
What is the solution for 8 = x + 1?

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Step-by-step answer

09.07.2023, solved by verified expert
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Step-by-step explanation:

Simplify for x by subtracting each side by 1;

What is the solution for 8 = x + 1?, №18010253, 18.01.2022 00:41

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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Question 1

To find the width of the rectangle, we divide the area by the length
We use the method of long division to get the answer. The method is shown in the first diagram below


Question 2:
\frac{x}{6x-x^{2} } = \frac{x}{x(6-x)} = \frac{1}{6-x}

Question 3:
\frac{-12 x^{4} }{x^{4}+8 x^{5} }= \frac{-12 x^{4} }{ x^{4}(1+8x)}= \frac{-12}{1+8x}

Question 4: 
\frac{x+5}{x^{2}+6x+5}= \frac{x+5}{(x+1)(x+5)}= \frac{1}{x+1}

Question 5:
\frac{x^{2}-3x-18} {x+3}= \frac{(x-6)(x+3)}{x+3}= \frac{x-6}{1}=x-6

Question 6:
\frac{2}{3a}×\frac{2}{a^{2}}=\frac{4}{3a^{3} } where a \neq 0

Question 7: (Question is not written well)
\frac{12 x^{3}-28 x^{2} -152x-40 }{4x+8}
By performing long division we get an answer 3 x^{2} -x-36 with remainder of 248

Question 8:
( \frac{x^{2}-16} {x-1})÷(x+4)
( \frac{ x^{2}-16 }{x-1})×\frac{1}{x+4}
Cancelling out x+4 we obtain \frac{x+1}{x-1}

Question 9:
\frac{x^{2}+2x+1} {x-2}÷\frac{x^{2-1} }{x^{2}-4 }
\frac{ x^{2}+2x+1 }{x-2}×\frac{x^{2}-4 }{x^{2}-1}
Factorise all the quadratic expression gives
Cancelling out (x+1) and (x-2) gives a simplest form

Question 10:

\frac{24 w^{10}+8w^{12}  }{4 x^{4} }= \frac{24w^{10} }{4 x^{4} } + \frac{8 w^{12} }{4 x^{4} }
Cancelling out the constants of each fraction
\frac{6w^{10} }{x^{4} }+ \frac{2w^{12} }{x^{4}}= \frac{6w^{10}+2w^{12}  }{ x^{4}}

Question 11:

\frac{-6m^{9}-6m^{8}-16m^{6}   }{2m^{3} } = \frac{-2m^{6}(3m^{3}-3m^{2}-8)}{2m^{3} }
Cancelling 2m^{3} gives us the simplified form
-m^{3}(3m^{3}-3m^{2}-8) = -3m^{6}+3m^{5}+8m^{3}

Question 12:

\frac{-4x}{x+7} - \frac{8}{x-7} = \frac{-4x(x-7)-8(x+7)}{(x+7)(x-7)}
\frac{-4 x^{2} +28x-8x-56}{(x+7)(X-7)}= \frac{-4 x^{2} +20x-56}{(x+7)(x-7)}
Factorising the numerator expression
\frac{(-4x+28)(x-2)}{(x+7)(x-7)} = \frac{-4(x-7)(x-2)}{(x+7)(x-7)}
Cancelling out x-7 gives the simplified form

Question 13:

\frac{3}{x-3} - \frac{5}{x-2}= \frac{x3(x-2)-5(x-2)}{y(x-3)(x-2)}
\frac{3x-6-5x+15}{(x-3)(x-2)}= \frac{-2x+9}{(x-3)(x-2)}

Question 14:

\frac{9}{x-1}- \frac{5}{x+4}= \frac{9(x+4)-5(x-1)}{(x-1)(x+4)}\frac{9x+36-5x+5}{(x-1)(x+4)}= \frac{4x+41}{(x-1)(x+4)}

Question 15:

\frac{-3}{x+2}- \frac{(-5)}{x+3}= \frac{-3(x+3)-(-5)(x+2)}{(x+2)(x+3)}
\frac{-3x-9+5x+10}{(x+2)(x+3)}= \frac{2x+1}{(x+2)(x+3)}

Question 16:

\frac{4}{x}+ \frac{5}{x}=-3

Question 17:

\frac{1}{3x-6}- \frac{5}{x-2}=12
\frac{(x-2)-5(3x-6)}{(3x-6)(x-2)} =  \frac{x-2-15x+30}{(3x-6)(x-2)}= \frac{-14x+28}{(3x-6)(x-2)}

