
A train travel 60 miles in 20 minutes at this rate how many minutes will it take to travel 12 miles?

. 5


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

the first thing to note is since one gallon= 60 miles then 1/2 gallon= 30 miles, now I know 1/2 is not an answer but it is easiest to decrease in moderate amounts. 1/2 gallon= 48 Km so we are close, and 1/2=0.5 so if we brought it down to 0.42 we would have 25.2 miles and 25.2 miles = 40.32. The question wants to know the approximate number and 40.32 is the closest we are going to get so the answer is 0.42

question 3

80 + 65x ≤ 425

Step-by-step explanation:

First of all we know that the 425 must be greater than or equal to the other side, so the symbol to show that would be ≤. We also know that the forklift is a fixed price by the words 'each day'. And the to hire a single crew member would be $65 unless there are more crew workers, which would be multiplied with the 65.

question 4


Part A

Yes y is a function of x. Specifically the equation is y = x^5

For any given input, there is exactly one output

Notice how if x = 1 then y = x^5 = (1)^5 = 1

Notice how if x = -1 then y = x^5 = (-1)^5 = -1

Notice how if x = -2 then y = x^5 = (-2)^5 = -32

Notice how if x = 2 then y = x^5 = (2)^5 = 32

In general,

x^5 = x*x*x*x*x

there are five copies of x multiplied

A more specific example

3^5 = 3*3*3*3*3

there are five copies of '3' multiplied

Part B

All we do is replace x with 4 and use PEMDAS to simplify

f(x) = 2x+12

f(4) = 2(4)+12

f(4) = 8+12

f(4) = 20

The value of f(4) is 20

What does it mean? It is the total cost of renting the bowling lane for 4 hours. If you rent it for four hours, then you'll pay a total of $20. 

The portion 2x = 2*4 = 8 is the variable cost which depends on how long you play. The more hours, the more the variable cost goes up

The fixed cost is 12. This is always fixed as this is the price to get in the door. If you play for 0 hours, but somehow got in the door, then you still pay $12

In total, variableCost+fixedCost = 8+12 = 20 = totalCost

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

the first thing to note is since one gallon= 60 miles then 1/2 gallon= 30 miles, now I know 1/2 is not an answer but it is easiest to decrease in moderate amounts. 1/2 gallon= 48 Km so we are close, and 1/2=0.5 so if we brought it down to 0.42 we would have 25.2 miles and 25.2 miles = 40.32. The question wants to know the approximate number and 40.32 is the closest we are going to get so the answer is 0.42

question 3

80 + 65x ≤ 425

Step-by-step explanation:

First of all we know that the 425 must be greater than or equal to the other side, so the symbol to show that would be ≤. We also know that the forklift is a fixed price by the words 'each day'. And the to hire a single crew member would be $65 unless there are more crew workers, which would be multiplied with the 65.

question 4


Part A

Yes y is a function of x. Specifically the equation is y = x^5

For any given input, there is exactly one output

Notice how if x = 1 then y = x^5 = (1)^5 = 1

Notice how if x = -1 then y = x^5 = (-1)^5 = -1

Notice how if x = -2 then y = x^5 = (-2)^5 = -32

Notice how if x = 2 then y = x^5 = (2)^5 = 32

In general,

x^5 = x*x*x*x*x

there are five copies of x multiplied

A more specific example

3^5 = 3*3*3*3*3

there are five copies of '3' multiplied

Part B

All we do is replace x with 4 and use PEMDAS to simplify

f(x) = 2x+12

f(4) = 2(4)+12

f(4) = 8+12

f(4) = 20

The value of f(4) is 20

What does it mean? It is the total cost of renting the bowling lane for 4 hours. If you rent it for four hours, then you'll pay a total of $20. 

The portion 2x = 2*4 = 8 is the variable cost which depends on how long you play. The more hours, the more the variable cost goes up

The fixed cost is 12. This is always fixed as this is the price to get in the door. If you play for 0 hours, but somehow got in the door, then you still pay $12

In total, variableCost+fixedCost = 8+12 = 20 = totalCost

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

I think this is the answer I hope this can help you

Step-by-step explanation:

1) 3 gallons=36 miles

16 gallons=?

so it will be

36 \times 16 = 576

576 \div 3 =  192

or you can do like this

1 gallons=12 miles so if 16 gallons multiply with 12 it will be 192

2)2 hours=$28.50

? =$99.75

so it will be

99.75 \times 2 = 199.5

199.50 \div 28.50 = 7

so it will be 7 hours

3) 4.5 km= 5 hours

? =60 hours

60 \times 4.5 = 270

270 \div 5 = 54

the answer will be 54 kilometer

4) $9.60=3cm


22.40 \times 3 = 67.20

67.20 \div 9.60 = 7

7 cm

5) $145.50=50 miles


552.90 \times 50 =27645

27645 \div 145.50 = 190

190 miles



359 \times 1.95 = 700.05

700.05 \div 239.85 = 2.92

2.92 liter


220=60 hours

?=3 hours

220 \times 3 = 660

660 \div 60 = 11

11 miles

8)1 gallon= $17.50

8.2 gallon=?

17.50 \times 8.2 = 143.50


9)7cm=2 minute

? =13 minute

13 \times 7 = 91

91 \div 2 = 45.5

45.5 cm

10)17=4 acres

? =244 acre

244 \times 17 = 4148

4148  \div 4 = 1037

1037 kg

11) 1= $2.85


2.85 \times 4.4 = 12.54



$2.50=5 oz


32.50 \times 5 = 162.50

162.50  \div 2.50 = 65

65 oz

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The correct answer is B. The author connects ideas in paragraphs 9-11 by comparing and contrasting characteristics of each type of car.

