Mathematics : asked on musa79

3 ÷ 3/4 what is the answer i need help

. 1

Step-by-step answer

24.06.2023, solved by verified expert


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The task seems to involve a bit of formatting issue, but based on my understanding you want to solve two inequalities and choose a correct answer from the options provided.

Here are the two inequalities to solve:

1) 3x - 91 > -87
2) 21x - 17 > 25

Let's start by solving the first one:

1) 3x - 91 > -87

First, we should add 91 to both sides of the inequality to isolate the term with x:

3x > -87 + 91
3x > 4

Next, we need to divide both sides by the coefficient of x which is 3:

x > 4/3

So, the solution to the first inequality is x > 4/3

Now, we'll solve the second inequality:

2) 21x - 17 > 25

For this one, we should start by adding 17 to both sides to isolate the term with x:

21x > 25 + 17
21x > 42

Next, we divide each side by the coefficient of x which is 21:

x > 42/21
x > 2

So, the solution for the second inequality is x > 2.

Based on these solutions, the answer should be (Choice B) x > 4/3, because 4/3 is a smaller number than 2 and it covers all solutions for x in both inequalities. Therefore, if x is any number greater than 4/3, it satisfies both conditions.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Part 1) 9 and 1 over 2 divided by 1 over 4

Part 2) 18, because the number of catalogs is 72 over 5 divided by 4 over 5

Part 3) 3.2

Part 4) 3.6 with bar over 6

Part 5) 4 over 7  and  4 over 9

Part 6) 43 over 9

Part 7) Benny spent to go to the summer camp $280.00

Part 8) $124

Part 9) (−$11) ⋅ 12

Part 10) -27 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

Part 1)


x ------> the number of days

we now that

The total distance jogged must be equal to the distance jogged each day multiplied by the number of days


Solve for x



The number of days is

9 and 1 over 2 divided by 1 over 4

Part 2)


x ----> the number of catalogs

we know that

To find out the number of catalogs, divide the wide of the shelf by the thick of each catalog

x=\frac{\frac{72}{5}}{\frac{4}{5}} =\frac{72}{4}= 18\ catalogs


18, because the number of catalogs is 72 over 5 divided by 4 over 5

Part 3) Convert 16 over 5 to a decimal

we know that

\frac{16}{5}=16(\frac{1}{5})=16(0.2) =3.2

Part 4) How can 33 over 9 be expressed as a decimal?

we know that

\frac{33}{9}= 3.666666... ----> is a repeating decimal


3.6 with bar over 6

Part 5) Which of the following numbers can be expressed as repeating decimals?

Verify each case

case a) 4 over 7

\frac{4}{7}= 0.571428571428571428... ----> is a repeating decimal

case b) 2 over 5

\frac{2}{5}=0.40 ----> is a terminating decimal

case c) 7 over 8

\frac{7}{8}=0.875 ----> is a terminating decimal

case d) 4 over 9

\frac{4}{9}=0.44444... ----> is a repeating decimal


4 over 7  and  4 over 9

Part 6) Which of the following rational numbers is equal to 4 point 7 with bar over 7 ?

Verify each case

case a) 43 over 9

\frac{43}{9}= 4.77777...

case b) 49 over 9

\frac{49}{9}= 5.444444...

case c) 35 over 9

\frac{35}{9}= 3.888888...

case d) 32 over 9

\frac{32}{9}= 3.55555...


43 over 9

Part 7)

we know that

1)Benny deposited $92.50 into his account every month for 10 month



2) He used $36.50 every month to pay for art lessons

\$925.00-10(\$36.50)=\$560.00 -----> total money left in his account after 10 months

3) After 10 months, he used 1 over 2 of the total money left in his account to go to a summer camp for artists




Benny spent to go to the summer camp $280.00

Part 8)

we know that

1) Mini earned $160 during the summer doing chores

2) She bought 3 dresses worth $12 each using her chore money.



