6.51 divided by 3
25.64 divided by 15
12 divided by 2.436

. 22

Step-by-step answer

14.09.2022, solved by verified expert
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Note - there is an error in 3rd part it should be 2.436 divided by 12. To avoid such confusion, please provide the image of the question


6.51 divided by 3 25.64 divided by 15 12 divided, №15231657, 07.05.2020 19:05


6.51 divided by 3 25.64 divided by 15 12 divided, №15231657, 07.05.2020 19:05


6.51 divided by 3 25.64 divided by 15 12 divided, №15231657, 07.05.2020 19:05
It is was helpful?


Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

Following are the solution to the given question:


Please find the following Excel form for calculating the bonus as required. Please ensure the equation is duplicated even so, with the sign "=." It is possible to insert this formula into cell L12. Then cut/paste the cell into other L12:L39 cells.

=IF(AND(G12/F12 \geq \$L \$7,J12 \leq \$L\$8)=TRUE,\$L\$9,0)

The mixed microbial reference here is used in L7, L8, and L9 so these cell references are not moved whenever the formula is copied to L12:L39.

Please verify that whenever the copy has also been copied, the cell formula appears beneath in each cell.

It must be as below in L12.

=IF(AND(G12/F12 \geq \$L\$7,J12\leq \$L\$8)=TRUE,\$L\$9,0)

It must be as follows in L13.

=IF(AND(G13/F13\geq \$L\$7,J13\leq \$L\$8)=TRUE,\$L\$9,0)

and so on.

Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Following are the solution to the given question:


Please find the following Excel form for calculating the bonus as required. Please ensure the equation is duplicated even so, with the sign "=." It is possible to insert this formula into cell L12. Then cut/paste the cell into other L12:L39 cells.

=IF(AND(G12/F12 \geq \$L \$7,J12 \leq \$L\$8)=TRUE,\$L\$9,0)

The mixed microbial reference here is used in L7, L8, and L9 so these cell references are not moved whenever the formula is copied to L12:L39.

Please verify that whenever the copy has also been copied, the cell formula appears beneath in each cell.

It must be as below in L12.

=IF(AND(G12/F12 \geq \$L\$7,J12\leq \$L\$8)=TRUE,\$L\$9,0)

It must be as follows in L13.

=IF(AND(G13/F13\geq \$L\$7,J13\leq \$L\$8)=TRUE,\$L\$9,0)

and so on.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
1. A. According to the expression a_n=4*a_n-1, each term after a1 is four times the previous term. The first term is -7 as given, 2nd term should be -7*4=-28, 3rd term is -28*4=-112, ... A is the correct answer. 

2. B. The sequence is -13, -8, -3, 2... It's obvious that each term is equal to the previous term plus 5. This is an arithmetic sequence with initial term -13 and common difference 5. We know a1=-13, so a_n=-13+5*(n-1). The answer is B.

3. A. We are given a15=-53, a16=-5. The common difference of the arithmetic sequence is -5-(-53)=48. The formula for a_n term is a1+48*(n-1). We know that a15=-13; plug in n=15, a15=-53=a1+48*(15-1), a1=-725. So a_n=-725+48*(n-1).

4. Diverge. We are given a few terms, 11, 44, 176, 704... Observe that each term is four times the previous one. 11*4=44, 44*4=176, 176*4=704... This is a geometric series with common ratio>1. You can keep multiplying by 4 and the series goes to infinity, so it diverges.

5. D. We have -4, -16, -64, -256... Same as above, each term is four times the previous one. The initial term is a1=-4. The common ratio d=4. So a_n=a1*d^(n-1)=-4*4^(n-1)=-4^n. (D).

6. The answer is A. a2=-2, a5=16. Suppose the common ratio is D. a_n=a1*d^(n-1). a2=a1*d; a5=a1*d^4. Plug in a2 and a5: -2=a1*d, 16=a1*d^4. 16/-2=d^3=-8, d=-2, a1=1. So a_n=1*(-2)^(n-1).

7. B. We are given the sequence 4, -24, 144,... Each term is -6 times the previous one. The first term a0=4, the n^th term a_(n-1) is a1*d^n=4*(-6)^n. To express the sum, we simply have to use the sigma notation and sum 4*(-6)^n from n=0 to infinity. The answer is B.

