
What is the equation of the line that passes through the point (3, 5) and has a slope
of -1/3

. 0

Step-by-step answer

09.07.2023, solved by verified expert
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Linear Equations

Linear equations are typically organized in slope-intercept form:

What is the equation of the line that passes, №18011144, 26.03.2023 05:48

m = slopeb = y-intercept (the value of y when the line crosses the y-axis)

To determine the equation of a line:

Find the slopePlug the slope into y=mx+bPlug in a point that falls on the line as (x,y)Solve for b

Solving the Question

We're given:

What is the equation of the line that passes, №18011144, 26.03.2023 05:48The lines passes through the point (3,5)

What is the equation of the line that passes, №18011144, 26.03.2023 05:48

⇒ Plug the slope into the equation:

What is the equation of the line that passes, №18011144, 26.03.2023 05:48

⇒ Plug in the given point (3,5) and determine the y-intercept:

What is the equation of the line that passes, №18011144, 26.03.2023 05:48

⇒ Plug this back into the equation along with the slope:

What is the equation of the line that passes, №18011144, 26.03.2023 05:48


What is the equation of the line that passes, №18011144, 26.03.2023 05:48

It is was helpful?


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

Y=-\frac{1}{3} + 6

Hope This Helps! :) Please Mark Brainliest!

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
Linear Equations

Linear equations are typically organized in slope-intercept form:


m = slopeb = y-intercept (the value of y when the line crosses the y-axis)

To determine the equation of a line:

Find the slopePlug the slope into y=mx+bPlug in a point that falls on the line as (x,y)Solve for b

Solving the Question

We're given:

m=-\dfrac{1}{3}The lines passes through the point (3,5)


⇒ Plug the slope into the equation:


⇒ Plug in the given point (3,5) and determine the y-intercept:


⇒ Plug this back into the equation along with the slope:




Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
Y = mx + b

m = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) = (7-5)/(8-3) = 2/5

3. 2/5 is the slope of the line
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
Y = mx + b

m = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) = (7-5)/(8-3) = 2/5

3. 2/5 is the slope of the line
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

2 and 9 are correct. The remainder need to be reconsidered.

Step-by-step explanation:

Your answer to 9 is correct, which means you have the appropriate signs for the point coordinates. In your other point-slope questions, one or more of the signs is incorrect. Use your good work as an example of how to choose the correct answers elsewhere.

1) When you have y = kx, you can find the value of k from ...

... k = y/x

When the variation is direct, this works for any (x, y) pair.

3) A unit rate is called a unit rate because it has 1 (a unit) in the denominator.

4a, 4b, ... all slope calculations. You managed to get it right in problem 9. Watch your signs.

10, 11 ... It can work well to put the x term on the same side with the y-term, then multiply the equation by the denominator value.

... (2/3)x + y = 7 . . . . add (2/3)x to both sides of the equation

... 2x + 3y = 21 . . . . . multiply by 3. (Standard form always has the leading coefficient positive.)

Whenever you consider making a term disappear from one side of the equation, think in terms of adding its opposite to both sides of the equation. This will give the result you want and is consistent with the properties of equality: whatever you do to one side of the equation you must also do to the other side of the equation. Other wording may have been used by your teacher or friends. This is the one true statement about transforming equations.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

2 and 9 are correct. The remainder need to be reconsidered.

Step-by-step explanation:

Your answer to 9 is correct, which means you have the appropriate signs for the point coordinates. In your other point-slope questions, one or more of the signs is incorrect. Use your good work as an example of how to choose the correct answers elsewhere.

1) When you have y = kx, you can find the value of k from ...

... k = y/x

When the variation is direct, this works for any (x, y) pair.

3) A unit rate is called a unit rate because it has 1 (a unit) in the denominator.

4a, 4b, ... all slope calculations. You managed to get it right in problem 9. Watch your signs.

10, 11 ... It can work well to put the x term on the same side with the y-term, then multiply the equation by the denominator value.

... (2/3)x + y = 7 . . . . add (2/3)x to both sides of the equation

... 2x + 3y = 21 . . . . . multiply by 3. (Standard form always has the leading coefficient positive.)

