
Find the sum of each of the following series:
(a) 2 + 7 + 12 + +92

. 0

Step-by-step answer

09.07.2023, solved by verified expert
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Arithmetic SequenceWe can observe that we are adding 5 each time to the numbers, meaning this is an arithmetic sequence with a common difference d=5Explicit RelationWe can establish the relation,u(n)=u⁰+nd

where u(n) is the nth term (any term).

u⁰ is out first term (2)

d is the common difference (5)

u(n)=u⁰+nd92 =2 +5n5n =90n =18This sequence admits 19 terms since we start counting from 0 till 18.SummationS= number of terms/2 ×(u¹⁸+u⁰)Find the sum of each of the following series:, №18010983, 15.11.2022 04:48

Find the sum of each of the following series:, №18010983, 15.11.2022 04:48

Find the sum of each of the following series:, №18010983, 15.11.2022 04:48

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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
Arithmetic SequenceWe can observe that we are adding 5 each time to the numbers, meaning this is an arithmetic sequence with a common difference d=5Explicit RelationWe can establish the relation,u(n)=u⁰+nd

where u(n) is the nth term (any term).

u⁰ is out first term (2)

d is the common difference (5)

u(n)=u⁰+nd92 =2 +5n5n =90n =18This sequence admits 19 terms since we start counting from 0 till 18.SummationS= number of terms/2 ×(u¹⁸+u⁰)s =  \frac{19}{2}  \times (92 + 2)

s = 9.5(94)

s = 893

That's ur answer :)
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
I have the first 8 answers for you:
1:  1126
2:  -370
3:  a_n=45-15(n-1)
4:  a_n=-87+14(n-1)
5:  192
6:  870
7:  5414
8:  1308

The formula for #1 would be a_n=418+12(n-1).  Using 60 for n, we have
418+12(60-1) = 1126

The formula for #2 would be a_n=-18-16(n-1).  Using 23 for n, we have
-18-16(23-1) = -370

The general form for this sequence is a_n=a_1+d(n-1), where a₁ is the first term and d is the common difference.  For #3, the first term is 45 and the common difference is -15.  For #4, the first term is -87 and the common difference is 14.

For #5-8, add together the terms.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

a) The error is that, the initial value is n=1 NOT n=3

b) The sum is a_n=a_{n+1}+5=192

c)The explicit formula is  a_n=5n+3

The recursive formula is a_n=a_{n+1}+5,

Step-by-step explanation:

The given arithmetic series is  8 + 13 + ... + 43.

The first term is a_1=8, the  common difference is d=13-8=5

The nth term is given by:


We substitute the values to get:


To find how many terms are in the sequence we solve the equation:

3+5n=43\\\implies 5n=43-3\\5n=40\\n=8

The summation notation is  \sum_{n=1}^8(3+5n)

The error the student made is in the initial value.

It should be n=1 NOT n=3

b) The sum of the arithmetic series is calculated using:


We substitute o get:




c) The explicit formula we already calculated in a), which is a_n=3+5n

The recursive formula is given as:


We substitute d=5 to get:


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

We can see that:

a₀ = 4

a₁ = 4/3

a₂ = 4/9.

We easily can see that the n-th therm of this will be:

aₙ = 4/3^n.

Now, the denominator increases as n increases, then for a really large n, aₙ will tend asymptotically to zero. This means that this summation converges.

We can write this summation as:


The sum for the first N-th therms is:

We know that for a summation:

1 + r + r^2 + r^3 + ... + r^N = (1 - r^(N + 1))/(1 - r)

4 + 4*(1/3) + 4*(1/3)^2 + ... + 4*(1/3)^N = 4*( 1 - (1/3)^(N + 1))/(1 - (1/3))

Now, for the complete sum we have that:

n = {0, 1, 2, ...}

We know that for a summation:


with n = {0, 1, ...}

the sum is = a/(1 + r).

in this case we have:

a = 4, r = 1/3.

Then the sum is:

S = 4/(1 - 1/3) = 4/(2/3) = 3*2 = 6

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

a) The error is that, the initial value is n=1 NOT n=3

b) The sum is a_n=a_{n+1}+5=192

c)The explicit formula is  a_n=5n+3

The recursive formula is a_n=a_{n+1}+5,

Step-by-step explanation:

The given arithmetic series is  8 + 13 + ... + 43.

The first term is a_1=8, the  common difference is d=13-8=5

The nth term is given by:


We substitute the values to get:


To find how many terms are in the sequence we solve the equation:

3+5n=43\\\implies 5n=43-3\\5n=40\\n=8

The summation notation is  \sum_{n=1}^8(3+5n)

The error the student made is in the initial value.

It should be n=1 NOT n=3

b) The sum of the arithmetic series is calculated using:


We substitute o get:




c) The explicit formula we already calculated in a), which is a_n=3+5n

The recursive formula is given as:


We substitute d=5 to get:


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
I have the first 8 answers for you:
1:  1126
2:  -370
3:  a_n=45-15(n-1)
4:  a_n=-87+14(n-1)
5:  192
6:  870
7:  5414
8:  1308

The formula for #1 would be a_n=418+12(n-1).  Using 60 for n, we have
418+12(60-1) = 1126

The formula for #2 would be a_n=-18-16(n-1).  Using 23 for n, we have
-18-16(23-1) = -370

The general form for this sequence is a_n=a_1+d(n-1), where a₁ is the first term and d is the common difference.  For #3, the first term is 45 and the common difference is -15.  For #4, the first term is -87 and the common difference is 14.

For #5-8, add together the terms.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

We can see that:

a₀ = 4

a₁ = 4/3

a₂ = 4/9.

We easily can see that the n-th therm of this will be:

aₙ = 4/3^n.

Now, the denominator increases as n increases, then for a really large n, aₙ will tend asymptotically to zero. This means that this summation converges.

We can write this summation as:


The sum for the first N-th therms is:

We know that for a summation:

1 + r + r^2 + r^3 + ... + r^N = (1 - r^(N + 1))/(1 - r)

4 + 4*(1/3) + 4*(1/3)^2 + ... + 4*(1/3)^N = 4*( 1 - (1/3)^(N + 1))/(1 - (1/3))

Now, for the complete sum we have that:

n = {0, 1, 2, ...}

We know that for a summation:


with n = {0, 1, ...}

the sum is = a/(1 + r).

in this case we have:

a = 4, r = 1/3.

Then the sum is:

S = 4/(1 - 1/3) = 4/(2/3) = 3*2 = 6

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Step-by-step explanation:

first you get your equations, because the game sums are based upon the st louis cardinals we will use them as x.

According to the problem the yankees won 3 fewer (-3) that 3 times (3x) the st louis cardinals which brings their equation to 3x-3

The sum of these to equations equals 37


when you solve, you get x=10

then you plug it into the DIFERENT equations

3(10)-3=27 (yankees)


then check using your preffered method

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