
Daniel walked 2/5 mile in 1/4 hour. How fast did he walk, in miles per hour?

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Step-by-step answer

24.06.2023, solved by verified expert


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Step-by-step explanation:

v=\frac{d}{t}\\ \\ v=\frac{\frac{2}{5}}{\frac{1}{4}}\\ \\ v=\frac{2}{5}\left(\frac{4}{1}\right)\\ \\ v=\frac{8}{5}\\ \\ v=1.6\ \frac{mi}{hr}

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

The answers to the questions asked are

question 1 :  false

question 2:  True

question 3:  17 meters

question 4:  2 meters

question 5:  she did not do anything wrong

question 6:  28 mph

question 7:  12 mph

question 8: 0.27 m/s

question 9:  True

question 10: false


question 1: speed is the total distance covered by an object over a given time regardless of the direction of the distance hence when reporting we report only the value and unit of the speed  which ( km/h )or ( m/s )

question 2: velocity is change in distance covered by an object ( on a straight line) also known as displacement. over a given time by the object hence the direction of the object is considered  

question 3: to calculate for distance traveled by an object you have to sum up the total distance traveled  by the object on a straight line i.e ( 10 + 7 ) = 17 meters

question 4: displacement is change in distance traveled by an object on a straight line in opposite direction i.e ( 7 - 5 ) = 2 meters

question 5: displacement is change in distance traveled on a straight line in opposite direction hence her answer was correct i.e ( 13 - 10) = 3 meters

question 6: speed = distance/time  equation 1

          distance = 5 + 2 = 7 miles

          time = 1/4 hour = 0.25 hour

           equation 1 becomes

           speed = 7/0.25 = 28 mph

question 7: Average velocity = displacement/time equation 1

                   displacement =  5 - 2 = 3 miles

                    time = 1/4 = 0.25 hour

                     equation 1 becomes

                    average velocity =  3/0.25 = 12 mph

question 8: Average speed = total distance / total time   equation 1

            total distance = 0.75 + 0.75 + 0.75 = 2.25 meters

      this is considered the total distance because for each trial she covered                          ramp which was 0.75 meters

            total time = 2.5 + 2.75 + 2.98 = 8.23 seconds

            equation 1 becomes

           average speed = 2.25 / 8.23 = 0.27 m/s

question 9:  It is true because precise is a data that is repeated over and over which might not actually be the actual/correct value while accurate is the data that is closest to the known value

question 10: from the definition in question 9 above the answer is false

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

The answers to the questions asked are

question 1 :  false

question 2:  True

question 3:  17 meters

question 4:  2 meters

question 5:  she did not do anything wrong

question 6:  28 mph

question 7:  12 mph

question 8: 0.27 m/s

question 9:  True

question 10: false


question 1: speed is the total distance covered by an object over a given time regardless of the direction of the distance hence when reporting we report only the value and unit of the speed  which ( km/h )or ( m/s )

question 2: velocity is change in distance covered by an object ( on a straight line) also known as displacement. over a given time by the object hence the direction of the object is considered  

question 3: to calculate for distance traveled by an object you have to sum up the total distance traveled  by the object on a straight line i.e ( 10 + 7 ) = 17 meters

question 4: displacement is change in distance traveled by an object on a straight line in opposite direction i.e ( 7 - 5 ) = 2 meters

question 5: displacement is change in distance traveled on a straight line in opposite direction hence her answer was correct i.e ( 13 - 10) = 3 meters

question 6: speed = distance/time  equation 1

          distance = 5 + 2 = 7 miles

          time = 1/4 hour = 0.25 hour

           equation 1 becomes

           speed = 7/0.25 = 28 mph

question 7: Average velocity = displacement/time equation 1

                   displacement =  5 - 2 = 3 miles

                    time = 1/4 = 0.25 hour

                     equation 1 becomes

                    average velocity =  3/0.25 = 12 mph

question 8: Average speed = total distance / total time   equation 1

            total distance = 0.75 + 0.75 + 0.75 = 2.25 meters

      this is considered the total distance because for each trial she covered                          ramp which was 0.75 meters

            total time = 2.5 + 2.75 + 2.98 = 8.23 seconds

            equation 1 becomes

           average speed = 2.25 / 8.23 = 0.27 m/s

question 9:  It is true because precise is a data that is repeated over and over which might not actually be the actual/correct value while accurate is the data that is closest to the known value

question 10: from the definition in question 9 above the answer is false

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

a. I hike faster by \frac{8}{7} times faster;

b. You meet after 3.5 hours;

c. I hiked 1.167 miles farther than my friend;

