
NO LINKS!!! Draw and solve each triangle. 1. a= 3, b= 4, C= 40°
2. a= 3, c= 2, B=110°
3. a= 12, b= 13, , c= 5
4. a= 5, b= 8, c = 9

. 0

Step-by-step answer

09.07.2023, solved by verified expert
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Answers:a = 3, b = 4, c = 2.5720;  A = 48.5702, B = 91.4298, C = 40a = 3, b = 4.1357, c = 2;  A = 42.9719, B = 110, C = 27.0281a = 12, b = 13, c = 5;  A = 67.3801, B = 90, C = 22.6199a = 5, b = 8, c = 9;  A = 33.5573, B = 62.1819, C = 84.2608

The missing values are highlighted in bold, which are approximate to four decimal places (with the exception of B = 90 in problem 3).

Lowercase letters a,b,c are side lengths; Uppercase letters A,B,C are angles opposite the sides mentioned.

The drawings are shown below.



Problem 1

Use the Law of Cosines to solve for side c

c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2*a*b*cos(C)

c^2 = 3^2 + 4^2 - 2*3*4*cos(40)

c^2 = 6.61493337

c = sqrt(6.61493337)

c = 2.57195128

c = 2.5720

Now apply the Law of Sines to find angle A

sin(A)/a = sin(C)/c

sin(A)/3 = sin(40)/2.57195128

sin(A) = 3*sin(40)/2.57195128

sin(A) = 0.74976647

A = arcsin(0.74976647)

A = 48.57015285

A = 48.5702

Once we know two angles of a triangle, we can then subtract their sum from 180 to get the third missing angle.

A+B+C = 180

B = 180 - (A+C)

B = 180 - (48.57015285+40)

B = 91.42984715

B = 91.4298


Problem 2

Like with the previous problem, we can use the Law of Cosines to solve for the missing side.

b^2 = a^2 + c^2 - 2*a*c*cos(B)

b^2 = 3^2 + 2^2 - 2*3*2*cos(110)

b^2 = 17.10424172

b = sqrt(17.10424172)

b = 4.13572747

b = 4.1357

Now use the Law of Sines to find angle A

sin(A)/a = sin(B)/b

sin(A)/3 = sin(110)/4.13572747

sin(A) = 3*sin(110)/4.13572747

sin(A) = 0.68164014

A = arcsin(0.68164014)

A = 42.9719427

A = 42.9719

Then we can wrap things up like so

A+B+C = 180

C = 180 - (A+B)

C = 180 - (42.9719427+110)

C = 27.0280573

C = 27.0281


Problem 3

Use the Law of Cosines to find angle A.

a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2*b*c*cos(A)

12^2 = 13^2 + 5^2 - 2*13*5*cos(A)

144 = 194 - 130*cos(A)

-130*cos(A) = 144 - 194

-130*cos(A) = -50

cos(A) = (-50)/(- 130)

cos(A) = 0.38461538

A = arccos(0.38461538)

A = 67.38013505

A = 67.3801

We could use the Law of Cosines to find angle B, but I'll use the Law of Sines instead.

sin(A)/a = sin(B)/b

sin(B) = b*sin(A)/a

sin(B) = 13*sin(67.38013505)/12

sin(B) = 0.99999999998574

sin(B) = 1

B = arcsin(1)

B = 90

It turns out we have a 5-12-13 right triangle (though usually c is the longest side instead of b).

Now we could use the Law of Cosines to find angle C, but the steps shown below are much quicker in my opinion that don't involve any trig functions.

A+B+C = 180

C = 180 - (A+B)

C = 180 - (67.38013505 + 90)

C = 22.61986495

C = 22.6199


Problem 4

The steps will basically be identical to problem 3, but with different numbers of course.

First we need the Law of Cosines to find angle A.

a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2*b*c*cos(A)

5^2 = 8^2 + 9^2 - 2*8*9*cos(A)

25 = 145 - 144*cos(A)

-144*cos(A) = 25 - 145

-144*cos(A) = -120

cos(A) = (-120)/(-144)

cos(A) = 0.83333333

A = arccos(0.83333333)

A = 33.55730976

A = 33.5573

Now use the Law of Sines to find angle B.

sin(A)/a = sin(B)/b

sin(B) = b*sin(A)/a

sin(B) = 8*sin(33.55730976)/5

sin(B) = 0.88443328

B = arcsin(0.88443328)

B = 62.18186103

B = 62.1819


A+B+C = 180

C = 180 - (A+B)

C = 180 - (33.55730976 + 62.18186103)

C = 84.26082921

C = 84.2608


Side notes:

The phrasing "solve the triangle" means to find all three sides and all three angles.Each answer is approximate with the exception of B = 90 in problem 3.Intermediate calculations were done to eight decimal places. The final answers are to four decimal places. In the first two problems, we can prove only one triangle is possible due to the SAS triangle congruence theorem.For the last two problems, only one triangle is possible because of the SSS triangle congruence theorem.I used GeoGebra to make each triangle shown below.
NO LINKS!!! Draw and solve each triangle. 1., №18010744, 21.01.2023 08:13
It is was helpful?


