/5 = 20 miles/seconds

c. For S = 4feet per second , D = 8 ft and T = 2 seconds as S = D/T

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Answers are mentioned along with explanations/


1. We are given D = 5R

where D = no. of diamonds and R = no. of rubies

a. In words, Number of diamonds = 5 times no. of rubies

In letters D = 5R

b. Given R = 4, so D = 5 x R = 5x 4

D = 20

c.  Given R = 10 , so D = 5 x R = 5x 10

D = 50

d. Given D = 15 , D = 5R so , R = D/5 = 15/5 = 3

R = 3

e. R = \frac{D}{5}  because D = 5R

2. Given A = B + C

a. B = 5 , C = 2 => A= 5+2 => A= 7

b. B = A - C from above equation and given A = 10 , C = 2 , B= 10 - 2

B = 8

c.  two values of B and C for A to be 7

B = 4 C = 3 and vice versa as 4+3 = 7

d. B = A - C by moving C on the RHS thus changing its prefix sign.

3. Given A = 3x and B = 5x+1

a. B goes up faster because it is 5 times x plus 1 where A is just 3 times x

b. if x = 0, A = 3x = 3x0 = > A = 0

c. if x =1 , B = 5x+1 = 5x1 +1 = 5+1 => B = 6

4. Given A = 2x and B = x2 where x2 means x*x so,

a. if x=1 , A = 2*1 = 2 and B = 1*1 = 1

b. if x = 3, A = 3*1 = 3 and B = 3*3 = 9

5. Given D =2R

a. given R = 8 , D = 2*8 => D=16

b. given R =3 then D = 2*3 => D = 6

c. D= 20 given, R = D/2 = 20/2 => R = 10

d. D = 100 so R = D/2 = 100/2 => R =50

e. R = \frac{D}{2} or D/2

6. Given C = π D and π  = 3.14

a. if D = 20, C = 3.14*20 => C = 62.8 centimeters

b. if D = 10, C = 3.14*10 => C = 31.4 inches

c. Given C = 18, D = C/31.4 = 18/3.14 => D = 5.732 inches

7. Given S = D/T

a. S = 12/3 = 4 feet/seconds

b. S = 100/5 = 20 miles/seconds

c. For S = 4feet per second , D = 8 ft and T = 2 seconds as S = D/T

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Match the names of the French holidays to their descriptions.
1. Le Jour de l’An = New Year
2. La Fête des Rois = Epiphany (Feast Day)
3. La Saint-Valentin = Valentines Day
4. Le Mardi Gras = Fat Tuesday
5. Le premier avril  = April Fool's Day

A. Il y a une fève dans la galette. = Epiphany (Feast Day)
B. On fait sea poissons en papier. = April Fool's Day
C. On porte des costumes et des masques. = Fat Tuesday
D. On envoie des cartes. = New Year
E. C’est la fête des amoureux. =  Valentines Day

6. Le premier mai = International Workers' Day
7. Le fête de Jeanne d’Arc = Joan of Arc Festival
8. Pâques = Easter
9. Le quatorze juillet = Bastille Day
10. Noël = Christmas

A. C’est la Fête Nationale de France = Bastille Day
B. On mange bien au Réveillon = Christmas - New year
C. On commémore la Guerre de Cent Ans. = Remberance of 100 year War 
D. On fête la résurrection. = Easter
E. On douse autour du mai. ???

Match the verbs with the objects that go with them.
11. Manger
12. Southaiter
13. Monter
14. Jouer 
15. Collectioner

A. Un joyuex Noël = Southaiter
B. De la guitare = Jouer 
C. Des timbres = Collectioner
D. La bûche de Noël = Manger
E. L’escalier = Monter

Match the amounts of ice cream each person ate with an accurate description. 
16. Il a mangé beacoup de glace.
17. Il a mangé trop de glace.
18. Il n’a pas mangé de glacé.
19. Il a mangé peu de glacé.

A. Two ice creams =  Il a mangé peu de glacé.
B. None = Il n’a pas mangé de glacé.
C. Four ice creams = Il a mangé beacoup de glacé.
D. Eight ice creams = Il a mangé trop de glacé.

Choose either the adverb or the adjective that would correctly complete each sentence.
20. Vous travaillez ___.
21. Les robes sont .
22. Les jupes coûtent aussi.
23. Mes amis parlent très ___.
24. Mes amis sont très ___.

Choose the letter of the possessive adjective that correctly modified the noun.
25.le frère de Marie = ___ frère.

