
Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World.
The Muslims worked out a new form of farming to handle sugar, which came to be called the sugar plantation. A plantation was not a new technology but, rather, a new way of organizing planting, growing, cutting, and refining a crop. On a regular farm there may be cows, pigs, and chickens; fields of grain; orchards filled with fruit—many different kinds of foods to eat or sell. By contrast, the plantation had only one purpose: to create a single product that could be grown, ground, boiled, dried, and sold to distant markets. Since one cannot live on sugar, the crop grown on plantations could not even feed the people who harvested it. Never before in human history had farms been run this way, as machines designed to satisfy just one craving of buyers who could be thousands of miles away.
On a plantation there were large groups of workers—between fifty and several hundred. The mill was right next to the crop, so that growing and grinding took place in the same spot.
Which text evidence best supports the authors' claim?

. 9


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P Answered by Specialist

"By contrast, the plantation had only one purpose: to create a single product that could be grown, ground, boiled, dried, and sold to distant markets."

Explanation: the author's claim in this excerpt is that the idea of the plantation, was revolutionary to the world of sugar because they could do all the process from planting the sugar cane to making the sugar, all in one place, it says that never in human history had farms be run like that, they always had multiple products to work on. The phrase that better represents that claim is option B.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

"By contrast, the plantation had only one purpose: to create a single product that could be grown, ground, boiled, dried, and sold to distant markets."


Sugar Changed the World is a book written by Marc Aronson and Marina Budhos. In the book, they explore the history of sugar, particularly in slave trade.

In this excerpt, the author's claim is that plantation was considered as a revolutionary way of making sugar: the whole process from planting the seeds to drying and selling it was happening in one place. It was the first time in human history that the farms were organized in such a way. The correct answer is, therefore, the second option.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

"By contrast, the plantation had only one purpose: to create a single product that could be grown, ground, boiled, dried, and sold to distant markets."

Explanation: the author's claim in this excerpt is that the idea of the plantation, was revolutionary to the world of sugar because they could do all the process from planting the sugar cane to making the sugar, all in one place, it says that never in human history had farms be run like that, they always had multiple products to work on. The phrase that better represents that claim is option B.

World Languages
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
Increased automation has increased demand for more manufacturing jobs as more workers are needed to run these machines hence having a higher demand for skilled manufacturing workers

Increased productivity jobs deceased the demand for manufacturing as less people are required to perform the same workload, providing a potential avenue for companies to cut costs.

Moving to foreign countries will increase the demand for manufacturing jobs in the home country as manufacturing plants move to areas of lower production costs. However moving to foreign countries will decrease demand for manufacturing jobs in host countries.

Decreased productivity. Increasing demand for manufacturing jobs. Opposite of explanation above.

Decreased automation. Increase demand for manufacturing jobs as more workers are needed to carry out the more tedious tasks which are not automated
World Languages
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Natural handshapes

Because the unmarked set uses either all of the fingers in a range of joint configu- rations (i.e., B, A, S, C, O, 5) or solely the extended index finger.
World Languages
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer: Marsha earns the most money per item sold because her line increases at a faster rate than Dreya’s.

The statement that best explains who earns the most money per item sold is -
Although Dreya started at a higher point of salary, Marsha showed a higher rate of growth. This is possible only if she earns higher money per item sold. Dreya started at a much higher rate than Marsha but Marsha matched herself with Dreya's earning at the end of the week.
Answer: Marsha earns the most money per item sold because her line increases at a faster rate than D
World Languages
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer: b. Amal is not ashamed of her wealth, but Marjane is.

"Does my head look big in this?" is a book written by Randa Abdel-Fattas and it is about the conflict of Amal Mohamed Nasrullah Abdel-Hakim and her own identity as Muslim and Aussie. "Persepolis" is a graphic novel written and drawn by Marjane Satrapi, who narrates different stages of her life, from the Islamic Revolution in Teheran to her adulthood in Europe and the difficult transtion.
In both excerpts we can see how the characters notice their differences, Amal describes several ways she's been marked and Marjane knows her family is wealthy. It also seems both of them care about appearences in one way or another (the clothes, the Cadillac), and both are facing and identity conflict (from religion to economics), making letter B correct, since we can see in the excertp that Marjane is ashamed of her father's car, since ir is a sign of why people were unhappy; on the other hand, Amal mentions things like the Gucci shades as if they were nothing since her conflict is different.
World Languages
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer: ababcc
Explanation: But thy eternal summer shall not fade (A),
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st (B),
Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade (A),
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st (B),
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see (C),
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee (C).

A) fade rhymes with shade
B) ow'st rhymes with grow'st
C) see rhymes with thee

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