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
Answers:a = 3, b = 4, c = 2.5720;  A = 48.5702, B = 91.4298, C = 40a = 3, b = 4.1357, c = 2;  A = 42.9719, B = 110, C = 27.0281a = 12, b = 13, c = 5;  A = 67.3801, B = 90, C = 22.6199a = 5, b = 8, c = 9;  A = 33.5573, B = 62.1819, C = 84.2608

The missing values are highlighted in bold, which are approximate to four decimal places (with the exception of B = 90 in problem 3).

Lowercase letters a,b,c are side lengths; Uppercase letters A,B,C are angles opposite the sides mentioned.

The drawings are shown below.



Problem 1

Use the Law of Cosines to solve for side c

c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2*a*b*cos(C)

c^2 = 3^2 + 4^2 - 2*3*4*cos(40)

c^2 = 6.61493337

c = sqrt(6.61493337)

c = 2.57195128

c = 2.5720

Now apply the Law of Sines to find angle A

sin(A)/a = sin(C)/c

sin(A)/3 = sin(40)/2.57195128

sin(A) = 3*sin(40)/2.57195128

sin(A) = 0.74976647

A = arcsin(0.74976647)

A = 48.57015285

A = 48.5702

Once we know two angles of a triangle, we can then subtract their sum from 180 to get the third missing angle.

A+B+C = 180

B = 180 - (A+C)

B = 180 - (48.57015285+40)

B = 91.42984715

B = 91.4298


Problem 2

Like with the previous problem, we can use the Law of Cosines to solve for the missing side.

b^2 = a^2 + c^2 - 2*a*c*cos(B)

b^2 = 3^2 + 2^2 - 2*3*2*cos(110)

b^2 = 17.10424172

b = sqrt(17.10424172)

b = 4.13572747

b = 4.1357

Now use the Law of Sines to find angle A

sin(A)/a = sin(B)/b

sin(A)/3 = sin(110)/4.13572747

sin(A) = 3*sin(110)/4.13572747

sin(A) = 0.68164014

A = arcsin(0.68164014)

A = 42.9719427

A = 42.9719

Then we can wrap things up like so

A+B+C = 180

C = 180 - (A+B)

C = 180 - (42.9719427+110)

C = 27.0280573

C = 27.0281


Problem 3

Use the Law of Cosines to find angle A.

a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2*b*c*cos(A)

12^2 = 13^2 + 5^2 - 2*13*5*cos(A)

144 = 194 - 130*cos(A)

-130*cos(A) = 144 - 194

-130*cos(A) = -50

cos(A) = (-50)/(- 130)

cos(A) = 0.38461538

A = arccos(0.38461538)

A = 67.38013505

A = 67.3801

We could use the Law of Cosines to find angle B, but I'll use the Law of Sines instead.

sin(A)/a = sin(B)/b

sin(B) = b*sin(A)/a

sin(B) = 13*sin(67.38013505)/12

sin(B) = 0.99999999998574

sin(B) = 1

B = arcsin(1)

B = 90

It turns out we have a 5-12-13 right triangle (though usually c is the longest side instead of b).

Now we could use the Law of Cosines to find angle C, but the steps shown below are much quicker in my opinion that don't involve any trig functions.

A+B+C = 180

C = 180 - (A+B)

C = 180 - (67.38013505 + 90)

C = 22.61986495

C = 22.6199


Problem 4

The steps will basically be identical to problem 3, but with different numbers of course.

First we need the Law of Cosines to find angle A.

a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2*b*c*cos(A)

5^2 = 8^2 + 9^2 - 2*8*9*cos(A)

25 = 145 - 144*cos(A)

-144*cos(A) = 25 - 145

-144*cos(A) = -120

cos(A) = (-120)/(-144)

cos(A) = 0.83333333

A = arccos(0.83333333)

A = 33.55730976

A = 33.5573

Now use the Law of Sines to find angle B.

sin(A)/a = sin(B)/b

sin(B) = b*sin(A)/a

sin(B) = 8*sin(33.55730976)/5

sin(B) = 0.88443328

B = arcsin(0.88443328)

B = 62.18186103

B = 62.1819


A+B+C = 180

C = 180 - (A+B)

C = 180 - (33.55730976 + 62.18186103)

C = 84.26082921

C = 84.2608


Side notes:

The phrasing "solve the triangle" means to find all three sides and all three angles.Each answer is approximate with the exception of B = 90 in problem 3.Intermediate calculations were done to eight decimal places. The final answers are to four decimal places. In the first two problems, we can prove only one triangle is possible due to the SAS triangle congruence theorem.For the last two problems, only one triangle is possible because of the SSS triangle congruence theorem.I used GeoGebra to make each triangle shown below.
NO LINKS!!! Draw and solve each triangle.

1. a= 3, b= 4, C= 40°2. a= 3, c= 2, B=110°3. a= 12, b= 1
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD








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Left wood=6 feet

Wood used till now=12-6=6 feet

Picture frame built till now= 6/(3/4)

=8 pieces

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=8 pieces

Therefore, till now 8 pieces have been made.

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