
Question 12
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Step-by-step answer

10.02.2023, solved by verified expert
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Answer shown below.

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the voltage across the R4 resistor, we can use the voltage divider rule. The voltage divider rule states that the voltage across a resistor in a series circuit is proportional to its resistance value compared to the total resistance of the circuit.

Let's call the total resistance of the circuit R_tot. We can calculate this by adding up the resistance values of each resistor:

R_tot = R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 = 26 + 45 + 56 + 50 = 177 ohms

Next, we can use the voltage divider rule to find the voltage across R4:

V_R4 = V_tot * (R4 / R_tot) = 120 V * (50 / 177) = 43.59 V

So the voltage across the R4 resistor is 43.59 V

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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

1. Why is a homogeneous mixture not considered a pure substance?

A pure substance can be separated by chemical means, while a mixture can be separated by physical means.

2. What is true if mass is conserved in a reaction?

There are equal numbers of atoms on both sides.

3. Methane reacts with oxygen then what are the products?

carbon dioxide and water

4. Which one of the following is not a homogeneous mixture?

vegetable soup

5. The substance is not uniform in appearance and each part of the mixture contains a combination of different ingredients in different ratios.

heterogeneous mixtures

6. If a solution is saturated, which of these is true?

More solvent can be dissolved

7. Which of these substances are molecules?

All compounds are molecules but not all molecules are compounds. Molecular oxygen (O2) and molecular nitrogen (N2) are not compounds because each is composed of a single element. So correct option is 3 and 4.

8. What makes a solution a homogeneous mixture?

It is uniform in composition.

9. When a solute is added to a solution, why does it remain homogeneous?

The solute dissolves.

10. The chemical formula of glucose is C6H12O6, so it is classified as a(n)

pure substance.

11. How many chlorine (Cl) atoms would be in 4 molecules of salt (4 NaCl)?


12. In a solution of salt and water, which component is the solute?


13. These substances are all   H2O2,   Li , NaCl , O2

Pure Substances

14. If you have 5 grams of product after a chemical reaction, how many grams of reactants did you have at the start of the reaction?


15. What is the difference between a compound and a mixture?

A compound is a pure substance, but a mixture is not.

16. A firework exploding would be an example of a(n) .

Exothermic reaction

17. If Lavoisier heated 100 grams of powdered mercuric oxide to produce 93 grams of liquid mercury, how much oxygen would be released?


                       2HgO ==> 2Hg + O2

Mass of HgO = 100 g

Molar mass of HgO = 216.59 g/mol

Moles = mass/molar mass = 0.46 moles

From balance chemcial equation

   HgO :  O2

      2  =    1

    0.46 = (1 × 0.46 ) ÷ 2 = 0.23 moles

mass of O2 = moles× molar mass = 0.23 × 32 = 7.36 g

18. Using the Law of Conservation of Matter, determine the number of grams of iron sulfide (FeS) that will be produced in this reaction.


                         12g Fe + 64g S → g FeS

According to Law of Conservation of Matter, The total mass of reactant is equal to total mass of  product , so the number of grams of iron sulfide (FeS) that will be produced in this reaction as follow.

                              12 + 64 = 76 g of FeS

Hope this Help.


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. B

2. A (n ≤ 13)

3. A (2m - 7)

4. B (8x+8y)

5. School C

6. C (6.08 pounds)

7. A (5 + 3p ≥ 30)

8. A (95 + 25x + 25y)

9. D (29)

10. A (Add 3 to both sides)

11. C (Malia)

12. C (n ≤ 48)

13. TRUE

Step-by-step explanation:


We need to find 8.45% of each of them so that the answer is 2.1 hours.

For 20 hours: 8.45% of 20 = 0.0845 * 20 = 1.69 hours (this is not the answer)

For 25 hours: 8.45% of 25 = 0.0845 * 25 = 2.11 hours (this is the answer)

For 10 hours: 8.45% of 10 = 0.0845 * 10 = 0.85 hours (this isn't it)

For 18 hours: 8.45% of 18 = 0.0845 * 18 = 1.52 hours (this is not it)

We see that option B is right.


Macy has $95.

She buys $12.99 worth of stationery. She now was 95 - 12.99 = $82.01

She needs to keep $42 intact for skateboard, so she can spend remaining on ice-cream bars.

She can spend  82.01-42=40.01 for ice cream bars each worth 3.07.

Number of ice-cream bars, n, she can buy for 40.01 is  \frac{40.01}{3.07}=13.03. SHE CAN'T BUY 0.03 (the fractional amount) ice-cream bars, so the maximum is 13.

