
area of composite figures homework

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2.16 Quiz: Area of Composite Figures
What is the area of this figure?
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2.16 Quiz: Area of Composite Figures
What is the area of this figure?
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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The figure shows a shape that is made up of a rectangle and a half circle.
To find the total area of that composite figure, you find the area of the rectangle and the area of the half circle, and you add them together to get the total area.

A = LW

A = \pi r^2

Total area = area of rectangle + area of half circle

A = LW + \dfrac{1}{2}\pi r^2

A = 16~m \times 12~m + \dfrac{1}{2} \times 3.14 \times (5~m)^2

A = 192~m^2 + 39.25~m^2

A = 231.25 ~m^2
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P Answered by Master

1. 90 sq. cm

2. 96 sq. cm

3. 72 sq. cm

4. 72 sq. cm

5. 92 sq. cm

6. 68 sq. cm

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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
To find the total cost of carpeting the floor, you will first need to calculate the area of the floor.

And then your answer will be:

2.5 x Area of the floor in square feet
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
The area is 21

The area of a triangle is base*hight/2
Take the area of each triangle and divide them. Hope this helped!
Area of Composite Figures.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

408 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

You can find the total area by dividing the figure into two different parts.  You have one large rectangle and two smaller triangles that have the same given dimensions, meaning that the triangles will have the same area.  Find the area for the divided figures first.


The length is 24 cm (6 + 8 + 10).  The width is 15 cm.

A = lw

A = (24 cm)(15 cm)

A = 360 cm²


The height is 6 cm.  The base is 8 cm.

A = 1/2bh

A = 1/2(6)(8)

A = 3(8)

A = 24 cm²

Now, add the areas together.  Since there are two triangles, make sure to account for that in your calculations.

360 cm²  +  24 cm²  +  24 cm²  =  408 cm²

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P Answered by Master

1) 147

2) 87m^{2}  

Step-by-step explanation:

1) Area of triangle = × base length × height

= \frac{1}{2} × 14 × 10

= 70 m^{2}

Area of a semicircle = \frac{\pi r^{2} }{2} ( r is the radius)

Radius = half of diameter = \frac{14}{2} = 7m

Area of semicircle = \frac{\pi 7^{2} }{2} = \frac{\pi49 }{2}

= 77m^{2} ( Nearest whole number )

Total area = 77 + 70 = 147m^{2}

2) Divide the shape into 2 rectangles

Area of a rectangle = length × width

Rectangle 1 = 7 × ( 3+3+5 )

= 7 × 11 = 77m^{2}

Rectangle 2 = 2 × 5

= 10m^{2}

Total Area = 77 + 10 = 87m^{2}

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

are you asking how to find it? If so all you have to do is find the area of the basic shapes that you divide your composite shape into, if thats not what your looking for let me know.

In the pictures you see a composite shape, you can split it into easier shapes and from there you find the area of each shape and then add them together to find the area off the full original shape

What is area of composite figures
What is area of composite figures

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