Health : asked on cancerbaby209

Edward thorndike’s law of effect was a precursor to the theory of a. social learning b. classical conditioning c. observational learning d. operant conditioning the answer is d on edg

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17.05.2023, solved by verified expert
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The answer is D. His work on learning theory lead to the development of operant conditioning within behaviorism.

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P Answered by Master

The answer is D. His work on learning theory lead to the development of operant conditioning within behaviorism.

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P Answered by Specialist

Operant conditioning

Explanation: Edward Thorndike was a psychologist who became famous for his work on learning theory. This theory led to the development of operant conditioning with behaviorism. Operant conditioning is based on the fact that we learn based on the consequences of our behaviors.

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P Answered by PhD

Personal or self-boundaries are extremely individual. We all determine our physical, emotional, and mental liits and use the to protect ourselves in both our personal and professional lives.

Personal or self-boundaries are extremely individual. We all determine our physical, emotional, and
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P Answered by PhD

A trainer has an explosive sport athlete client and has them perform explosive movements

This is an example of: biofeedback training. It perfom the SAID (specific adaptation to imposed demands) principles.

A trainer has an explosive sport athlete client and has them perform explosive movementsThis is an e
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P Answered by PhD

Larissa has a BMI of 30% and a waist measurement of 40. Describe Larissa's body composition, set a reasonable goal for her, and devise a plan to help her accomplish the goal. Her BMI is too high and the goal should be to reduce her BMI.

If Larissa decides to lose weight 

Larissa has a BMI of 30% and a waist measurement of 40. Describe Larissa's body composition, set a rLarissa has a BMI of 30% and a waist measurement of 40. Describe Larissa's body composition, set a r
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P Answered by PhD

Answer: The following considered necessary preventative measures to stay safe from biological agents...

The three options are: 

1.use safer medical devices 

2.use PPE

3.use safe injection practice 

Preventive measure include:

Safe handling of infectious specimens, sharps waste, contaminated linen and other material. Safe handling and cleaning of blood spills and other body fluids. Adequate protective equipment, gloves, clothing, glasses. Appropriate hygienic measures.

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