Answer choice A is right (n ≤ 13)


We need to use the distributive property (a(b+c)=ab+ac) to expand and them add like terms. The steps are shown below:


Answer choice A is right (2m - 7)


Total number roses is = total red roses and total white roses

total red roses = x groups of 8 in each group = 8x

total white roses = y groups of 8 in each group = 8y

Hence, total = 8x + 8y

Answer choice B is right.


We divide "number of students who like sandwiches" by "total number of students" , then multiply by 100 to get the percentage. Which ever is the greatest, is the answer. Let's do for each:

School A: \frac{12}{38}*100=31.58%

School B: \frac{9}{48}*100=18.75%

School C: \frac{10}{26}*100=38.46%

School D: \frac{8}{24}*100=33.33%

School C has the greatest percentage.


Subtracting 25.2 from 86 will give us the amount of flour Sam used in last 10 days.

Amount used = 86 - 25.2 = 60.8 pounds

Since he used same amount for each day, we can divide 60.8 by 10 to get how much he used each day.

So, \frac{60.8}{10}=6.08 pounds used each day

Answer is C, 6.08 pounds


"Score" needs to be atleast 30. Let first round score be 5 (given) and each of the three remaining rounds's score be p. So,

Score = 5 + 3p

This SCORE NEEDS to be ATLEAST 30, which means "5 + 3p should be greater than or equal to 30"

First answer choice is right (5 + 3p ≥ 30)


First day printed = 95 (given)

Second day printed = 25 barcodes per minute for x minutes = 25x AND 25 barcodes per minute for y minutes = 25y

Subtotal is 25x+25y

Total in 2 days = 95 + 25x + 25y

Answer choice A is right.


Let first number be x, so next consecutive number is x + 1 and the next one is x + 2. We take the sum and equate to 84 and solve:


Hence, the 3 numbers are 27, 28, and 29. The largest is 29, answer choice D is right.


The question is


The first step would be to "isolate" the terms with x's and constant terms. So we sould take 3 to the right hand side.

Adding 3 to both sides "eliminates" 3 from left and takes it to the right.

Answer choice A is right (Add 3 to both sides)


Finding the respective PERCENTAGES will give us the answers. The greatest amount is what we are looking for. Let's find it.

Zak = 15% of 56 = 0.15 * 56 = 8.4 pages

Karen = 12% of 64 = 0.12 * 64 = 7.68 pages

Malia = 14% of 68 = 0.14 * 68 = 9.52 pages

Ali = 10% of 72 = 0.10 * 72 = 7.2 pages

We see that Malia reads the most. Answer choice C is right (Malia)


Subtracting John's weight (100) from maximum the elevator can carry (340) will give us the amount alloted for the packages.

Amount alloted for packages = 340 - 100 = 240

Since each package weights 5, the MAXIMUM is  \frac{240}{5}=48

It means "the number of packages, n, can be LESS THAN or EQUAL to 48"

Answer choice C is right (n ≤ 48)


We can simplify the expression  by using distributive property (a(b+c)=ab+ac) and collecting like terms to fully simplify the expression. let's do it:


Indeed the expression is equal to "20 - 5x" (the two terms are just placed differently)

Answer is TRUE

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

1. Why is a homogeneous mixture not considered a pure substance?

A pure substance can be separated by chemical means, while a mixture can be separated by physical means.

2. What is true if mass is conserved in a reaction?

There are equal numbers of atoms on both sides.

3. Methane reacts with oxygen then what are the products?

carbon dioxide and water

4. Which one of the following is not a homogeneous mixture?

vegetable soup

5. The substance is not uniform in appearance and each part of the mixture contains a combination of different ingredients in different ratios.

heterogeneous mixtures

6. If a solution is saturated, which of these is true?

More solvent can be dissolved

7. Which of these substances are molecules?

All compounds are molecules but not all molecules are compounds. Molecular oxygen (O2) and molecular nitrogen (N2) are not compounds because each is composed of a single element. So correct option is 3 and 4.

8. What makes a solution a homogeneous mixture?

It is uniform in composition.

9. When a solute is added to a solution, why does it remain homogeneous?

The solute dissolves.

10. The chemical formula of glucose is C6H12O6, so it is classified as a(n)

pure substance.

11. How many chlorine (Cl) atoms would be in 4 molecules of salt (4 NaCl)?


12. In a solution of salt and water, which component is the solute?


13. These substances are all   H2O2,   Li , NaCl , O2

Pure Substances

14. If you have 5 grams of product after a chemical reaction, how many grams of reactants did you have at the start of the reaction?