8. D. We are given -3 + 6 + 15 + 24... 132. Each term is equal to the previous one plus 9. First term a0=-3, n^th term a_n-1 is -3+9*n. The last term is 132. 132 =-3+9n, n=15. So we have to sum -3+9n from n=0 to n=15.

9. B. 343 + 512 + 729 + 1000+...  343=7^3, 512=8^3, 729=9^3, 1000=10^3. This is a sequence of perfect cubes. Therefore, the sum is n^3 from n=7 to infinity. (The initial term is 343=7^3).

10. B. We are given 3, 5, 7, 9, ... 21. The common difference is 2. There are (21-3)/2+1=10  terms. The initial term a1=3, and last term is a10=21. The sum is (a1+a10)*10/2=(3+21)*10/2=120.

11. C. 4/3, 16/3, 64/3, 256/3, 1024/3.  Each term is four times the previous one. This is a geometric series with initial term a1=4/3 and common ratio r=4. 1024/3 is the 5th term of the sequence. So sum=a1*(1-r^n)/(1-r)=4/3*(1-4^5)/(1-4)=-4/9*-1023=1364/3.

12. B. 10,12,14,... This is an arithmetic sequence. a1=10, and common difference d=2. There are 20 terms (20 rows). a20=a1+d*(n-1)=10+2*(20-1)=48. So the sum S=(a1+an)*n/2=(10+48)*20/2=580.

13. 10 + 20 + 30 + ... + 10n = 5n(n + 1). When n=1, this expression is true, since 10=5*1*(1+1). Suppose when n=k, this statement is true, then when n=k+1, the left side is 10+...+10n+10(n+1), the right side is 5(n+1)(n+2). The left side adds 10(n+1) compared to the previous one. The right side adds 5(n+1)(n+2)-5n(n+1)=5(n+1)(n+2-n)=10(n+1). So the statement holds true.

14. The height at week 0 is a0=300 (initial height). Common difference is 4.2 (weekly increment). a_n=300+4.2n. At week n, the height of the tree is 300+4.2*n centimeters.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
1. A. According to the expression a_n=4*a_n-1, each term after a1 is four times the previous term. The first term is -7 as given, 2nd term should be -7*4=-28, 3rd term is -28*4=-112, ... A is the correct answer. 

2. B. The sequence is -13, -8, -3, 2... It's obvious that each term is equal to the previous term plus 5. This is an arithmetic sequence with initial term -13 and common difference 5. We know a1=-13, so a_n=-13+5*(n-1). The answer is B.

3. A. We are given a15=-53, a16=-5. The common difference of the arithmetic sequence is -5-(-53)=48. The formula for a_n term is a1+48*(n-1). We know that a15=-13; plug in n=15, a15=-53=a1+48*(15-1), a1=-725. So a_n=-725+48*(n-1).

4. Diverge. We are given a few terms, 11, 44, 176, 704... Observe that each term is four times the previous one. 11*4=44, 44*4=176, 176*4=704... This is a geometric series with common ratio>1. You can keep multiplying by 4 and the series goes to infinity, so it diverges.

5. D. We have -4, -16, -64, -256... Same as above, each term is four times the previous one. The initial term is a1=-4. The common ratio d=4. So a_n=a1*d^(n-1)=-4*4^(n-1)=-4^n. (D).

6. The answer is A. a2=-2, a5=16. Suppose the common ratio is D. a_n=a1*d^(n-1). a2=a1*d; a5=a1*d^4. Plug in a2 and a5: -2=a1*d, 16=a1*d^4. 16/-2=d^3=-8, d=-2, a1=1. So a_n=1*(-2)^(n-1).

7. B. We are given the sequence 4, -24, 144,... Each term is -6 times the previous one. The first term a0=4, the n^th term a_(n-1) is a1*d^n=4*(-6)^n. To express the sum, we simply have to use the sigma notation and sum 4*(-6)^n from n=0 to infinity. The answer is B.

8. D. We are given -3 + 6 + 15 + 24... 132. Each term is equal to the previous one plus 9. First term a0=-3, n^th term a_n-1 is -3+9*n. The last term is 132. 132 =-3+9n, n=15. So we have to sum -3+9n from n=0 to n=15.

9. B. 343 + 512 + 729 + 1000+...  343=7^3, 512=8^3, 729=9^3, 1000=10^3. This is a sequence of perfect cubes. Therefore, the sum is n^3 from n=7 to infinity. (The initial term is 343=7^3).

