Mathematics : asked on Metlife

How much did Lisa have at first?

. 4


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

$1,080 in down payment

Step-by-step explanation:

If the down payment is 6% of the sales price, we first need to turn this percentage into a decimal.

6/100 = 0.06

Now that we have the percentage in decimal form we can multiply it by the selling price of Lucy's new car in order to calculate the amount of down payment that Lucy would need to pay.

18,000 * 0.06 = 1080

Lucy would need to pay $1,080 in down payment for her new car

I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at .

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

$1,080 in down payment

Step-by-step explanation:

If the down payment is 6% of the sales price, we first need to turn this percentage into a decimal.

6/100 = 0.06

Now that we have the percentage in decimal form we can multiply it by the selling price of Lucy's new car in order to calculate the amount of down payment that Lucy would need to pay.

18,000 * 0.06 = 1080

Lucy would need to pay $1,080 in down payment for her new car

I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at .

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Given that Lisa had 1,750 stamps and Mark had 480 fewer stamps than Lisa.

Thus, the number of stamps Mark had is 1,750 - 480 = 1,270

Given that Lisa gave some stamps to Mark which makes Mark to have three times as many stamps as Lisa.

Let the number of stamps that Lisa gave to Mark be x, then

3(1,750 - x) = 1,270 + x \\  \\ \Rightarrow5,250-3x=1,270+x \\  \\ \Rightarrow x+3x=5,250-1,270 \\  \\ \Rightarrow 4x=3,980 \\  \\ \Rightarrow x= \frac{3.980}{4} =995

Thus, Lisa gave Mark 995 stamps.

Therefore, the number of stamps that Lisa have now is 1,750 - 995 = 755.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

> How many stamps did Mark have at first?

We know that Lisa has 1750 stamps and Mark has 480 fewer than this, therefore subtract 480 from 1750 to get the number of stamps that Mark had at first:


1750 – 480 = 1270 stamps


> How many stamps does Lisa have now?

Let us say that x = the number of stamps that Lisa gave to Mark, therefore we can create the equation:

Mark = 3 * Lisa

480 + x = 3 (1750 – x)

480 + x = 5250 – 3x

4x = 4770

x = 1,192.50 stamps


So Lisa has now left with:

1750 – 1192.50 = 557.5 stamps ~ 557 stamps or 558

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Step-by-step explanation: 15 because 30 is what katie has 10 is what lisa had before she harvested half of 10 which is 5

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

8 slices

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the watermelon eaten by Charles be A and Lisa be B

They ate 12 slices of watermelon between them


A + B = 12

Also, Lisa ate 2 times as Charles


B = 2A

We no have two equations

1. A + B = 12

2. B = 2A

Substitute 2A for B into the first equation

A + B = 12

A + 2A = 12

3A = 12

Divide both sides by 3

3A/3 = 12/3

A = 4

Charles ate 4

Recall Lisa B ate twice as Charles A

B = 2A

B = 2 x 4

B = 8

Lisa ate 8 slices of watermelon

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

8 slices

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the watermelon eaten by Charles be A and Lisa be B

They ate 12 slices of watermelon between them


A + B = 12

Also, Lisa ate 2 times as Charles


B = 2A

We no have two equations

1. A + B = 12

2. B = 2A

Substitute 2A for B into the first equation

A + B = 12

A + 2A = 12

3A = 12

Divide both sides by 3

3A/3 = 12/3

A = 4

Charles ate 4

Recall Lisa B ate twice as Charles A

B = 2A

B = 2 x 4

B = 8

Lisa ate 8 slices of watermelon

Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Reverse discrimination.  


Reverse discrimination is defined as  the discrimination  of targeting the members of a minority or dominant group.For example In Recruiting the decisions in support of the minorities group, given in the background  of candidates from the male or another minority group.

According to Greg points out that his qualifications and experience were higher than those of Lisa, but she was recruited as part of the affirmative action activities of the organization.Greg also is a senior software engineer in the company  but he was refused in favor of the female candidate Greg has experience of the reverse discrimination.  

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master


Step-by-step explanation:

ok they are 18 apples

and they ate them

one ate two more thatn the other one

so we can say that one of them is x(charles)

and the one who ate two more is x+2(lisa)

so we get this






so charles ate 8

and lisa 10(8+2)

Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Reverse discrimination.  


Reverse discrimination is defined as  the discrimination  of targeting the members of a minority or dominant group.For example In Recruiting the decisions in support of the minorities group, given in the background  of candidates from the male or another minority group.

According to Greg points out that his qualifications and experience were higher than those of Lisa, but she was recruited as part of the affirmative action activities of the organization.Greg also is a senior software engineer in the company  but he was refused in favor of the female candidate Greg has experience of the reverse discrimination.  

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