
how to know the no of neutrons when finding thee mass no of an element

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Step-by-step answer

19.11.2022, solved by verified expert
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No. Of neutrons

Step-by-step explanation:

That number is equal to the number of protons. The number of protons is equal to the number of electrons, unless there's an ion superscript listed after the element. To find the number of neutrons, subtract the element's atomic number from its atomic massage

Atomic no. And mass no. You will get from periodic table you dont have to learn it

It is was helpful?


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

The explanations are mentionned in the attached file.

1. The right answer is physical changes.

2. The right answer is chemical changes.

3. The right answer is chemical change.

4. The right answer is fireworks exploding.

5. The right answer is All of the above.

6. The right answer is combining oxygen gas and hydrogen gas to form liquid water.

7. The right answer is gas is produced.

8. The right answer is The compound may or may not be poisonous, depending on the chemical properties of the new substance.

9. The right answer is This is a physical change, because the two substances were separated physically by boiling.

10. The right answer is C. The tablet that was placed in the water interacted  ... chemical change.

11. The right answer is B. Energy is either released or absorbed.

12. The right answer is that we should compare both physical and chemical properties of these two substances : if they have the same properties, it means that it is the same substance, if not, they are different substances.

13. The right answer is A. Flammability.

14. The right answer is Column.

15. The right answers are Melting point, conductivity, solubility, malleability, density.

16. The right answer is oxidation, flammability, combustibility.

17. The right answer is A. Arrangement of protons in the nucleus.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

The explanations are mentionned in the attached file.

1. The right answer is physical changes.

2. The right answer is chemical changes.

3. The right answer is chemical change.

4. The right answer is fireworks exploding.

5. The right answer is All of the above.

6. The right answer is combining oxygen gas and hydrogen gas to form liquid water.

7. The right answer is gas is produced.

8. The right answer is The compound may or may not be poisonous, depending on the chemical properties of the new substance.

9. The right answer is This is a physical change, because the two substances were separated physically by boiling.

10. The right answer is C. The tablet that was placed in the water interacted  ... chemical change.

11. The right answer is B. Energy is either released or absorbed.

12. The right answer is that we should compare both physical and chemical properties of these two substances : if they have the same properties, it means that it is the same substance, if not, they are different substances.

13. The right answer is A. Flammability.

14. The right answer is Column.

15. The right answers are Melting point, conductivity, solubility, malleability, density.

16. The right answer is oxidation, flammability, combustibility.

17. The right answer is A. Arrangement of protons in the nucleus.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

1. B. Liquid
2. C. both A & B
3. C. Indefinite shape and definite volume
4. D. Sublimation
5. Its gotta either be B or D       its most likely D
6. A. Neutron
7. D.12
8. C. Ground State
9. C. Synthesis reaction
10. D. None of the above
11. Both A and C
12. A. 2
13. A. Element
14. A. Cu
15. D. Periods, Groups
16. B. Metals, Non-metals
17. A. F
18. D. None of the above
19. Either B or D
20. B. H-2.06% S-32.6% O-65.3%
21. A. Na2SO4
22. C. Combustion reaction
23. if I'm correct it should be C. Nitrogen Bromide
24. Sorry not sure what the answer is but your welcome I hope the rest of theses help!!

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. Superposition

The principle of superposition suggests that the layers of rock are set on top of each other in a horizontal manner. It also says that the layers that are at the bottom are the oldest, while the ones on the top are the youngest, practically meaning that the layers are arranged by age from bottom toward the top. This can be seen very well at the Grand Canyon, especially because its layers can be seen very well, and it is easily noticeable that they differ from one another and belong to different periods. This principle only applies to rock layers that have not been disturbed.

2. An atom that has more or fewer neutrons than it typically does

An isotope represents two or more forms of an identical element, having the same amount of protons, but having different number of neutrons than what the element typically has. It can also be said that an isotope represents a radioactive form of an element. There are countless number of isotopes in nature, as well as some that have been man-made. As an example we can take the carbon 12, carbon 13, and carbon 14, all of which have the same amount of protons from the same element, the carbon, but differ in the number of neutrons.

3. When the radiometric clock starts ticking in zircon minerals, there is 100% of the unstable radiometric U-235 and 0% of the stable Pb-207

We know that the Earth is very old, but in order to know how much exactly it is really hard to tell. There are numerous different methods used for dating, some of which focus on the fossils, while others focus on the rocks and minerals. The ones that focus on the fossils manage to tell us how much time has life been on our planet, but not more, so the scientists use methods to date the oldest rocks/minerals on the planet. They use the radioactive decay of uranium and lead from the zirconium in order to be able to perform proper dating, which suggest that the oldest rocks are 4.6 billion years old, though the Earth itself is probably older.

4. 1408

If U-235 isotope has a half-life of 704 million years, than that means that means that that's the amount of time for the parent material to lose half of itself. If only 25% of the parent isotope is left, and there is 75% of the daughter isotope, than we are looking for double the age of the isotope's half-life. This is because with every half-life period passed, the isotope is twice less, so with 704 million years passed, 50% of it are left, and then those 50% need 704 million years to be twice less so that only 25% of the isotope is left. This means that we just need to double the figure, thus 704 million by 2, and we have a result of 1408 million years.

5. narrow range of time in which they exist and wide geographic distribution

The index fossils are fossils that have special characteristics that make them very helpful and useful for the geologists. These fossils are used for easily determining the age of other fossils and rock layers without having to perform detailed examinations of them. The reason for this is that the index fossils are very wide spread, are found in abundance, and they only exist in relatively short period of time.

