
2520 divided by 48 please tell me the answer

. 0

Step-by-step answer

09.07.2023, solved by verified expert


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

Step-by-step explanation:

using long division..........

2520 divided by 48 please tell me the answer
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Step-by-step explanation:


or if you want fraction

22/486 can be simplified to 11/243 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 2

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Step-by-step explanation:

use calculator on phone or hand-held next time

Pls give thx and brainliest to level up

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Step-by-step explanation:


or if you want fraction

22/486 can be simplified to 11/243 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 2

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
#1).  Your answer is correct, but I'm having some trouble
following how you came to it.  I think this would have been
a perfect opportunity to use a proportion.

(26 wins so far)/(54 games so far) = ('x' total wins)/(162 total games) .

Cross multiply the proportion:      54x = (162 x 26)

Divide each side by 54:        x = (162 x 26) / (54) = 78 total wins.

#2).  You need to be a bit more careful with your percents.

        26 divided by 54  =  0.4814...

                                    =  48.14 % .

        Rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent:

                                   48.14 %   ==>   48.1 % .


In #1, you calculated that the team would win 78 games
out of the 162 in the whole season.   Now, #3 is asking you
what that percentage will be.

     Percentage = (games won) / (games played)

                        =    (78) / (162)

          Go ahead and do that division now, and be surprised.
          Be very surprised !

How did you calculate the 78 wins for the whole season
in #1 ?  How can anyone predict how many they'll win in
the future ?  Realistically, they can't.  But for the sake of
math, the question gave you a very powerful tool to use.

The question said "If this trend continues ... ".
What's the trend ?
The trend is winning 26 of every 54 games they play.

In #2, you found that this trend translated into  48.1% .

"If this trend continues", then they'll continue to win  48.1%
of all the games they play.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
#1).  Your answer is correct, but I'm having some trouble
following how you came to it.  I think this would have been
a perfect opportunity to use a proportion.

(26 wins so far)/(54 games so far) = ('x' total wins)/(162 total games) .

Cross multiply the proportion:      54x = (162 x 26)

Divide each side by 54:        x = (162 x 26) / (54) = 78 total wins.

#2).  You need to be a bit more careful with your percents.

        26 divided by 54  =  0.4814...

                                    =  48.14 % .

        Rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent:

                                   48.14 %   ==>   48.1 % .


In #1, you calculated that the team would win 78 games
out of the 162 in the whole season.   Now, #3 is asking you
what that percentage will be.

     Percentage = (games won) / (games played)

                        =    (78) / (162)

          Go ahead and do that division now, and be surprised.
          Be very surprised !

How did you calculate the 78 wins for the whole season
in #1 ?  How can anyone predict how many they'll win in
the future ?  Realistically, they can't.  But for the sake of
math, the question gave you a very powerful tool to use.

The question said "If this trend continues ... ".
What's the trend ?
The trend is winning 26 of every 54 games they play.

In #2, you found that this trend translated into  48.1% .

"If this trend continues", then they'll continue to win  48.1%
of all the games they play.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

1.  B) 32 m/s

The speed of the baseball is given by



d = 48 m is the distance travelled

t = 1.5 s is the time taken


v=\frac{48}{1.5}=32 m/s

2. C) 12 m/s

The average velocity is given by



d = 60 - 0 = 60 m is the displacement

t = 5 s is the time interval


v=\frac{60}{5}=12 m/s

3. Missing diagram

4. D) velocity

In fact, velocity is defined as the ratio between the displacement (\Delta s) and the time interval (\Delta t) needed to achieve that change in position:

v=\frac{\Delta s}{\Delta t}

Similarly, acceleration is defined as the ratio between the change in velocity (\Delta v) and the time interval (\Delta t):

a=\frac{\Delta v}{\Delta t}

Comparing the two equations, we see that displacement is to velocity as velocity is to acceleration.