Step-by-step explanation: a) To determine who hiked faster, we have to find speed of each person:

I hike 2/3 mile every 1/4 hour, so:

speed = \frac{2}{3} ÷ \frac{1}{4}

speed = \frac{2}{3}.4 = \frac{8}{3}

speed = 2.667 mph

My friend hikes 2.\frac{1}{3} mph:

speed = \frac{7}{3}

speed = 2.334 mph

Comparing the speed, I hike faster than my friend by:

\frac{\frac{8}{3} }{\frac{7}{3} } = \frac{8}{3} . \frac{3}{7} = \frac{8}{7} times faster.

b) Suppose time in hours is t.

I hiked a distance of \frac{8}{3}t

My friend hiked a distance of \frac{7}{3}t

They will meet when the sum of the distances equals 17.5 miles:

\frac{8}{3}.t + \frac{7}{3}.t = 17.5

\frac{15}{3}t = 17.5

t = 3.5 h

After 3 and a half hours, my friend and I meet.

c) To know who hiked farther, we determine the distance my friend and I hiked when we met:

distance for me: \frac{8}{3}t

distance when we met: \frac{8}{3}.3.5 = 9.334 miles

distance for mu friend: \frac{7}{3}t

distance when we met: \frac{7}{3}.3.5 = 8.167 miles

When we met, I hiked 9.334 - 8.167 = 1.167 miles farther than my friend.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Since you hike \frac{2}{3} miles every \frac{1}{4} hour, you'll hike \frac{2}{3}*4=\frac{8}{3}=2\frac{2}{3} every hour. Comparing this to your friend's rate, we can see that you hike more miles in one hour. You hike \frac{\frac{8}{3}}{\frac{7}{3}}=\frac{8}{3}*\frac{3}{7}=\frac{8}{7} times faster.

a) You hike faster. You hike \frac{8}{7} times faster.

The two of you will meet when the total distance you've traveled sum up to 17.5 miles. You can find the distance both you and your friends traveled by multiplying your rate with the time you've been hiking. Since you both need to arrive at the same time, we will assign the same variable, t, to determine after how many hours you will meet.

\frac{8}{3}t+ \frac{7}{3}t=17.5

b. The two of you will meet after 3.5 hours.

As said earlier, we just multiply the rate with the number of hours you've traveled to find the distance you've hiked.

You traveled: \frac{8}{3}* \frac{7}{2} =  \frac{28}{3}=9.33 miles
Your friend traveled: \frac{7}{3}* \frac{7}{2} = \frac{49}{6}=8.17 miles

You hiked \frac{28}{3}-\frac{49}{6} = \frac{7}{6}=1.167 miles farther.

c)You hiked farther. You hiked 1.167 miles farther.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Since you hike \frac{2}{3} miles every \frac{1}{4} hour, you'll hike \frac{2}{3}*4=\frac{8}{3}=2\frac{2}{3} every hour. Comparing this to your friend's rate, we can see that you hike more miles in one hour. You hike \frac{\frac{8}{3}}{\frac{7}{3}}=\frac{8}{3}*\frac{3}{7}=\frac{8}{7} times faster.

a) You hike faster. You hike \frac{8}{7} times faster.

The two of you will meet when the total distance you've traveled sum up to 17.5 miles. You can find the distance both you and your friends traveled by multiplying your rate with the time you've been hiking. Since you both need to arrive at the same time, we will assign the same variable, t, to determine after how many hours you will meet.

\frac{8}{3}t+ \frac{7}{3}t=17.5

b. The two of you will meet after 3.5 hours.