15. What is the difference between a compound and a mixture?

A compound is a pure substance, but a mixture is not.

16. A firework exploding would be an example of a(n) .

Exothermic reaction

17. If Lavoisier heated 100 grams of powdered mercuric oxide to produce 93 grams of liquid mercury, how much oxygen would be released?


                       2HgO ==> 2Hg + O2

Mass of HgO = 100 g

Molar mass of HgO = 216.59 g/mol

Moles = mass/molar mass = 0.46 moles

From balance chemcial equation

   HgO :  O2

      2  =    1

    0.46 = (1 × 0.46 ) ÷ 2 = 0.23 moles

mass of O2 = moles× molar mass = 0.23 × 32 = 7.36 g

18. Using the Law of Conservation of Matter, determine the number of grams of iron sulfide (FeS) that will be produced in this reaction.


                         12g Fe + 64g S → g FeS

According to Law of Conservation of Matter, The total mass of reactant is equal to total mass of  product , so the number of grams of iron sulfide (FeS) that will be produced in this reaction as follow.

                              12 + 64 = 76 g of FeS

Hope this Help.


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. B

2. A (n ≤ 13)

3. A (2m - 7)

4. B (8x+8y)

5. School C

6. C (6.08 pounds)

7. A (5 + 3p ≥ 30)

8. A (95 + 25x + 25y)

9. D (29)

10. A (Add 3 to both sides)

11. C (Malia)

12. C (n ≤ 48)

13. TRUE

Step-by-step explanation:


We need to find 8.45% of each of them so that the answer is 2.1 hours.

For 20 hours: 8.45% of 20 = 0.0845 * 20 = 1.69 hours (this is not the answer)

For 25 hours: 8.45% of 25 = 0.0845 * 25 = 2.11 hours (this is the answer)

For 10 hours: 8.45% of 10 = 0.0845 * 10 = 0.85 hours (this isn't it)

For 18 hours: 8.45% of 18 = 0.0845 * 18 = 1.52 hours (this is not it)

We see that option B is right.


Macy has $95.

She buys $12.99 worth of stationery. She now was 95 - 12.99 = $82.01

She needs to keep $42 intact for skateboard, so she can spend remaining on ice-cream bars.

She can spend  82.01-42=40.01 for ice cream bars each worth 3.07.

Number of ice-cream bars, n, she can buy for 40.01 is  \frac{40.01}{3.07}=13.03. SHE CAN'T BUY 0.03 (the fractional amount) ice-cream bars, so the maximum is 13.

Answer choice A is right (n ≤ 13)


We need to use the distributive property (a(b+c)=ab+ac) to expand and them add like terms. The steps are shown below:


Answer choice A is right (2m - 7)


Total number roses is = total red roses and total white roses

total red roses = x groups of 8 in each group = 8x

total white roses = y groups of 8 in each group = 8y

Hence, total = 8x + 8y

Answer choice B is right.


We divide "number of students who like sandwiches" by "total number of students" , then multiply by 100 to get the percentage. Which ever is the greatest, is the answer. Let's do for each:

School A: \frac{12}{38}*100=31.58%

School B: \frac{9}{48}*100=18.75%

School C: \frac{10}{26}*100=38.46%

School D: \frac{8}{24}*100=33.33%

School C has the greatest percentage.


Subtracting 25.2 from 86 will give us the amount of flour Sam used in last 10 days.

Amount used = 86 - 25.2 = 60.8 pounds

Since he used same amount for each day, we can divide 60.8 by 10 to get how much he used each day.

So, \frac{60.8}{10}=6.08 pounds used each day

Answer is C, 6.08 pounds


"Score" needs to be atleast 30. Let first round score be 5 (given) and each of the three remaining rounds's score be p. So,

Score = 5 + 3p

This SCORE NEEDS to be ATLEAST 30, which means "5 + 3p should be greater than or equal to 30"

First answer choice is right (5 + 3p ≥ 30)


First day printed = 95 (given)

Second day printed = 25 barcodes per minute for x minutes = 25x AND 25 barcodes per minute for y minutes = 25y

Subtotal is 25x+25y

Total in 2 days = 95 + 25x + 25y

Answer choice A is right.


Let first number be x, so next consecutive number is x + 1 and the next one is x + 2. We take the sum and equate to 84 and solve:


Hence, the 3 numbers are 27, 28, and 29. The largest is 29, answer choice D is right.


The question is


The first step would be to "isolate" the terms with x's and constant terms. So we sould take 3 to the right hand side.