5. C) 5/1 cm/year

We know that the ridge moves 25 cm in 5 years, so we have:

- Displacement (d): d = 25 cm

- Time interval (t): t = 5 y

Using the equation for the velocity:

v=\frac{d}{t}=\frac{25 cm}{5 y}=5 cm/y

6.  D

The missing graph is attached. Each graph represents a distance (on the y-axis, measured in metres) versus a time (on the x-axis, measured in seconds). Therefore, the speed in each graph can be simply calculated from the slope of the curve, since speed is the ratio between distance and time:

v=\frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}

For each graph:

A. \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}=\frac{8.6-2}{10}\sim 0.66

B. \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}=\frac{5.7-0}{10}\sim 0.57

C. \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}=\frac{9.6-3}{10}\sim 0.66

D. \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}=\frac{7.5-0}{5}\sim 1.5

So we can say that the correct graph must be graph D, the closest to 1.57.

7. B) The car has come to a stop and has zero velocity

The missing graph is attached.

The graph shows the position of the car versus time. From the graph, we can see that in segment B, the position of the car does not change: this means that its velocity is zero, since the velocity is defined as the ratio between the change in position (displacement) and the time interval:

v=\frac{\Delta s}{\Delta t}

And since the displacement is zero, the velocity is also zero.

8.  C) from 4.5 to 5.0 seconds

Missing graph is attached.

The graph represents the distance covered versus the time taken: therefore, the speed of the ball can be evaluated from the slope of the curve.

The only region in which the slope of the curve is zero is between 4.5 seconds and 5.0 seconds: therefore, this is the region where the soccer ball is not moving.

9. D) diagonal line with varying slope, from 3 to 4.

The table of data is:

Time (s)  0 1 2 3 4

Distance (m) 0 3 6 12 16

We want to know how the distance/time graph would like like. We have:

- At t = 1, the distance is d=3, so the slope is \frac{d}{t}=\frac{3}{1}=3

- Similarly, at t = 2:  \frac{d}{t}=\frac{6}{2}=3

- Instead, at t =3, the slope is \frac{d}{t}=\frac{12}{3}=4

- Similarly, at t=4,\frac{d}{t}=\frac{16}{4}=4

So the correct answer is D.

10. D) To move in a circle requires an acceleration and therefore a net force. This force is supplied by the slingshot.

For an object in circular motion, the velocity constantly changes (because the direction changes): this means that an acceleration is required (towards the centre of the circle), and therefore a force must be exerted (also towards the centre of the circle) to keep the object in the circular path.

As soon as this force is removed, the object is "free" to leave the circular trajectory and continue its motion following a straight path at constant velocity, according to Newton's first law.

11. B) The acceleration will become 1/4 as much.

Re-arranging Newton's second law formula,

F=ma \rightarrow a = \frac{F}{m} (1)

The force exerted on the satellite is actually the force of gravity:

F=\frac{Gm M}{d^2} (2)

Substituting (2) into (1),


We see that there is no dependance on the mass of the satellite (m), but only on the distance. Since in this problem the distance is doubled (d'=2d), the new acceleration will be:


12. C) divide: distance : velocity

Velocity is distance divided by time:


Multiplying by t on both sides,

v\cdot t = \frac{d}{t} \cdot t \rightarrow vt = d

and dividing by v on both sides,

\frac{vt}{v}=\frac{d}{v} \rightarrow t = \frac{d}{v}

13. A) -8 km/h

Let's call:

v_k = +5 km/h the velocity of the kite

v_p = -3 km/h your velocity (opposite direction)

In your frame of reference, the velocity of the kite will be:

v'_k = v_p - v_k = -3 -(+5) = -8 km/h

Physics   80  joe can pitch a baseball a distance of 48 meters in 1.5 seconds. how fast is his pitch
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

1.  B) 32 m/s

The speed of the baseball is given by



d = 48 m is the distance travelled

t = 1.5 s is the time taken


v=\frac{48}{1.5}=32 m/s

2. C) 12 m/s

The average velocity is given by



d = 60 - 0 = 60 m is the displacement

t = 5 s is the time interval


v=\frac{60}{5}=12 m/s

3. Missing diagram

4. D) velocity

In fact, velocity is defined as the ratio between the displacement (\Delta s) and the time interval (\Delta t) needed to achieve that change in position:

v=\frac{\Delta s}{\Delta t}

Similarly, acceleration is defined as the ratio between the change in velocity (\Delta v) and the time interval (\Delta t):

a=\frac{\Delta v}{\Delta t}

Comparing the two equations, we see that displacement is to velocity as velocity is to acceleration.