6.  abundant bombardment and partially molten surface

The Hadean eon is the eon that includes the formation of the Earth. During this eon, the Earth is totally unrecognizable. Asteroids were constantly bombarding it because it still didn't had thick and nicely layer atmosphere. It was extremely hot, and the surface was initially molten and than gradually was becoming half molten. Big change during this eon was the occurrence of the first oceans on Earth, and that was a game changer for the further development on our planet.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

1. B. Liquid
2. C. both A & B
3. C. Indefinite shape and definite volume
4. D. Sublimation
5. Its gotta either be B or D       its most likely D
6. A. Neutron
7. D.12
8. C. Ground State
9. C. Synthesis reaction
10. D. None of the above
11. Both A and C
12. A. 2
13. A. Element
14. A. Cu
15. D. Periods, Groups
16. B. Metals, Non-metals
17. A. F
18. D. None of the above
19. Either B or D
20. B. H-2.06% S-32.6% O-65.3%
21. A. Na2SO4
22. C. Combustion reaction
23. if I'm correct it should be C. Nitrogen Bromide
24. Sorry not sure what the answer is but your welcome I hope the rest of theses help!!

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. Superposition

The principle of superposition suggests that the layers of rock are set on top of each other in a horizontal manner. It also says that the layers that are at the bottom are the oldest, while the ones on the top are the youngest, practically meaning that the layers are arranged by age from bottom toward the top. This can be seen very well at the Grand Canyon, especially because its layers can be seen very well, and it is easily noticeable that they differ from one another and belong to different periods. This principle only applies to rock layers that have not been disturbed.

2. An atom that has more or fewer neutrons than it typically does

An isotope represents two or more forms of an identical element, having the same amount of protons, but having different number of neutrons than what the element typically has. It can also be said that an isotope represents a radioactive form of an element. There are countless number of isotopes in nature, as well as some that have been man-made. As an example we can take the carbon 12, carbon 13, and carbon 14, all of which have the same amount of protons from the same element, the carbon, but differ in the number of neutrons.

3. When the radiometric clock starts ticking in zircon minerals, there is 100% of the unstable radiometric U-235 and 0% of the stable Pb-207

We know that the Earth is very old, but in order to know how much exactly it is really hard to tell. There are numerous different methods used for dating, some of which focus on the fossils, while others focus on the rocks and minerals. The ones that focus on the fossils manage to tell us how much time has life been on our planet, but not more, so the scientists use methods to date the oldest rocks/minerals on the planet. They use the radioactive decay of uranium and lead from the zirconium in order to be able to perform proper dating, which suggest that the oldest rocks are 4.6 billion years old, though the Earth itself is probably older.

4. 1408

If U-235 isotope has a half-life of 704 million years, than that means that means that that's the amount of time for the parent material to lose half of itself. If only 25% of the parent isotope is left, and there is 75% of the daughter isotope, than we are looking for double the age of the isotope's half-life. This is because with every half-life period passed, the isotope is twice less, so with 704 million years passed, 50% of it are left, and then those 50% need 704 million years to be twice less so that only 25% of the isotope is left. This means that we just need to double the figure, thus 704 million by 2, and we have a result of 1408 million years.

5. narrow range of time in which they exist and wide geographic distribution

The index fossils are fossils that have special characteristics that make them very helpful and useful for the geologists. These fossils are used for easily determining the age of other fossils and rock layers without having to perform detailed examinations of them. The reason for this is that the index fossils are very wide spread, are found in abundance, and they only exist in relatively short period of time.

6.  abundant bombardment and partially molten surface

The Hadean eon is the eon that includes the formation of the Earth. During this eon, the Earth is totally unrecognizable. Asteroids were constantly bombarding it because it still didn't had thick and nicely layer atmosphere. It was extremely hot, and the surface was initially molten and than gradually was becoming half molten. Big change during this eon was the occurrence of the first oceans on Earth, and that was a game changer for the further development on our planet.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
Bombarding sodium-23 with a proton produces nuclide X and a neutron. What is nuclide X?

^{23}_{11}Na--^{\beta^+}-- ^{23}_{10}Ne + e^{+}

The isotope P has a half-life of 14.3 days. If a sample originally contained 1.00 g of P, 
how much was left after 43 days?

0 days >>> 1.00g
14,3 days >>> 1.00g :2 = 0,5g
(14.3+14.3) days >>> 0.5g : 2 = 0.25g
(14.3+14.3+14.3) days >>>  0.25g : 2 = 0.125g 


Identify X in the reaction 
 U +  C →  Cf + X

^{238}_{92}U --- ^{251}_{98}Cf+6e^-

6 electrons  (so it's beta⁻)

A .20 gram sample of C-14 was allowed to decay for 3 half-lives.  What mass 
of the sample will remain?  Carbon-14 has a half life of 5730 

at the beginning >>> 0.20g
1 half-live >>> 0.20g : 2 = 0.10g
2 half-live >>> 0.10g : 2 = 0.05g
3 half-live >>> 0.05g : 2 = 0.025g


The isotope Cu has a half-life of 30 s. If a sample originally contained 48 mg of Cu, 
how much time passed before the amount fell to 3 mg?

0 s (at the beginning) >>> 48mg
30s >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 48mg : 2 = 24mg
(30+30)s >>>>>>>>>>> 24mg : 2 = 12mg
(30+30+30)s >>>>>>>> 12mg : 2 = 6mg
(30+30+30+30)s >>>>> 6mg : 2 = 3mg

30+30+30+30 = 120s
What radionuclide decays to Fe-56 by beta emission?

^{56}_{26}Fe--^{\beta^-}--^{56}_{27}Co + e^-

The Cf to Cf conversion is accompanied by __________.

Cf to Cf ????  maybe...mistake?

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