Which two processes happen during mitosis

. 4


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
Question no. 1:

Controlled experiment is an experiment which is designed to test a variable, which can be changed during the experiment.


Hence in this experiment, the importance of experiment is being tested, as it is added only in one set of plant.

A manipulated variable is an independent variable whose amount can be changed during an experiment.

Here the fertilizer is a manipulated variable.

Question 2:

Because theory is the most organised statement proved by a set of independent experiments.


Hypothesis is the initial idea on which basis different experiments are conducted. But if 1 experiment succeeded and it supports the hypothesis, hypothesis do not become a theory.

For a theory, different experiments are necessary which supports that hypothesis.

Question no 4.

Density = 1.909 kg/m3


Given data:

Mass of the object = 42 kg

Volume of the object = 22 m3

Density of the object = ?


Density = mass/volume

Density =42/22 = 1.909

Density = 1.909 kg/m3

Hence the density of the object is 1.909 and its unit is kg/m3 which is system international unit of density.

Question 5.

Chlorine and water in swimming pool are mixed in such a way that there composition remains same throughout the mixture. And chlorine cannot be separated back from water. This is the homogeneous mixture.

Explanation: A homogeneous mixture is a mixture of more than one substance which are mixed together in such a way that they cannot be separated and the composition of the mixture remains same throughout the mixture. Example of homogeneous solution is sugar solution in water. As for swimming pool cleaning chlorine is added in pool water, it mixes in the whole water by diffusion. Hence it is a homogeneous mixture. Question no. 6.

Because physical change does not include composition change, it includes change in physical parameters. And in splicing tomato only change in shape is done.

Explanation: Chemical change means irreversible chemical composition change like the burning of toast. Physical change means reversible or irreversible change in shape, volume density without change in chemical composition. Splicing tomato comes under 2nd category because it does not include chemical change.

Remaining questions are attached in the files.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1.1. Photosynthesis and cell respiration they are chemically opposite

Plants use sunlight as a source of energy.  With the energy of the sun, plants use carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) to make sugars called carbohydrates. This reaction is called photosynthesis.

CO2 + H2O + light energy => O2 + sugar (carbohydrates)

Cellular respiration is a chemical reaction found in animal and plant cells.

 Cellular respiration transforms carbohydrates (food) into cellular energy that the cell uses to perform all of its functions.

The reaction is as follows:

6*O2 + glucose => 6*CO2 + 6*H2O.

1.2  they have a relationship to each other

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are the phenomena that organisms have to obtain energy for their activities. We distinguish two kinds of organisms: heterotrophs and autotrophs.

photosynthesis and cellular respiration is a cycle that depends on each other (the products of one are the reagents of the other).

2.1 Skin cells divide by mitosis.

The somatic cells of our body are divided by mitosis. Somatic cells make up most of the tissues and organs in our bodies - skin, muscles, lungs, intestines, and so on.

Somatic cells are diploid (each has two sets of chromosomes). By mitosis, the genetic material (chromosomes and DNA) of the mother cell is unchanged in each of the daughter cells, which are also diploid.

2.2 The interphase

The interphase is thus the period of the cell cycle during which the nucleus is not dividing, typically intervening between mitotic or meiotic divisions.

Otherwise expressed, interphases are steps in the development of subsequent mitosis or cell meiosis, during which the nucleus is not dividing. In the cells that will undergo further division, the DNA in the nucleus is duplicated for next division during phase S, and the proteins involved in mitosis are synthesized in phase G2.

2.3 Mitosis  and cytokinesis

Mitosis is a process involved in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells and immediately preceding cell division, consisting of the equitable distribution of hereditary material (characteristic DNA). This type of division occurs in somatic cells and usually ends with the formation of two distinct nuclei (mitosis), followed by cytoplasmic separation (cytokinesis) to form two daughter cells.

Cytokinesis refers to a division of the cytoplasm that usually follows the division of the nucleus at the end of the mitosis. It is the process by which the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell divides into two cells

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1.Interphase is an important and the longest phase of the cell cycle during which the cell prepares for division by coping its DNA. It is metabolic phase of the cell, in which the cell grows, obtains nutrients and metabolizes them. There are three stages of interphase: G1 (the cell growth), S (replication of DNA, chromosomes are copied) and G2 (preparation for division). Without this phase, genetic material wouldn’t be ready for the process of meiosis  and haploid gametes couldn’t be created.

2.Homologous chromosomes are the similar but not totally identical chromosome pairs that an organism receives from its two parents. During the prophase I of meiosis they pair up: each chromosome aligns with its homologue partner via link-chiasmata ( the two match up at corresponding positions). Those homologue pairs separate during a first stage of cell division (meiosis I-reduction of chromosomes number, from diploid to haploid), while sister chromatids separate during a second stage (meiosis II).

3.Crossing over is a process in which homologous chromosomes trade their parts. Crossing over is process of genetic recombination where DNA is cut and then repaired. Cut and repair of homologous chromosomes allow them to exchange some of their genetic information. As a consequence of crossing over, new arrangement of maternal and paternal alleles on the same chromosome is achieved. It is the way to create varations.