Question 18

1. the width w of a rectangular swimming pool is x+4. the area a of the pool is 2x^3-29+12. what is
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Question 1

To find the width of the rectangle, we divide the area by the length
We use the method of long division to get the answer. The method is shown in the first diagram below


Question 2:
\frac{x}{6x-x^{2} } = \frac{x}{x(6-x)} = \frac{1}{6-x}

Question 3:
\frac{-12 x^{4} }{x^{4}+8 x^{5} }= \frac{-12 x^{4} }{ x^{4}(1+8x)}= \frac{-12}{1+8x}

Question 4: 
\frac{x+5}{x^{2}+6x+5}= \frac{x+5}{(x+1)(x+5)}= \frac{1}{x+1}

Question 5:
\frac{x^{2}-3x-18} {x+3}= \frac{(x-6)(x+3)}{x+3}= \frac{x-6}{1}=x-6

Question 6:
\frac{2}{3a}×\frac{2}{a^{2}}=\frac{4}{3a^{3} } where a \neq 0

Question 7: (Question is not written well)
\frac{12 x^{3}-28 x^{2} -152x-40 }{4x+8}
By performing long division we get an answer 3 x^{2} -x-36 with remainder of 248

Question 8:
( \frac{x^{2}-16} {x-1})÷(x+4)
( \frac{ x^{2}-16 }{x-1})×\frac{1}{x+4}
Cancelling out x+4 we obtain \frac{x+1}{x-1}

Question 9:
\frac{x^{2}+2x+1} {x-2}÷\frac{x^{2-1} }{x^{2}-4 }
\frac{ x^{2}+2x+1 }{x-2}×\frac{x^{2}-4 }{x^{2}-1}
Factorise all the quadratic expression gives
Cancelling out (x+1) and (x-2) gives a simplest form

Question 10:

\frac{24 w^{10}+8w^{12}  }{4 x^{4} }= \frac{24w^{10} }{4 x^{4} } + \frac{8 w^{12} }{4 x^{4} }
Cancelling out the constants of each fraction
\frac{6w^{10} }{x^{4} }+ \frac{2w^{12} }{x^{4}}= \frac{6w^{10}+2w^{12}  }{ x^{4}}

Question 11:

\frac{-6m^{9}-6m^{8}-16m^{6}   }{2m^{3} } = \frac{-2m^{6}(3m^{3}-3m^{2}-8)}{2m^{3} }
Cancelling 2m^{3} gives us the simplified form
-m^{3}(3m^{3}-3m^{2}-8) = -3m^{6}+3m^{5}+8m^{3}

Question 12:

\frac{-4x}{x+7} - \frac{8}{x-7} = \frac{-4x(x-7)-8(x+7)}{(x+7)(x-7)}
\frac{-4 x^{2} +28x-8x-56}{(x+7)(X-7)}= \frac{-4 x^{2} +20x-56}{(x+7)(x-7)}
Factorising the numerator expression
\frac{(-4x+28)(x-2)}{(x+7)(x-7)} = \frac{-4(x-7)(x-2)}{(x+7)(x-7)}
Cancelling out x-7 gives the simplified form

Question 13:

\frac{3}{x-3} - \frac{5}{x-2}= \frac{x3(x-2)-5(x-2)}{y(x-3)(x-2)}
\frac{3x-6-5x+15}{(x-3)(x-2)}= \frac{-2x+9}{(x-3)(x-2)}

Question 14:

\frac{9}{x-1}- \frac{5}{x+4}= \frac{9(x+4)-5(x-1)}{(x-1)(x+4)}\frac{9x+36-5x+5}{(x-1)(x+4)}= \frac{4x+41}{(x-1)(x+4)}

Question 15:

\frac{-3}{x+2}- \frac{(-5)}{x+3}= \frac{-3(x+3)-(-5)(x+2)}{(x+2)(x+3)}
\frac{-3x-9+5x+10}{(x+2)(x+3)}= \frac{2x+1}{(x+2)(x+3)}

Question 16:

\frac{4}{x}+ \frac{5}{x}=-3

Question 17:

\frac{1}{3x-6}- \frac{5}{x-2}=12
\frac{(x-2)-5(3x-6)}{(3x-6)(x-2)} =  \frac{x-2-15x+30}{(3x-6)(x-2)}= \frac{-14x+28}{(3x-6)(x-2)}

Question 18

1. the width w of a rectangular swimming pool is x+4. the area a of the pool is 2x^3-29+12. what is
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The answer is below

