
how do you answer these question so perfectly?

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Step-by-step answer

21.07.2023, solved by verified expert
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Answering these questions perfectly requires a combination of various skills and strategies. Here's a step-by-step guide: 1. Understand the Question: To answer any question, it's important to understand it thoroughly first. Read the question carefully. Take note of what exactly it's asking for. If there are any words or phrases you don't understand, look them up. 2. Research: If you don't immediately know an answer, it's okey. Use all available resources to research and gather information related to the question. It could be textbooks, online articles, educational websites, etc. Just make sure the sources are reliable. 3. Analyze the Information: Once you've gathered the necessary information, you need to analyze it in context of the question. This might involve linking different pieces of information together, or breaking a complex concept into simpler parts. 4. Plan Your Answer: Now that you know what to write, plan how to do so. This could mean outlining the key points you'll cover, the order in which you'll present your ideas, etc. This step also involves identifying the best way to explain the concept—in a way kids can understand, for example. 5. Write Your Answer: Begin writing your answer based on your plan. Make sure to simplify complex ideas, use examples where possible, and explain things step by step. Keep your sentences short and simple, and try to avoid using jargon or complex language. 6. Review and Revise: After writing, review your answer to check if it indeed answers the question, if it does so clearly and correctly, and if it's written in an understandable way. Make any necessary revisions. 7. Be Patient: Perfection comes slowly. Just keep practicing this process, and your answers will continue to get better. Remember, it's okay to make mistakes. What's important is that we learn from them. 8. Be Curious: The desire to learn, and to deeply understand ideas so you can explain them to others in a simple manner, is perhaps the most important part of answering questions perfectly. Stay curious and eager to learn about new things. Remember, the goal isn't just to answer a question—it's to do so in a way that anyone can understand. And that requires time, patience, practice and a willingness to learn and improve.
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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. It can be done alone or with a friend.

2. the ability to maintain stable levels of oxygen and blood flow during an extended period of physical activity

3. Be inactive.

4. Type I diabetes

5. community

6. tai chi

7. lack of confidence

8. baseball

9. 5 to 10 minutes

10. efficacy

11. rhythm and sequencing

12. Is it scientifically based?

13. the ability of muscles to function over a period of time without becoming tired

14. stating when and how often you will do the steps

15. Increase endurance over a limited amount of time.

16. scammer

17. a mix of low, moderate, and vigorous

18. intensity

19. 15

20. Pilates

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

8. Answer the original questions. (2 points: 1 point each question)

a) How long is each individual act?

Each individual act is 5 minutes.

b) How long is each group act?

Each group act is 10 minutes.

9. Discussion.

Discuss the reasonableness of your answers. (2 points: 1 point for each part)

a) Is the answer you found reasonable? Does it seem like enough time?

Yes, I believe the answer if found was reasonable. I think it is reasonable because 5 minutes seems to be enough time for an act with one person, and 10 minutes seems to be enough time for an act with multiple people.

Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
Hey there, Damonealy!

The correct answer should be D since you are talking about multiple amount of data. As you can see, question number 1-3 are talking about the age of a single person but question D is talking about the ages of multiple students which can be used in a statistic.

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Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master


A lunar eclipse can only occur at the time of Full Moon.

another is 1) were treated badly

The Middle Passage was the most infamous route of this triangular trade. Although danger lurked constantly throughout the voyage across the Atlantic, the greatest danger to the slave ships always came when they were loading on the African coast. Once aboard the ships, the negroes realized that they were being sent far away from home, and often there was violence even before the ship set sail. However, most of these uprisings were easily put down. Others jumped overboard and plunged from the ship into the sea, choosing to either drown or be devoured by blood-thirsty sharks rather than be taken from their homeland. P2.

Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist


The IP addresses available to the internet are called public IP addresses. ... A computer using a private IP address on a private network can still access thhe Internet if a router or other device that stands between the network and the Internet is using NAT Network Address Translation.

Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist


A lunar eclipse can only occur at the time of Full Moon.

another is 1) were treated badly

The Middle Passage was the most infamous route of this triangular trade. Although danger lurked constantly throughout the voyage across the Atlantic, the greatest danger to the slave ships always came when they were loading on the African coast. Once aboard the ships, the negroes realized that they were being sent far away from home, and often there was violence even before the ship set sail. However, most of these uprisings were easily put down. Others jumped overboard and plunged from the ship into the sea, choosing to either drown or be devoured by blood-thirsty sharks rather than be taken from their homeland. P2.

Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist


The IP addresses available to the internet are called public IP addresses. ... A computer using a private IP address on a private network can still access thhe Internet if a router or other device that stands between the network and the Internet is using NAT Network Address Translation.

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