To find out how much money was left, subtract $36 from the amount earned during the summer doing chores




Part 9)

we have

1 year=12 months


x ----> the total deductions for the year

we know that

The total deductions for the year is equal to the Ryan's tennis club membership multiplied by the number of a months in a year




(−$11) ⋅ 12

Part 10)

we know that

The total depth of a submarine is 45 ft


15% of 45 ft is

(0.15)(45)=6.75 ft

using proportion

Find out the deep after 4 minutes


x ----> the deep after 4 minutes

\frac{6.75}{1}\frac{ft}{min}=\frac{x}{4}\frac{ft}{min}\\\\x=6.75(4)\\\\x=27\ ft


-27 ft

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
First, let's simplify and clearly state the tasks because it seems unclear. We want to find the solution to the following inequalities:

1. -9x + 5 < 17
2. 13x + 25 < -1

Let's solve them one by one:

1. Start by simplifying the inequality -9x + 5 < 17:
- Subtract 5 from both sides of the inequality to isolate terms involving x.
- This yields -9x < 17 - 5, which simplifies to -9x < 12.
- Divide both sides of the inequality by -9 to solve for x; remember to flip the inequality sign when dividing by a negative number.
- This yields x > 12 / -9, which simplifies to x > -4/3.

This means that x must be greater than -4/3 to satisfy the first inequality.

2. Now, let's solve the second inequality 13x + 25 < -1:
- Subtract 25 from both sides of the inequality to isolate terms involving x.
- This gives us 13x < -1 - 25, that simplifies to 13x < -26.
- Divide both sides of the inequality by 13 to solve for x.
- This yields x < -26 / 13, which simplifies to x < -2.

This means that x must be less than -2 to satisfy the second inequality.

Therefore, in order for x to satisfy both inequalities, it must be both greater than -4/3 and less than -2.

In this case, there is no x that can satisfy both conditions simultaneously as there is no overlap between these two ranges. When looking at the options, the correct answer is (Choice D) "There are no solutions".
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

The fish is closer to the surface of the water because |+4| = 4 and |−3| = 3, and 3 < 4.

Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is this because they are finding the absolute value. Because 3 is less than 4, that means that it isn't as far away from zero on the number line. This is the only answer where the absolute value and the object is correct.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Part 1) 9 and 1 over 2 divided by 1 over 4

Part 2) 18, because the number of catalogs is 72 over 5 divided by 4 over 5

Part 3) 3.2

Part 4) 3.6 with bar over 6

Part 5) 4 over 7  and  4 over 9

Part 6) 43 over 9

Part 7) Benny spent to go to the summer camp $280.00

Part 8) $124

Part 9) (−$11) ⋅ 12

Part 10) -27 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

Part 1)


x ------> the number of days

we now that

The total distance jogged must be equal to the distance jogged each day multiplied by the number of days


Solve for x



The number of days is

9 and 1 over 2 divided by 1 over 4

Part 2)


x ----> the number of catalogs

we know that

To find out the number of catalogs, divide the wide of the shelf by the thick of each catalog

x=\frac{\frac{72}{5}}{\frac{4}{5}} =\frac{72}{4}= 18\ catalogs


18, because the number of catalogs is 72 over 5 divided by 4 over 5

Part 3) Convert 16 over 5 to a decimal

we know that

\frac{16}{5}=16(\frac{1}{5})=16(0.2) =3.2

Part 4) How can 33 over 9 be expressed as a decimal?

we know that

\frac{33}{9}= 3.666666... ----> is a repeating decimal


3.6 with bar over 6

Part 5) Which of the following numbers can be expressed as repeating decimals?

Verify each case

case a) 4 over 7

\frac{4}{7}= 0.571428571428571428... ----> is a repeating decimal

case b) 2 over 5

\frac{2}{5}=0.40 ----> is a terminating decimal

case c) 7 over 8

\frac{7}{8}=0.875 ----> is a terminating decimal

case d) 4 over 9

\frac{4}{9}=0.44444... ----> is a repeating decimal


4 over 7  and  4 over 9

Part 6) Which of the following rational numbers is equal to 4 point 7 with bar over 7 ?

Verify each case

case a) 43 over 9

\frac{43}{9}= 4.77777...

case b) 49 over 9

\frac{49}{9}= 5.444444...

case c) 35 over 9

\frac{35}{9}= 3.888888...

case d) 32 over 9

\frac{32}{9}= 3.55555...