Step-by-step explanation:

1) -3x = 42

Divide both sides by -3

-3x/ -3 = 42 / -3

x = -14



\frac{x}{-6}=-9\\ \\Multiply\ both\ sides\ by\ -6\\\\\frac{x}{-6}*-6=-9*-6\\\\x=54

j. x=54

3) 5x = 105

Divide both sides by 5

5x/ 5 = 105 / 5

x = 21

n. x=-21

4) x+37=-25

add -37 to both sides

x+37 - 37 =-25 - 37

x = -62

d. x=-62

5) x-42=-15

add 42 to both sides

x-42 + 42 =-15 + 42

x = 27

k. x=27

6)x - (-12) = -4

x + 12 = -4

add -12 to both sides:

x + 12 - 12 = -4 - 12

x = -16

 f. x = -16

7) x - (-6) = 5

x + 6 = 5

add -6 to both sides:

x + 6 - 6 = 5 - 6

x = -1

 r. x = -1

8)8-x = -12

8 - x + x + 12 = -12 + x = 12

x = 8 + 12

x = 20

c) x = 20

9) -9 - x = -6

x = -9 + 6

x = -3

s. x =-3

10) -6 + x = 17

x = 17 + 6

x = 23

a. x =23


\frac{x}{9} =-42\\multiply\ by \ 9\\\\x = 9*-42=-378

b. x = -378

12) -16 = x - 8

x = -16 + 8

x = -8

q. x = -8

13) -25 = x + 17

x = -25 - 17

x = -42

h. x = -42

14) 36 = 8 - x

x = 8 - 36

x = -28

g. x = -28

15) -x + 6 = 11

x = 6 - 11

x = -5

m. x = -5

16) -x + 8 = 4

x= 8 - 4

x = 4

e. x =4

17) 16 = 4 -x

x = 4 - 16

x = -12

o: x = -12

18) 85 = -5x

x = 85/ -5

x = -17

l. x= -17

19) 21 = -x/7

x = 21 * -7

x = -147

i. x = -147

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The answer is below

Step-by-step explanation:

1) -3x = 42

Divide both sides by -3

-3x/ -3 = 42 / -3

x = -14



\frac{x}{-6}=-9\\ \\Multiply\ both\ sides\ by\ -6\\\\\frac{x}{-6}*-6=-9*-6\\\\x=54

j. x=54

3) 5x = 105

Divide both sides by 5

5x/ 5 = 105 / 5

x = 21

n. x=-21

4) x+37=-25

add -37 to both sides

x+37 - 37 =-25 - 37

x = -62

d. x=-62

5) x-42=-15

add 42 to both sides

x-42 + 42 =-15 + 42

x = 27

k. x=27

6)x - (-12) = -4

x + 12 = -4

add -12 to both sides:

x + 12 - 12 = -4 - 12

x = -16

 f. x = -16

7) x - (-6) = 5

x + 6 = 5

add -6 to both sides:

x + 6 - 6 = 5 - 6

x = -1

 r. x = -1

8)8-x = -12

8 - x + x + 12 = -12 + x = 12

x = 8 + 12

x = 20

c) x = 20

9) -9 - x = -6

x = -9 + 6

x = -3

s. x =-3

10) -6 + x = 17

x = 17 + 6

x = 23

a. x =23


\frac{x}{9} =-42\\multiply\ by \ 9\\\\x = 9*-42=-378

b. x = -378

12) -16 = x - 8

x = -16 + 8

x = -8

q. x = -8

13) -25 = x + 17

x = -25 - 17

x = -42

h. x = -42

14) 36 = 8 - x

x = 8 - 36

x = -28

g. x = -28

15) -x + 6 = 11

x = 6 - 11

x = -5

m. x = -5

16) -x + 8 = 4

x= 8 - 4

x = 4

e. x =4

17) 16 = 4 -x

x = 4 - 16

x = -12

o: x = -12

18) 85 = -5x

x = 85/ -5

x = -17

l. x= -17

19) 21 = -x/7

x = 21 * -7

x = -147

i. x = -147

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

24x - 8 = 8 ( 3 x - 1 )

6 m - 15 = 3 ( 2 m - 5 )

-7 x - 1 = - 1 ( 7 x + 1 )

-8 x -12 y - 16 = - 4 ( 2 x + 3 y + 4 )

Step-by-step explanation:


Select which of the equation is true

24x - 8 = 8 ( 3 x - 1 )

Open the bracket on the right hand side

24x - 8 = 8 * 3 x - 8 *1

24x - 8 = 24x - 8

Both sides of the equation are equal.