4.During the metaphase I, homologue pairs are lined up comparing to metaphase II where individual chromosomes are lined up. It is because during the meiosis I homologue pairs separate and chromosome number reduce from diploid to haploid. On the other hand, during the meiosis II, sister chromatids separate.

5.Nondisjunction is the consequence of cell division, where there is no properly separation. There are  different forms of nondisjunction:  

•failure of a pair of homologous chromosomes to separate in meiosis I,  

•failure of sister chromatids to separate during meiosis II.

After nondisjunction, resulting daughter cells are with abnormal chromosome numbers -aneuploidy.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1.1. Photosynthesis and cell respiration they are chemically opposite

Plants use sunlight as a source of energy.  With the energy of the sun, plants use carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) to make sugars called carbohydrates. This reaction is called photosynthesis.

CO2 + H2O + light energy => O2 + sugar (carbohydrates)

Cellular respiration is a chemical reaction found in animal and plant cells.

 Cellular respiration transforms carbohydrates (food) into cellular energy that the cell uses to perform all of its functions.

The reaction is as follows:

6*O2 + glucose => 6*CO2 + 6*H2O.

1.2  they have a relationship to each other

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are the phenomena that organisms have to obtain energy for their activities. We distinguish two kinds of organisms: heterotrophs and autotrophs.

photosynthesis and cellular respiration is a cycle that depends on each other (the products of one are the reagents of the other).

2.1 Skin cells divide by mitosis.

The somatic cells of our body are divided by mitosis. Somatic cells make up most of the tissues and organs in our bodies - skin, muscles, lungs, intestines, and so on.

Somatic cells are diploid (each has two sets of chromosomes). By mitosis, the genetic material (chromosomes and DNA) of the mother cell is unchanged in each of the daughter cells, which are also diploid.

2.2 The interphase

The interphase is thus the period of the cell cycle during which the nucleus is not dividing, typically intervening between mitotic or meiotic divisions.

Otherwise expressed, interphases are steps in the development of subsequent mitosis or cell meiosis, during which the nucleus is not dividing. In the cells that will undergo further division, the DNA in the nucleus is duplicated for next division during phase S, and the proteins involved in mitosis are synthesized in phase G2.

2.3 Mitosis  and cytokinesis

Mitosis is a process involved in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells and immediately preceding cell division, consisting of the equitable distribution of hereditary material (characteristic DNA). This type of division occurs in somatic cells and usually ends with the formation of two distinct nuclei (mitosis), followed by cytoplasmic separation (cytokinesis) to form two daughter cells.

Cytokinesis refers to a division of the cytoplasm that usually follows the division of the nucleus at the end of the mitosis. It is the process by which the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell divides into two cells

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
Question no. 1:

Controlled experiment is an experiment which is designed to test a variable, which can be changed during the experiment.


Hence in this experiment, the importance of experiment is being tested, as it is added only in one set of plant.

A manipulated variable is an independent variable whose amount can be changed during an experiment.

Here the fertilizer is a manipulated variable.

Question 2:

Because theory is the most organised statement proved by a set of independent experiments.


Hypothesis is the initial idea on which basis different experiments are conducted. But if 1 experiment succeeded and it supports the hypothesis, hypothesis do not become a theory.

For a theory, different experiments are necessary which supports that hypothesis.

Question no 4.

Density = 1.909 kg/m3


Given data:

Mass of the object = 42 kg

Volume of the object = 22 m3

Density of the object = ?


Density = mass/volume

Density =42/22 = 1.909

Density = 1.909 kg/m3

Hence the density of the object is 1.909 and its unit is kg/m3 which is system international unit of density.

Question 5.

Chlorine and water in swimming pool are mixed in such a way that there composition remains same throughout the mixture. And chlorine cannot be separated back from water. This is the homogeneous mixture.

Explanation: A homogeneous mixture is a mixture of more than one substance which are mixed together in such a way that they cannot be separated and the composition of the mixture remains same throughout the mixture. Example of homogeneous solution is sugar solution in water. As for swimming pool cleaning chlorine is added in pool water, it mixes in the whole water by diffusion. Hence it is a homogeneous mixture. Question no. 6.

Because physical change does not include composition change, it includes change in physical parameters. And in splicing tomato only change in shape is done.

Explanation: Chemical change means irreversible chemical composition change like the burning of toast. Physical change means reversible or irreversible change in shape, volume density without change in chemical composition. Splicing tomato comes under 2nd category because it does not include chemical change.

Remaining questions are attached in the files.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1.Interphase is an important and the longest phase of the cell cycle during which the cell prepares for division by coping its DNA. It is metabolic phase of the cell, in which the cell grows, obtains nutrients and metabolizes them. There are three stages of interphase: G1 (the cell growth), S (replication of DNA, chromosomes are copied) and G2 (preparation for division). Without this phase, genetic material wouldn’t be ready for the process of meiosis  and haploid gametes couldn’t be created.

