
*A. We are Bechtel, a private US construction firm. We bid to develop the airport and the surrounding area for Sweden. We are not sure whether the Swedish transportation authorities will grant us the business, but we hope they will. If we are awarded the contract, for which we bid $ 1 billion, we shall need to buy Swedish materials and labor for 2 years. Assume that the purchases we need to make are in one year. The project will be completed in two years from the present. We expect the Swedish krona will revalue in the next 2 years, but we do not know definitely. We have two choices. One is to hedge and paying for the labor and materials in the one year, and the other is to leave an open position. If we hedge, we shall hedge for one year assume, and it will last for 2 years.

. 2

Step-by-step answer

02.12.2022, solved by verified expert
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1) Mathematically :

The best solution for the given problem is that Bechtel should hedge its position using the options for exercise prices of 25 baht per $ at 3% premium.

2) Verbally :

Bechtel should hedge their position, paying the labor and materials in the next two years because there is always a risk of change in exchange rate which may negatively impact the financial position of Bechtel.

Step-by-step explanation:

1) Mathematically 

The calculation of total amount of baht to be paid over 2 years under through financial instruments is shown below :

*A. We are Bechtel, a private US construction, №15254030, 09.01.2020 22:43

Hence, the total amount of baht to be paid over 2 years is found to be minimum when Bechtel hedges its position through options with an exercise price of 25 baht / $ at 3% premium.

This option will give Bechtel the right to exchange $1 billion at 25 baht / $ after 2 years.

*A. We are Bechtel, a private US construction, №15254030, 09.01.2020 22:43

Conclusion : The best solution for Bechtel would be to hedge its position using the above-mentioned options. 

2) Verbally

Bechtel should hedge its foreign exchange exposure because the exchange rate (baht / $) may fluctuate over the life of the project which may impact the overall profitability of the project. The exchange rate (baht / $) may change due to various reasons such as :

Political instability in Thailand or US

Change in inflation rates in Thailand or US

Change in interest rates in Thailand or US

Increase in the value of baht

Decrease in the value of dollars

By hedging its foreign exchange exposure, Bechtel can focus on its project on other core activities and increase overall profitability of its business. 

Conclusion : Hence, the best solution for Bechtel would be to hedge its position and not leave its currency exposure open.

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P Answered by PhD
Answer: 440 grams for 1.54 is the better value
Take the price and divide by the number of grams
1.54 / 440 =0.0035 per gram
1.26 / 340 =0.003705882 per gram
0.0035 per gram < 0.003705882 per gram
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P Answered by PhD

For 1 flavor there are 9 topping

Therefore, for 5 different flavors there will be 5*9 choices

No of choices= 5*9


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The solution is in the following image

The solution is in the following image
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The answer is in the image 

The answer is in the image 

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P Answered by PhD


tip=18%of $32




Total payment=32+5.76=$37.76

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P Answered by PhD

The wood before starting =12 feet

Left wood=6 feet

Wood used till now=12-6=6 feet

Picture frame built till now= 6/(3/4)

=8 pieces

Therefore, till now 8 pieces have been made.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The wood before starting =12 feet

Left wood=6 feet

Wood used till now=12-6=6 feet

Picture frame built till now= 6/(3/4)

=8 pieces

Therefore, till now 8 pieces have been made.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The answer is in the image 

The answer is in the image 
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Area of rectangle= L*b


L=12.4 cm

b= 8.8 cm

A= L*b

= 12.4 * 8.8 = 109.12 cm^2

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