Hence, this equation is true

6 m - 15 = 3 ( 2 m - 5 )

Open the bracket on the right hand side

6m - 15 = 3 * 2m - 3 * 5

6m - 15 = 6m - 15

Both sides of the equation are equal.

Hence, this equation is true

-7 x - 1 = - 1 ( 7 x + 1 )

Open the bracket on the right hand side

-7x - 1 = -1 * 7x -1 * 1

-7x - 1 = -7x -1

Both sides of the equation are equal.

Hence, this equation is true

16 a + 24 b = 8 ( 8 a + 16 b )

Open the bracket on the right hand side

16a + 24b = 8 * 8a + 8 * 16b

16a + 24b = 64a + 128b

Both sides of the equation are not equal.

Hence, this equation is false

-8 x -12 y - 16 = - 4 ( 2 x + 3 y + 4 )

Open the bracket on the right hand side

-8 x -12 y - 16 = - 4* 2 x -4 * 3 y -4 * 4

-8 x -12 y - 16 = -8x -12y -16

Both sides of the equation are equal.

Hence, this equation is true

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

24x - 8 = 8 ( 3 x - 1 )

6 m - 15 = 3 ( 2 m - 5 )

-7 x - 1 = - 1 ( 7 x + 1 )

-8 x -12 y - 16 = - 4 ( 2 x + 3 y + 4 )

Step-by-step explanation:


Select which of the equation is true

24x - 8 = 8 ( 3 x - 1 )

Open the bracket on the right hand side

24x - 8 = 8 * 3 x - 8 *1

24x - 8 = 24x - 8

Both sides of the equation are equal.

Hence, this equation is true

6 m - 15 = 3 ( 2 m - 5 )

Open the bracket on the right hand side

6m - 15 = 3 * 2m - 3 * 5

6m - 15 = 6m - 15

Both sides of the equation are equal.

Hence, this equation is true

-7 x - 1 = - 1 ( 7 x + 1 )

Open the bracket on the right hand side

-7x - 1 = -1 * 7x -1 * 1

-7x - 1 = -7x -1

Both sides of the equation are equal.

Hence, this equation is true

16 a + 24 b = 8 ( 8 a + 16 b )

Open the bracket on the right hand side

16a + 24b = 8 * 8a + 8 * 16b

16a + 24b = 64a + 128b

Both sides of the equation are not equal.

Hence, this equation is false

-8 x -12 y - 16 = - 4 ( 2 x + 3 y + 4 )

Open the bracket on the right hand side

-8 x -12 y - 16 = - 4* 2 x -4 * 3 y -4 * 4

-8 x -12 y - 16 = -8x -12y -16

Both sides of the equation are equal.

Hence, this equation is true

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

x= 8

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of direct variation is

y = kx

When y = 50  when x = 40

50 = k* 40

Divide each side by 40

50/40 = k

5/4 = k

The equation is

y = 5/4x

Let y = 10

10 = 5/4x

Multiply each side by 4/5

4/5 * 10 = 5/4 x * 4/5

8 = x

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

a) We showed in (b) that 7.9999... = 8

b) The sum of the geometric series that involves 7.9999... = 8

c) The number 8 has two decimal representations.

d) All real, rational numbers except for 0 have more than one decimal representations.

Step-by-step explanation:

x = 7.999999

To answer (a), we first evaluate (b)

b) We need to sum a geometric series to infinity to find the values of this expression.

7.99999 can be written as 7 + 0.9999

0.99999 is a geometric series that is essentially

0.99999... = 0.9 + 0.09 + 0.009 + 0.0009 + 0.00009 +

The sum to infinity for a geometric series is given as S = a ÷ (1-r)


a = first term = 0.9

r = common ratio = (second term) ÷ (first term) = 0.09 ÷ 0.9 = 0.1

Sum of this geometric series to infinity

= 0.9 ÷ (1 - 0.1) = 0.9 ÷ 0.9 = 1

0.9999... = 1

7.99999 = 7 + 0.99999... = 7 + 1 = 8

c) how many decimal representations does the number 8 have?

As shown in (b), 8 has 2 decimal representations, the one we know and this newly proven one.

d) which numbers have more than one decimal representation?

All real, rational numbers except for 0 have more than one decimal representations.

Hope this Helps!!!

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