43 over 9

Part 7)

we know that

1)Benny deposited $92.50 into his account every month for 10 month



2) He used $36.50 every month to pay for art lessons

\$925.00-10(\$36.50)=\$560.00 -----> total money left in his account after 10 months

3) After 10 months, he used 1 over 2 of the total money left in his account to go to a summer camp for artists




Benny spent to go to the summer camp $280.00

Part 8)

we know that

1) Mini earned $160 during the summer doing chores

2) She bought 3 dresses worth $12 each using her chore money.



To find out how much money was left, subtract $36 from the amount earned during the summer doing chores




Part 9)

we have

1 year=12 months


x ----> the total deductions for the year

we know that

The total deductions for the year is equal to the Ryan's tennis club membership multiplied by the number of a months in a year




(−$11) ⋅ 12

Part 10)

we know that

The total depth of a submarine is 45 ft


15% of 45 ft is

(0.15)(45)=6.75 ft

using proportion

Find out the deep after 4 minutes


x ----> the deep after 4 minutes

\frac{6.75}{1}\frac{ft}{min}=\frac{x}{4}\frac{ft}{min}\\\\x=6.75(4)\\\\x=27\ ft


-27 ft

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

The fish is closer to the surface of the water because |+4| = 4 and |−3| = 3, and 3 < 4.

Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is this because they are finding the absolute value. Because 3 is less than 4, that means that it isn't as far away from zero on the number line. This is the only answer where the absolute value and the object is correct.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

hello your table is incomplete here is the complete table

Fertilizer Amount (ounces)Tomato Plant Height (inches)































Answer : a)Height = 18.639 + 5.208  * fertilizer

b) The Y intercept make practical sense because without fertilizer there will still be an  increase in plant height ( y intercept )  

c) 34.263

Step-by-step explanation:

A) Estimating  the model

Height = β0 + β1 FERTILIZER + ∈

β0 = 18.639

β1 = 5.208


Height = 18.639 + 5.208  * fertilizer  ( using excel )

B) The y- intercept

The Y intercept make practical sense because without fertilizer there will still be an  increase in plant height ( y intercept )  

C ) using the estimated model to predict  after four months

the model = 18.639 + 5.208 * fertilizer

fertilizer ounce given = 3

therefore height of tomato plant after 4 months that received 3 ounces of fertilizer = 18.639 + 5.208 * 3 = 34.263

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Step-by-step explanation:


The study variable is:

Xi: sugar level of a broth used to manufacture a pharmaceutical product (mg/mL) measured in day Di

Where i= 1, 2, 3

a) Using a significance level of 5% you need to test if the variability of the process on day 1 is greater than the variability of the process on day 2

The parameter that measures the variability of a given variable is the population variance δ², so in this item, you have to compare both population variances to test if the claim is correct. You have to do an F-ratio test, using the Snedecor-F distribution:

H₀: δ₁² ≤ δ₂²

H₁: δ₁² > δ₂²

α: 0.05

F_{H_0}= \frac{S^2_1}{S^2_2} *\frac{Sigma^2_1}{Sigma^2_2} ~~F_{n_1-1; n_2-1}

This test is one-tailed to the right this means that you will reject the null hypothesis to high values of the statistic:

F_{n_1-1;n_2-1;1-\alpha }= F_{12;12;0.95}= 2.69

The rejection region is F ≥ 2.69.

Using software I've calculated both sample variances:

Day 1: S₁²= 0.02

Day 2: S₂²= 0.15

F_{H_0}= \frac{0.02}{0.15} * 1 = 0.13

Remember, this is an F-ratio test, under the null hypothesis we assume that δ₁²/δ₂²= 1 that is why I've replaced the variance ratio with 1.

b) The p-value for this test is:

P(F_{12;12} ≥ 0.13)= 1 - P(F_{12;12} < 0.13) = 1 - 0.0006= 0.9994

The p-value is greater than α, the decision is to not reject the null hypothesis.

I hope this helps!

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