2.Homologous chromosomes are the similar but not totally identical chromosome pairs that an organism receives from its two parents. During the prophase I of meiosis they pair up: each chromosome aligns with its homologue partner via link-chiasmata ( the two match up at corresponding positions). Those homologue pairs separate during a first stage of cell division (meiosis I-reduction of chromosomes number, from diploid to haploid), while sister chromatids separate during a second stage (meiosis II).

3.Crossing over is a process in which homologous chromosomes trade their parts. Crossing over is process of genetic recombination where DNA is cut and then repaired. Cut and repair of homologous chromosomes allow them to exchange some of their genetic information. As a consequence of crossing over, new arrangement of maternal and paternal alleles on the same chromosome is achieved. It is the way to create varations.

4.During the metaphase I, homologue pairs are lined up comparing to metaphase II where individual chromosomes are lined up. It is because during the meiosis I homologue pairs separate and chromosome number reduce from diploid to haploid. On the other hand, during the meiosis II, sister chromatids separate.

5.Nondisjunction is the consequence of cell division, where there is no properly separation. There are  different forms of nondisjunction:  

•failure of a pair of homologous chromosomes to separate in meiosis I,  

•failure of sister chromatids to separate during meiosis II.

After nondisjunction, resulting daughter cells are with abnormal chromosome numbers -aneuploidy.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
2.  Deposition is the processes where material being transported by a rive is deposited. It normally occurs when the river loses energy mostly when the river reaches shallow area or towards the mouth when it meets another water body. Rivers flood regularly, and when this happens the river's capacity to transport material is reduced and deposition occurs.
Thus the correct answer is:
Settling of rock pieces in new locations

3. Deposition of sediment carried by a river as the flow leaves it's mouth and enters slower-moving or stagnant water leads to formation of deltas. This occurs normally when the river enters the ocean, sea, lake, estuary.

5. The fall of a ball and the attraction of the nail towards a magnet are both as a result of forces which cannot be seen, these forces are known as non-contact forces. Thus the correct answer is:
They both experience non-contact forces.

6. Changes in motion are caused as result of unbalanced forces. This is because, the object will be forced to move in the direction of the resultant forces of the forces that act on it. Thus the correct answer is:
Unbalanced forces

8. When we hold a hot mug, the hit moves from the mug to the hand through conduction. This is because it conduction, the heat moves through the abject from hot to cold. Thus the answer is:

Conduction, because heat travels from hot to cold

9. The Sphere of Earth that includes the continents and the ocean is called the biosphere. It is composed of the regions of the surface and atmosphere of the earth occupied by living organisms. 

10. Given the objects of the same mass in a room. The greatest gravitational force will be exerted by one object on another when the objects are closer to each other, Thus the correct answer is:


11. The stored energy of an object is normally reffered to as the potential energy. It is normally possessed by a given body by virtue of its position relative to others, stresses within itself. Thus the correct answer is:
Potential energy.

12. Biosphere normally caters for the ecosystem while Cyrosphere normally caters for the frozen water. Thus the interaction between these two is seen in:
Some marine animals live on the edge of sea ice.

13. Convection is the heat transfer that is normally seen attributed to bulk movement of molecules within fluids such as gases and liquids. Thus the method of heat transfer that takes place when particles of mater move from one place to another in a liquid is known as:


14. The interaction that between geosphere and atmosphere is :

wind which is formed from the atmosphere blows sand which is in the geosphere. Thus the correct answer is:

Wind blows away sand.

15. Given that a lighthouse was 1,000 meters inland on a coast when it was built. After 100 years it was 10 meters inland. What most likely changed relative position of the lighthouse is:

Erosion of the beach by the ocean.

This led to the reduction in the size of the beach.

16. Dissolution of limestone bedrock usually leads to the formation of underground tunnels and caverns. This is because it is characterized by underground drainage systems with sinkholes and caves.

 17. The forces that results when one object touches another object is contact force. Contact force is any force that requires contact to occur. 

19. The forces that always exists between any two objects having mass is:
Gravitational force.
Objects with mass exert forces on each other via the fore of gravity.

20. The process that transfers heat from the ground to the air touching it is called.


21. Given the ideal system energy transmission that takes place when Jim compresses a string is:

Potential energy to kinetic energy, and total energy is conserved

Question 1: The object will move Down, this is because the greatest force is acting downwards. This energy will over come the rest of the energy since they are smaller. 

Question 4: 
When the speed of an object remains the same, that is, it doesn't decrease or increase, we say that the object is moving at constant speed. Comparing the movements of object A and object B. Object A is  moving at a constant speed. Hence the answer is:
Object A: because it travels equal distances in equal intervals of time. 

In process P the liquid is being converted to Gas. This involves heating.

In process Q the liquid is being converted to solid. This requires cooling.

Hence the answer is:

P represents heating and Q represents cooling. 

Question 18:
The correct answer is:

Object A is moving at variable speed but Object B is moving at constant speed.

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