As said earlier, we just multiply the rate with the number of hours you've traveled to find the distance you've hiked.

You traveled: \frac{8}{3}* \frac{7}{2} =  \frac{28}{3}=9.33 miles
Your friend traveled: \frac{7}{3}* \frac{7}{2} = \frac{49}{6}=8.17 miles

You hiked \frac{28}{3}-\frac{49}{6} = \frac{7}{6}=1.167 miles farther.

c)You hiked farther. You hiked 1.167 miles farther.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Nathaniel ran fastest

Step-by-step explanation:

For Joseph

Joseph ran 2 3/4 miles 2 /5 of an hour.

Speed = Distance/Time

Speed = 2 3/4 miles ÷ 2/5 hour

= 11/4 ÷ 2/5

= 11/4 × 5/2

= 55/8 miles/hour or 6.875 miles/hour

How fast did he run in 1 hour? (try to leave your answer in a fraction)

Hence, this is calculated as:

2/5 hour = 55/8 miles per hour

1 hour = x

Cross Multiply

x = 55/8 ÷ 2/5

x = 55/8 × 5/2

x = 275/16 miles per hour

x = 17 3/16 miles per hour

Nathaniel ran LaTeX: 8 2/3 miles in 4 /3 of an hour. How fast did Nathaniel run in 1 hour? (try to leave your answer in a fraction)

Speed = Distance/Time

Speed = 8 2/3 miles ÷ 4/3hour

= 26/3 ÷ 4/3

= 26/3 × 3/4

= 26/4 miles/hour

How fast did he run in 1 hour? (try to leave your answer in a fraction)

Hence, this is calculated as:

4/3 hour = 26/4miles per hour

1 hour = x

Cross Multiply

x = 26/4 ÷ 4/3

x = 26/4 × 3/4

x = 78/16 miles per hour

x = 4 14/16 miles per hour

= 4 7/8 miles per hour

Who ran the fastest, Nathaniel or Joseph?

Hence, from the calculation above, Nathaniel ran fastest

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Nathaniel ran fastest

Step-by-step explanation:

For Joseph

Joseph ran 2 3/4 miles 2 /5 of an hour.

Speed = Distance/Time

Speed = 2 3/4 miles ÷ 2/5 hour

= 11/4 ÷ 2/5

= 11/4 × 5/2

= 55/8 miles/hour or 6.875 miles/hour

How fast did he run in 1 hour? (try to leave your answer in a fraction)

Hence, this is calculated as:

2/5 hour = 55/8 miles per hour

1 hour = x

Cross Multiply

x = 55/8 ÷ 2/5

x = 55/8 × 5/2

x = 275/16 miles per hour

x = 17 3/16 miles per hour

Nathaniel ran LaTeX: 8 2/3 miles in 4 /3 of an hour. How fast did Nathaniel run in 1 hour? (try to leave your answer in a fraction)

Speed = Distance/Time

Speed = 8 2/3 miles ÷ 4/3hour

= 26/3 ÷ 4/3

= 26/3 × 3/4

= 26/4 miles/hour

How fast did he run in 1 hour? (try to leave your answer in a fraction)

Hence, this is calculated as:

4/3 hour = 26/4miles per hour

1 hour = x

Cross Multiply

x = 26/4 ÷ 4/3

x = 26/4 × 3/4

x = 78/16 miles per hour

x = 4 14/16 miles per hour

= 4 7/8 miles per hour

Who ran the fastest, Nathaniel or Joseph?

Hence, from the calculation above, Nathaniel ran fastest

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
First we need to know how many miles per hour they drove the first time. This would be found by division. 168/3.5=48
Then we need to add 5 miles per hour for the average.48+5= 53
Next we need to multiply 2 1/4 by the new miles per hour 53*2.25=119.25
After that we need to know how many miles they drove 119.25+168=287.25 miles.
Finally to get an improper fraction we need to change 287.25 miles to it.
We already have 1/4 for .25 so we multiply 287 by 4 and add it to the 1/4 we already have and it makes it out to be 1149/4

Hope this helps!

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