
Regarding use of the media, spin can best be defined as
a. casting a positive light on negative facts.
b. deliberately fabricating information.
c. meaningless arguments.
d. arguments based on emotion rather than reason

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23.05.2023, solved by verified expert
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The answer is  a but spin can refer to making a partial interpretation on the facts in either a good or bad by some organizations to sway public opinion or favor.  Usually this is used by public officials when promoting their programs and projects to the people.  They print publications that show the advantages of their programs can do for the public.  Today even the media have their spin certain news and events that they cover.  Some tend to be liberal in their point of view while others tend to be more conservative.
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Social Studies
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P Answered by PhD
The answer is  a but spin can refer to making a partial interpretation on the facts in either a good or bad by some organizations to sway public opinion or favor.  Usually this is used by public officials when promoting their programs and projects to the people.  They print publications that show the advantages of their programs can do for the public.  Today even the media have their spin certain news and events that they cover.  Some tend to be liberal in their point of view while others tend to be more conservative.
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P Answered by PhD
d. deliberately fabricating information

Regarding use of the media, spin can be best defined as deliberately fabricating information in order persuade someone or the people to  believe in the information or the points you are actually promoting. It is one kind of a propaganda through presentation of biased interpretations and facts to successfully make others believe of anything that you want them to believe. This technique is commonly used by politicians to advertise and market themselves especially when election is fast approaching. Spin is a deceptive technique in persuading audience or the people.
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P Answered by PhD
d. deliberately fabricating information

Regarding use of the media, spin can be best defined as deliberately fabricating information in order persuade someone or the people to  believe in the information or the points you are actually promoting. It is one kind of a propaganda through presentation of biased interpretations and facts to successfully make others believe of anything that you want them to believe. This technique is commonly used by politicians to advertise and market themselves especially when election is fast approaching. Spin is a deceptive technique in persuading audience or the people.
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P Answered by PhD
Regarding use of the media, spin can best be defined as "B. casting a positive light on negative facts" although it should be noted that this can also mean casting negative light on positive facts.
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P Answered by PhD
Regarding use of the media, spin can best be defined as "B. casting a positive light on negative facts" although it should be noted that this can also mean casting negative light on positive facts.
Social Studies
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P Answered by PhD
The climate of India is described as C. Seasonally rainy monsoonsReasoning: A monsoon is a seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region. The summer monsoon and the winter monsoon determine the climate for most of India and Southeast Asia.
Also, India is home to an extraordinary variety of climatic regions, ranging from tropical in the south to temperate and alpine in the Himalayan north, where elevated regions receive sustained winter snowfall. The nation's climate is strongly influenced by the Himalayas and the Thar Desert.
Social Studies
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P Answered by Master

secret explanation


i think it will help you

Social Studies
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P Answered by Master
Being responsible is owning up the possible consequences of your decision whether these consequences are right or wrong. Communication is a two way process wherein there is a messenger (one who talks) and receiver (one who listens). One of the ways that a person could be responsible is by saying ‘I’ in all the things he would say, instead of ‘we’. Example, ‘We don’t like the way you act a while ago.’ Change it to ‘I don’t like the way you act awhile ago’. Here, you are establishing ownership on the things you want to say to the person.  
Social Studies
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P Answered by Master
Answer and Explanation:

Risky behavior defines that behavior which is riskier to the life of people

As if you want to choose a career in a Nurse or a Doctor you want to judge the risk.

As a doctor, if the doctor gives the high dosage to the patient to recover from illness but even less dosage also works still the doctor gives which affect the kidney, liver of the patient, etc

Well, it is a great career as a doctor you can help many poor people by giving them free medical treatment in return you get the blessings which surely worked.

But there are many hospitals who are taking extraordinary charges even they do transplants, surgeries where there is no need just to earn the money but this is not acceptable and in one day everyone knows about it what they are doing

Therefore do not play with the life of the people as it is precious for them.[youtube=5j29EeDG4iw]
Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Taken from the poem “Abuelito Who” by Sandra Cisneros, the author has used the figurative language of “coins” and “rain” in lines 1, 20, and 21 in order to describe her memories about her grandfather. Cisneros has used simile, which is a figure of speech, throughout the poem. The main function of simile is to make a comparison to show the similarities between two different things. Moreover, simile is usually accompanied by words such as “as” and “like”. In the text, there are two examples of this figure of speech: “Abuelito who throws coins like rain” (line 1)/ “is the rain on the room that falls like coins” (line 21). Simile has helped the author develop the meaning of the poem, that is, to narrate about particular memories she has of her grandfather or “abuelito”, an affectionate term for a grandfather in Spanish. For instance, Cisneros used figurative language and simile in line 1 to describe how her grandfather played with her making coins fall like raindrops from above.


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