
Use a calculator to find the value of each expression rounded to two decimal places. Make sure you are in Radian Mode. cos-(0.75)

. 0

Step-by-step answer

09.07.2023, solved by verified expert
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If you meant to write Use a calculator to find the value of each expression, №18009785, 28.12.2021 19:21, then using a calculator in radian mode would show Use a calculator to find the value of each expression, №18009785, 28.12.2021 19:21

Rounding to the nearest hundredth gets us Use a calculator to find the value of each expression, №18009785, 28.12.2021 19:21

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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

If you meant to write \cos^{-1}(0.75), then using a calculator in radian mode would show \cos^{-1}(0.75) \approx 0.722734

Rounding to the nearest hundredth gets us \cos^{-1}(0.75) \approx 0.72

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

It will take 26.34 minutes for the population to reach 5 times its initial value

Step-by-step explanation:

Exponential Growing

The population of bacteria grows at a rate expressed by the equation:


Where t is in minutes.

We need to know when the population will reach 5 times its initial value. The initial value can be determined by setting t=0:

f(0)=256e^{0.06111\cdot 0}=256\cdot 1=256

Now we find the time when the population is 5*256=1,280. The equation to solve is:


Dividing by 256:


Taking natural logarithms:


Applying the logarithm properties:


Solving for t:


It will take 26.34 minutes for the population to reach 5 times its initial value

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

It will take 26.34 minutes for the population to reach 5 times its initial value

Step-by-step explanation:

Exponential Growing

The population of bacteria grows at a rate expressed by the equation:


Where t is in minutes.

We need to know when the population will reach 5 times its initial value. The initial value can be determined by setting t=0:

f(0)=256e^{0.06111\cdot 0}=256\cdot 1=256

Now we find the time when the population is 5*256=1,280. The equation to solve is:


Dividing by 256:


Taking natural logarithms:


Applying the logarithm properties:


Solving for t:


It will take 26.34 minutes for the population to reach 5 times its initial value

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The bacteria has an exponential growth rate and the population of the

bacteria increases rapidly with time.

(a) The relative rate of growth is \underline{\dfrac{ln(64)}{4}}.

(b) The initial size of the culture is 75 bacteria.

(c) The function that models the number of bacteria n(t) is; \underline{n(t) = 75 \cdot e^{1.04 \cdot t}}

(d) The number of bacteria after 4.5 hours is approximately 8,100 bacteria.

(e) The number of hours after which the bacteria will reach 75,000 is approximately 6.64 hours.


The count in the culture of bacteria after 2 hours = 600

The count after 6 hours = 38,400

(a) The relative rate of growth, k is given by the formula;

y = \mathbf{C \cdot e^{k \cdot t}}

Therefore, we get;

600 = C \cdot e^{k \times 2}

38,400= C \cdot e^{k \times 6}

Which gives;

\dfrac{38,400}{600} = \mathbf{\dfrac{C \cdot e^{k \times 6}}{C \cdot e^{k \times 2}}}

64= \dfrac{e^{k \times 6}}{e^{k \times 2}} = e^{k \times 6- k \times 2} = e^{4\cdot k}

\mathbf{e^{4\cdot k}} = 64

ln\left(e^{4\cdot k}) = ln(64)

4·k = ㏑(64)

The \ relative \ rate \ of \ growth, \, \underline{ k = \dfrac{ln(64)}{4}}

(b) The initial size of the culture, C, is given by the relation;

C =  \mathbf{\dfrac{y}{e^{k \cdot t}}}

Therefore, we get;

C = \dfrac{600}{e^{\dfrac{ln(64)}{4} \times 2}} = \mathbf{ 75}

The initial size of the culture, C = 75

(c) The function is y = C \cdot e^{k \cdot t}


y = n(t)

C = n₀

k = r

We get;

n(t) =  \mathbf{n_0 \cdot e^{r \cdot t}}

n₀ = C = 75

r =  k = \dfrac{ln(64)}{4} \approx 1.04

Which gives the function as follows; \underline{n(t) = 75 \cdot e^{1.04 \cdot t}}

(d) The number of bacteria after 4.5 hours is n(4.5) = 75 \cdot e^{1.04 \times 4.5} ≈ 8,100 bacteria

(e) At n(t) = 75,000, we have;

n(t) = 75,000 =  \mathbf{75 \cdot e^{1.04 \times t}}

t = \dfrac{ln\left(\dfrac{75,000}{75} \right)}{1.04} \approx  \mathbf{6.64}

The time at which the bacteria population will reach 75,000, t ≈ 6.64 hours.

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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

For 1 flavor there are 9 topping

Therefore, for 5 different flavors there will be 5*9 choices

No of choices= 5*9


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The solution is in the following image

The solution is in the following image
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


where y=Value of coin

x=Age in years

Value of coin after 19 years=2*19+15


Therefore, Value after 19 years=$53

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