26.les vacances de mes parents = ___ vacances.

27.l’amie de Jean = ___ amie.

28.l’ami de Jean et Marie = ___ ami

Choose the letter of the AVOIR idiom that best completes each sentence.
29. Tu es si intelligent que juis sûr que tu as raison.
30. Tu as trouvé de l’argent? Vraiment tu as de la chance.
31. Tu as travaillé cinq heures, et tu as l’air fatigue.
32. Tu dois visiter la France si tu as l’occasion.
33. Tu as tout mangé? He vois que tu as faim.

A.tu as faim.
B.tu as l’air fatigue.
C.tu as l’occasion.
D.tu as raison.
E.tu as de la chance.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Match the names of the French holidays to their descriptions.
1. Le Jour de l’An = New Year
2. La Fête des Rois = Epiphany (Feast Day)
3. La Saint-Valentin = Valentines Day
4. Le Mardi Gras = Fat Tuesday
5. Le premier avril  = April Fool's Day

A. Il y a une fève dans la galette. = Epiphany (Feast Day)
B. On fait sea poissons en papier. = April Fool's Day
C. On porte des costumes et des masques. = Fat Tuesday
D. On envoie des cartes. = New Year
E. C’est la fête des amoureux. =  Valentines Day

6. Le premier mai = International Workers' Day
7. Le fête de Jeanne d’Arc = Joan of Arc Festival
8. Pâques = Easter
9. Le quatorze juillet = Bastille Day
10. Noël = Christmas

A. C’est la Fête Nationale de France = Bastille Day
B. On mange bien au Réveillon = Christmas - New year
C. On commémore la Guerre de Cent Ans. = Remberance of 100 year War 
D. On fête la résurrection. = Easter
E. On douse autour du mai. ???

Match the verbs with the objects that go with them.
11. Manger
12. Southaiter
13. Monter
14. Jouer 
15. Collectioner

A. Un joyuex Noël = Southaiter
B. De la guitare = Jouer 
C. Des timbres = Collectioner
D. La bûche de Noël = Manger
E. L’escalier = Monter

Match the amounts of ice cream each person ate with an accurate description. 
16. Il a mangé beacoup de glace.
17. Il a mangé trop de glace.
18. Il n’a pas mangé de glacé.
19. Il a mangé peu de glacé.

A. Two ice creams =  Il a mangé peu de glacé.
B. None = Il n’a pas mangé de glacé.
C. Four ice creams = Il a mangé beacoup de glacé.
D. Eight ice creams = Il a mangé trop de glacé.

Choose either the adverb or the adjective that would correctly complete each sentence.
20. Vous travaillez ___.
21. Les robes sont .
22. Les jupes coûtent aussi.
23. Mes amis parlent très ___.
24. Mes amis sont très ___.

Choose the letter of the possessive adjective that correctly modified the noun.
25.le frère de Marie = ___ frère.

26.les vacances de mes parents = ___ vacances.

27.l’amie de Jean = ___ amie.

28.l’ami de Jean et Marie = ___ ami

Choose the letter of the AVOIR idiom that best completes each sentence.
29. Tu es si intelligent que juis sûr que tu as raison.
30. Tu as trouvé de l’argent? Vraiment tu as de la chance.
31. Tu as travaillé cinq heures, et tu as l’air fatigue.
32. Tu dois visiter la France si tu as l’occasion.
33. Tu as tout mangé? He vois que tu as faim.

A.tu as faim.
B.tu as l’air fatigue.
C.tu as l’occasion.
D.tu as raison.
E.tu as de la chance.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD



Stud is a short form of stud wall which are typically vertical framing members in a wall of a building. Wall studs are available in standard lengths but since the height of ceiling vary, sometimes one has to cut the stud walls on site to fit. Therefore, there are pre-cut studs which are more efficient  in implementation. These are usually referred as Precision-End Trimmed studs, (P.E.T). Therefore, stud walls which are cut to exact length at the mill for modern construction are designated by letters P.E.T

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD



Stud is a short form of stud wall which are typically vertical framing members in a wall of a building. Wall studs are available in standard lengths but since the height of ceiling vary, sometimes one has to cut the stud walls on site to fit. Therefore, there are pre-cut studs which are more efficient  in implementation. These are usually referred as Precision-End Trimmed studs, (P.E.T). Therefore, stud walls which are cut to exact length at the mill for modern construction are designated by letters P.E.T

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