Adding 3 to both sides "eliminates" 3 from left and takes it to the right.

Answer choice A is right (Add 3 to both sides)


Finding the respective PERCENTAGES will give us the answers. The greatest amount is what we are looking for. Let's find it.

Zak = 15% of 56 = 0.15 * 56 = 8.4 pages

Karen = 12% of 64 = 0.12 * 64 = 7.68 pages

Malia = 14% of 68 = 0.14 * 68 = 9.52 pages

Ali = 10% of 72 = 0.10 * 72 = 7.2 pages

We see that Malia reads the most. Answer choice C is right (Malia)


Subtracting John's weight (100) from maximum the elevator can carry (340) will give us the amount alloted for the packages.

Amount alloted for packages = 340 - 100 = 240

Since each package weights 5, the MAXIMUM is  \frac{240}{5}=48

It means "the number of packages, n, can be LESS THAN or EQUAL to 48"

Answer choice C is right (n ≤ 48)


We can simplify the expression  by using distributive property (a(b+c)=ab+ac) and collecting like terms to fully simplify the expression. let's do it:


Indeed the expression is equal to "20 - 5x" (the two terms are just placed differently)

Answer is TRUE

Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist


The IP addresses available to the internet are called public IP addresses. ... A computer using a private IP address on a private network can still access thhe Internet if a router or other device that stands between the network and the Internet is using NAT Network Address Translation.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Question 1

Mayella lies about the attack for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

Question 1 options:

C. She wanted to draw public attention to herself.

Mayella would have preferred that this attack never happen, she actually feels guilty and ashamed for breaking the law. The last thing she wants is to get attention.

Question 2

"As Judge Taylor banged his gavel, Mr Ewell was sitting smugly in the witness chair, surveying his handiwork." Which two words suggest that Mr Ewell intends to cause chaos?

Question 2 options:

A. his handiwork

B. sitting smugly  

These two words have a negative connotation. handiwork refers to his masterpiece that has caused so much trouble. And sitting smugly represents Ewell's sense of power and victory when he must testify.

Question 3  

Atticus asks Bob Ewell to sign his name in front of the court. What does this show the jury (and the reader)?

Question 3 options:

C. That Bob Ewell is left-handed and could have caused Mayella's injuries.

To proof that Ewell is left-handed is ver significant because it suggests that he is probably the responsible for the injures in Mayella's face. A left-handed person usually uses that hand to do everything, when Mayella was in the ground he was hitting her in the right side (where she has the bruises) since that was easier for him.

Question 4 (1 point)  

What is the point of Atticus asking Tom Robinson so many questions about his background?

Question 4 options:

B. To show that he has nothing to hide, and that he is respectable and honest.

Tom Robinson once had a problem with another person and was taken to jail for a few days. Tom assures the court that he will tell the truth throughout the trial and that is why he is not afraid to answer all the questions about his past.

Question 5 (1 point)  

An MLA formatted in-text citation contains which of the following information?

Question 5 options:

B. Author's last name and page number

If the author's name appears in the text before the citation, the reference will consist the page number only, if not - then the author's last name and the page number of the quotation are required. (Taken from the MLA web page)

Example : He was respected by all who knew him for his integrity and indefatigable attention to public business (Shelley 1)

Question 6 (1 point)  

Which of the following is NOT an aspect of a well-written thesis statement?

Question 6 options:

A. Reasons that support your claim.

When you start to give reasons that support your thesis this is  called argument and although arguments are derived from the thesis, the arguments and the thesis are not the same and should be in different paragraphs.

Question 7 (1 point)  

“Mr. Tate said, ‘Oh yes, that’d make it her right. It was her right eye, Mr. Finch. I remember now, she was bunged up on that side of her face...’” Which of the following is the correct citation for the quote from page 47 of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird?

Question 7 options:

C. (Lee 47).

Remember that citations in the text in MLA only need the last name of the car and the number of the page.

Question 8 (1 point)  

What is one possible theme of Pablo Neruda's poem, "We Are Many"?

Question 8 options:

A. Learning to be at ease with oneself can be difficult.

In this poem, Neruda describes how in different parts of his life he wants to be brave or intrepid but turns out to be doing things that are not what he would like and that frustrates him. The subject of the poem is how difficult it is to be comfortable with oneself.

Question 9 (1 point)  

"We Are Many" has been called a "geography of self" poem. What does Neruda say about himself in this poem?

Question 9 options:

D. He is many different traits within one person, as is everyone, and that those different aspects of our personalities are like traveling to different lands and different cultures.

Well, this one is self explanatory.

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