
What was the sun and moon chased by

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24.06.2023, solved by verified expert
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Hati and Skoll!


assuming ur talking about (norse) mythology, theyre 2 wolves that chase the sun and moon trying to eat them, and its not really clear which one chases which (or if they both chase both).

skoll means deception and hati means hate, and the wolves symbolize how all humans have a chaotic nature.

also according to norse, in every person theres 2 wolves, one being good and the other bad who fight to prevail over the other wolf.

*also the sun and moon are referenced as sol and mani

It is was helpful?


Social Studies
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P Answered by PhD

Hati and Skoll!


assuming ur talking about (norse) mythology, theyre 2 wolves that chase the sun and moon trying to eat them, and its not really clear which one chases which (or if they both chase both).

skoll means deception and hati means hate, and the wolves symbolize how all humans have a chaotic nature.

also according to norse, in every person theres 2 wolves, one being good and the other bad who fight to prevail over the other wolf.

*also the sun and moon are referenced as sol and mani

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The passage you shared appears to be a fictional story that revolves around a dark and eerie hallway, mysterious characters, and a journey of self-discovery. The protagonist, referred to as "Nova," navigates this haunting labyrinth with her friend Moxie, encountering various challenges and solving riddles along the way.

The story highlights the protagonist's feelings of unease and fear as she traverses the never-ending hallway. The presence of Moxie provides a sense of familiarity and guidance amidst the unsettling surroundings. As they continue their journey, they come across a doll named Melanie, who addresses Moxie by name, creating a moment of curiosity and confusion.

Eventually, Nova and Moxie reach a room where a cat presents riddles to regain lost memories. Nova successfully answers the riddles, demonstrating her ability to confront challenges and her knowledge of paranormal creatures like vampires and werewolves.

However, the climax introduces a twist as the room starts shaking, suggesting that a traitor exists among them. Nova realizes that Melanie, the doll, is the actual traitor. Moxie's true nature as an angel is revealed, and she aids Nova in defeating Melanie, who turns out to be a demon.

In a final revelation, it is revealed that the entire experience took place within Nova's mind, symbolizing her battle with mental health issues and her journey towards recovery. The monsters, characters, and challenges she encountered in the haunting hallway were representative of her inner turmoil.

Overall, the story emphasizes the protagonist's growth, resilience, and determination to overcome her fears. It serves as a metaphorical exploration of her journey towards healing and finding inner strength.

It's important to remember that this story is a work of fiction and does not reflect real-world events or situations. If you have any specific questions about the story or any other topic, feel free to ask!
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Answer given below.

Step-by-step explanation:

The central idea of this excerpt from "Paul Revere's Ride" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is that Paul Revere rode through the night to warn the people of Middlesex about the impending arrival of British troops. The structure of the poem helps to develop this central idea by taking the reader on a journey through the night with Paul Revere. The poem is divided into stanzas, each representing a different hour of the night, which helps to create a sense of urgency and suspense as the reader follows Revere's journey.

Longfellow uses vivid imagery to describe the sights and sounds that Revere encounters on his ride, such as the crowing of a rooster and the barking of a dog, which helps to create a sense of realism and immerse the reader in the story. The poem also contains historical references, such as the meeting-house windows and the British musket ball, which adds to the accuracy of the poem and reinforces the idea that this event actually happened.

Finally, Longfellow uses repetition throughout the poem to reinforce the central idea and create a sense of rhythm. The repetition of the phrase "It was..." at the beginning of each stanza helps to create a sense of structure and highlight the passing of time. The repetition of the phrase "the midnight message of Paul Revere" at the end of the poem emphasizes the importance of Revere's ride and how it has become a symbol of American history. Overall, the structure of the poem helps to develop the central idea of Paul Revere's heroic ride to warn the people of Middlesex. 

Social Studies
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P Answered by PhD
The climate of India is described as C. Seasonally rainy monsoonsReasoning: A monsoon is a seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region. The summer monsoon and the winter monsoon determine the climate for most of India and Southeast Asia.
Also, India is home to an extraordinary variety of climatic regions, ranging from tropical in the south to temperate and alpine in the Himalayan north, where elevated regions receive sustained winter snowfall. The nation's climate is strongly influenced by the Himalayas and the Thar Desert.
Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

secret explanation


i think it will help you

Social Studies
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P Answered by Master
Being responsible is owning up the possible consequences of your decision whether these consequences are right or wrong. Communication is a two way process wherein there is a messenger (one who talks) and receiver (one who listens). One of the ways that a person could be responsible is by saying ‘I’ in all the things he would say, instead of ‘we’. Example, ‘We don’t like the way you act a while ago.’ Change it to ‘I don’t like the way you act awhile ago’. Here, you are establishing ownership on the things you want to say to the person.  
Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Taken from the poem “Abuelito Who” by Sandra Cisneros, the author has used the figurative language of “coins” and “rain” in lines 1, 20, and 21 in order to describe her memories about her grandfather. Cisneros has used simile, which is a figure of speech, throughout the poem. The main function of simile is to make a comparison to show the similarities between two different things. Moreover, simile is usually accompanied by words such as “as” and “like”. In the text, there are two examples of this figure of speech: “Abuelito who throws coins like rain” (line 1)/ “is the rain on the room that falls like coins” (line 21). Simile has helped the author develop the meaning of the poem, that is, to narrate about particular memories she has of her grandfather or “abuelito”, an affectionate term for a grandfather in Spanish. For instance, Cisneros used figurative language and simile in line 1 to describe how her grandfather played with her making coins fall like raindrops from above.

Social Studies
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P Answered by Master

Prospective research subjects who are not able to comprehend information, deliberate, and make decisions about participation in a proposed research study have Cognitive or communicative vulnerability.

Option A


Prospective research subject are those who are taken as subject for the purpose of research on the objective of prospective. When the subjects of Prospective research lack ability in some manners to make an informed choice, the incapacity demonstrated here is remarked as the Capacity-related cognitive vulnerability.

When the subject of prospective research have the above mentioned capacity, in lieu of which, because of limited ability for communication, the subject cannot communicate with researchers and the latter are not able to exercise their capacities effectively, such inability is remarked as the Communicative vulnerability.

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