5. C) 5/1 cm/year

We know that the ridge moves 25 cm in 5 years, so we have:

- Displacement (d): d = 25 cm

- Time interval (t): t = 5 y

Using the equation for the velocity:

v=\frac{d}{t}=\frac{25 cm}{5 y}=5 cm/y

6.  D

The missing graph is attached. Each graph represents a distance (on the y-axis, measured in metres) versus a time (on the x-axis, measured in seconds). Therefore, the speed in each graph can be simply calculated from the slope of the curve, since speed is the ratio between distance and time:

v=\frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}

For each graph:

A. \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}=\frac{8.6-2}{10}\sim 0.66

B. \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}=\frac{5.7-0}{10}\sim 0.57

C. \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}=\frac{9.6-3}{10}\sim 0.66

D. \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}=\frac{7.5-0}{5}\sim 1.5

So we can say that the correct graph must be graph D, the closest to 1.57.

7. B) The car has come to a stop and has zero velocity

The missing graph is attached.

The graph shows the position of the car versus time. From the graph, we can see that in segment B, the position of the car does not change: this means that its velocity is zero, since the velocity is defined as the ratio between the change in position (displacement) and the time interval:

v=\frac{\Delta s}{\Delta t}

And since the displacement is zero, the velocity is also zero.

8.  C) from 4.5 to 5.0 seconds

Missing graph is attached.

The graph represents the distance covered versus the time taken: therefore, the speed of the ball can be evaluated from the slope of the curve.

The only region in which the slope of the curve is zero is between 4.5 seconds and 5.0 seconds: therefore, this is the region where the soccer ball is not moving.

9. D) diagonal line with varying slope, from 3 to 4.

The table of data is:

Time (s)  0 1 2 3 4

Distance (m) 0 3 6 12 16

We want to know how the distance/time graph would like like. We have:

- At t = 1, the distance is d=3, so the slope is \frac{d}{t}=\frac{3}{1}=3

- Similarly, at t = 2:  \frac{d}{t}=\frac{6}{2}=3

- Instead, at t =3, the slope is \frac{d}{t}=\frac{12}{3}=4

- Similarly, at t=4,\frac{d}{t}=\frac{16}{4}=4

So the correct answer is D.

10. D) To move in a circle requires an acceleration and therefore a net force. This force is supplied by the slingshot.

For an object in circular motion, the velocity constantly changes (because the direction changes): this means that an acceleration is required (towards the centre of the circle), and therefore a force must be exerted (also towards the centre of the circle) to keep the object in the circular path.

As soon as this force is removed, the object is "free" to leave the circular trajectory and continue its motion following a straight path at constant velocity, according to Newton's first law.

11. B) The acceleration will become 1/4 as much.

Re-arranging Newton's second law formula,

F=ma \rightarrow a = \frac{F}{m} (1)

The force exerted on the satellite is actually the force of gravity:

F=\frac{Gm M}{d^2} (2)

Substituting (2) into (1),


We see that there is no dependance on the mass of the satellite (m), but only on the distance. Since in this problem the distance is doubled (d'=2d), the new acceleration will be:


12. C) divide: distance : velocity

Velocity is distance divided by time:


Multiplying by t on both sides,

v\cdot t = \frac{d}{t} \cdot t \rightarrow vt = d

and dividing by v on both sides,

\frac{vt}{v}=\frac{d}{v} \rightarrow t = \frac{d}{v}

13. A) -8 km/h

Let's call:

v_k = +5 km/h the velocity of the kite

v_p = -3 km/h your velocity (opposite direction)

In your frame of reference, the velocity of the kite will be:

v'_k = v_p - v_k = -3 -(+5) = -8 km/h

Physics   80  joe can pitch a baseball a distance of 48 meters in 1.5 seconds. how fast is his pitch

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