10. B. We are given 3, 5, 7, 9, ... 21. The common difference is 2. There are (21-3)/2+1=10  terms. The initial term a1=3, and last term is a10=21. The sum is (a1+a10)*10/2=(3+21)*10/2=120.

11. C. 4/3, 16/3, 64/3, 256/3, 1024/3.  Each term is four times the previous one. This is a geometric series with initial term a1=4/3 and common ratio r=4. 1024/3 is the 5th term of the sequence. So sum=a1*(1-r^n)/(1-r)=4/3*(1-4^5)/(1-4)=-4/9*-1023=1364/3.

12. B. 10,12,14,... This is an arithmetic sequence. a1=10, and common difference d=2. There are 20 terms (20 rows). a20=a1+d*(n-1)=10+2*(20-1)=48. So the sum S=(a1+an)*n/2=(10+48)*20/2=580.

13. 10 + 20 + 30 + ... + 10n = 5n(n + 1). When n=1, this expression is true, since 10=5*1*(1+1). Suppose when n=k, this statement is true, then when n=k+1, the left side is 10+...+10n+10(n+1), the right side is 5(n+1)(n+2). The left side adds 10(n+1) compared to the previous one. The right side adds 5(n+1)(n+2)-5n(n+1)=5(n+1)(n+2-n)=10(n+1). So the statement holds true.

14. The height at week 0 is a0=300 (initial height). Common difference is 4.2 (weekly increment). a_n=300+4.2n. At week n, the height of the tree is 300+4.2*n centimeters.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The answers are as follows:


Step-by-step explanation:

Let us look at the statements one by one

1. The additive inverse of 10 is -10.

The additive inverse of a number is the opposite of a number with respect to sign.

The sum of a number and its additive inverse is zero.

10+(-10) = 10-10 = 0

This statement is true.

2. Zero is a positive number.

Zero is neither a positive number nor a negative number. It is only used as reference to decide whether a number is positive or negative.

This statement is false.

3. To divide two unlike signs, the quotient is always positive.

When two unlike signs are divided, the answer will be negative as division involves multiplication, and multiplication of two numbers with unlike signs will always be negative.

This statement is false.

4. Commutative Property states that:

a + (b + c ) = (a + b ) + c

Commutative property deals with two numbers or variables only. The property with three numbers or varibales is associative property. Hence,

This statement is false.

5. One is the identity element of for addition.

Additive identity is a number that when added to a number x, the result will always be x. Zero is additive identity.


This statement is false.

The answers are as follows:

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The answers are as follows:


Step-by-step explanation:

Let us look at the statements one by one

1. The additive inverse of 10 is -10.

The additive inverse of a number is the opposite of a number with respect to sign.

The sum of a number and its additive inverse is zero.

10+(-10) = 10-10 = 0

This statement is true.

2. Zero is a positive number.

Zero is neither a positive number nor a negative number. It is only used as reference to decide whether a number is positive or negative.

This statement is false.

3. To divide two unlike signs, the quotient is always positive.

When two unlike signs are divided, the answer will be negative as division involves multiplication, and multiplication of two numbers with unlike signs will always be negative.

This statement is false.

4. Commutative Property states that:

a + (b + c ) = (a + b ) + c

Commutative property deals with two numbers or variables only. The property with three numbers or varibales is associative property. Hence,

This statement is false.

5. One is the identity element of for addition.

Additive identity is a number that when added to a number x, the result will always be x. Zero is additive identity.


This statement is false.

The answers are as follows:

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

1. To convert minutes to hours, we must multiply the number of minutes by 60, because that is how many minutes there are in an hour.

2. 1 pint = 16 ounces

16 × 8 = 128

Fernando bought 128 fluid ounces of milk.

3. 1 quart = 0.25 gallons

0.25 × 8 = 2

2 gallons are equivalent to 8 quarts.

4. Because when you divide 25 by 8, the result is greater than 3.

5. By dividing 6,400 by 2,000, because that is how you will find the exact equivalent of 6,400 pounds in tons.

7. 1 pound = 16 ounces

16 × 80 = 1,280

1,280 ounces is equivalent to 80 pounds.


The missing value in the table is 918, because:

1 yard = 3 feet

3 × 306 = 918

306 yards = 918 feet

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