In paragraph 9, the author describes steam-powered vehicles and their limitations, such as long startup times and the need for water refills. This is contrasted with the introduction of electric vehicles, which did not have the same practicality issues and quickly became popular.

In paragraph 10, the author introduces gasoline-powered cars and discusses their faults, including the manual effort required to drive, difficulty in changing gears, and the unpleasant exhaust. This is compared with electric cars, which did not have these issues and were described as quiet and easy to drive.

In paragraph 11, the author further emphasizes the advantages of electric cars, stating that they quickly became popular with urban residents, especially women, due to their suitability for short trips and the limited road conditions outside cities. The author also mentions that as more people gained access to electricity, charging electric cars became easier, adding to their popularity.

By comparing the characteristics and advantages of each type of car, the author helps the reader understand why electric cars gained popularity and became a viable option during that time. Therefore, option B, "by comparing and contrasting characteristics of each car," is the correct answer.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The correct answer is C. "…it was Henry Ford's mass-produced Model T that dealt a blow to the electric car." (paragraph 13)

This excerpt suggests that the electric car faced new competition in the early 1900s. The introduction of Henry Ford's Model T, which was a gasoline-powered car that was widely available and affordable, had a significant impact on the electric car market. The Model T made gasoline-powered cars more accessible to the general public, and its low cost compared to electric cars contributed to a decline in the popularity of electric vehicles. This competition from the Model T played a role in the decline of electric cars during that period.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The passage discusses the history of electric cars, their rise and fall in popularity, and the factors that influenced their success. To summarize the passage, we can look for the main ideas discussed in each paragraph:

Paragraph (1) introduces the topic of electric cars and their current rise in popularity, comparing it to their initial popularity.

Paragraphs (2) and (3) discuss the increasing demand for electric vehicles and the exploration of their history.

Paragraph (4) states that the invention of the electric car cannot be attributed to one inventor or country, but rather was a series of breakthroughs in the 1800s.

Paragraph (5) mentions the early innovators in different countries who started experimenting with battery-powered vehicles.

Paragraph (6) introduces William Morrison, an American chemist who created the first successful electric vehicle in the U.S. in the late 19th century.

Paragraph (7) highlights the growing number of electric vehicles in the U.S., with New York City even having a fleet of electric taxis, and their strong sales in the early 1900s.

Paragraph (8) explains the popularity of electric vehicles around 1900 and their competition with other types of vehicles (steam, gasoline).

Paragraph (9) discusses the limitations of steam-powered vehicles and the reasons why steam was not very practical for personal transportation.

Paragraph (10) compares electric vehicles to gasoline-powered vehicles, highlighting the advantages of electric cars over gasoline cars.

Paragraph (11) discusses the popularity of electric cars among urban residents, especially women, due to their ease of use, lack of emissions, and suitability for short trips.

Paragraph (12) mentions various innovators who recognized the demand for electric vehicles and worked to improve the technology, including Ferdinand Porsche, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford.

Paragraph (13) talks about Henry Ford's Model T, the rise of gasoline-powered cars, and the decline of electric vehicles.

Paragraph (14) explains additional factors that contributed to the decline of electric vehicles, such as improved road systems, cheap gasoline, and the limited availability of electricity in rural areas.

Based on these main ideas, the statement that best summarizes the passage is:

D. The electric car, which has been around for over a century, has waned and grown in popularity at different times in history.

This statement captures the historical context of electric cars, their initial popularity, decline, and recent resurgence in popularity. It also acknowledges the varying factors that influenced their popularity over time.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The correct answer is C. "…it was Henry Ford's mass-produced Model T that dealt a blow to the electric car." (paragraph 13)

The statement from paragraph 13 introduces the idea that a new competition, specifically the mass-produced Model T by Henry Ford, had emerged to threaten the popularity and widespread use of the electric car in the early 1900s.

Here is a simple, step-by-step breakdown of why:

1. The phrase "dealt a blow to the electric car" clearly suggests that the introduction of the Model T had a significant negative effect on the prevalence of the electric car.

2. The Model T was a gasoline-powered car and not an electric car, so it stands as competition against electric cars in the market.

3. Since the Model T is mentioned to be "mass-produced," it implies that its production volume and availability were substantially greater, which would have made it a strong competitor against electric cars.

As for the other options, they don't truly hint at the introduction of a new competition against the electric car. Option A mentions a technological innovation, the electric starter, but it doesn't suggest a new competition. Option B talks about the period when electric cars were at their peak, and option D speaks about a shift from the primary mode of transportation being horses, which doesn't imply the introduction of new competition for electric cars.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
In paragraph 11, the author uses the rhetorical strategy of "Logos" to make their point about the popularity and advantages of electric cars.

The author presents factual information and logical reasoning to support their argument. They provide evidence by stating that electric cars didn't have the issues associated with steam or gasoline vehicles, such as being quiet, easy to drive, and free of unpleasant exhaust emissions. They also mention that electric cars quickly became popular with urban residents, especially women, due to their suitability for short trips in the city.

This reliance on facts, statistics, and logical explanations to convey the benefits of electric cars aligns with the rhetorical strategy of "Logos," which appeals to logical reasoning and evidence.

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