Whenever you consider making a term disappear from one side of the equation, think in terms of adding its opposite to both sides of the equation. This will give the result you want and is consistent with the properties of equality: whatever you do to one side of the equation you must also do to the other side of the equation. Other wording may have been used by your teacher or friends. This is the one true statement about transforming equations.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. y varies directly with x and the equation is  y=1.375x

2. No, y does not vary directly with x

3. Your car travels 58 miles in 1 hour

4. -\frac{1}{3}

4. -3

5. -\frac{26}{27}

6. y-2=3(x-5)

7. y+5=-\frac{2}{5}(x+3)

8. y+7=-0.54(x-4)

9. y-16=8(x-2)

10. 2x+3y=21

11. x+2y=2

Step-by-step explanation:


For y to vary directly with x , all the 3 pair of numbers need to show the same ratio if we divide each y's by the x's. Let's check.


So all of them show the same ratio and hence y varies directly with x.

For equation, we already saw that multiplying x by 1.375 gives us y. We can write in equation form as:


Third answer choice is correct.


This is similar to #1. So let's check the ratios.


As we can see, the ratios are not equal to y does not vary directly with x.

Fourth answer choice is correct.


The first number in the pair gives time and second number gives distance. To get unit rate, we divide the distance by time. So we will get the number of miles traveled in 1 hour.

\frac{233}{4}=58.25  [ i believe this is a typo and it should be 232 miles and ratio would be 58 ]




As we can see, in 1 hour, distance covered is 58 miles. Third answer choice is right.


If the 2 points are taken as  (x_{1},y_{1})  and  (x_{2},y_{2})

And we know formula of slope to be:


The slope of the line is:


The slope of the line is  -\frac{1}{3}

Second answer choice is correct.

4. [this should be #5]

If the 2 points are taken as  (x_{1},y_{1})  and  (x_{2},y_{2})

And we know formula of slope to be:


The slope of this line can be found now:


The slope of the line is  -3

Fourth answer choice is correct.


The formula of slope is:



the 2 points are taken as  (x_{1},y_{1})  and  (x_{2},y_{2})

Now finding the slope:


The slope of the line is  -\frac{26}{27}

Second answer choice is right.


Point Slope form of a line is given as:



(x_{1},y_{1}) is the point given, andm is the slope

Using the point (5, 2) and slope as 3 given, we can write the equation:


Fourth answer choice is right.


Point Slope form of a line is given as:



(x_{1},y_{1}) is the point given, andm is the slope

Using the point given as  (-3,-5) and slope as m=-\frac{2}{5} , we can write the point slope form of the equation as:


First answer choice is right.


Point Slope form of a line is given as:



(x_{1},y_{1}) is the point given, andm is the slope

The slope is given as -0.54 and the point is (4, -7). So the point slope form is:


First answer choice is right.


In this question, we can just have a quick look and see that the y-coordinate is 8 times the x-coordinate. So we can say that y=8x

Expanding the equations below would tell us which one is equal to that. Let's check.


This is the correct one.

So first answer choice is right.


The standard form of the equation of a line is given as:


Rearranging the given equation gives us:


Now, we can't have a fraction, so we multiply all of it by 3 to get rid of the denominator. Now we have:


First answer choice is right.


The standard form of a line is  Ax+By=C

Rearranging the given equation, we have:


We cannot have fractions, so we multiply the whole thing by 2 to get rid of the denominator. So we have:


First answer choice is correct.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
◆ Straight Lines ◆

[ 1 ]

Any equation with a slope m can be expressed in the form of :

y = mx + c

Here m = -3/4 ;
Line is passing through (3,5)

Substituting in std. equation ,

5 = -3/4(3) + c
---> 5 = -9/4 + c
---> c = 5 + 9/4 = 29/4

Hence ,

Equation of line is :-

y = -3x/4 + 29/4 Ans.

[ 2 ]

Line is passing through ( -4 , -7 )

Therefore x = -4 ; y = -7

+ It's a vertical line

Hence , equation of line -
x + 4 = 0 Ans.

[ 3 ]

Any equation with a slope m can be expressed in the form of :

y = mx + c

Here m = -3 ;
Line is passing through ( -2 , 3 )

Substituting in std. equation ,

3 = -3(-2) + c
---> 3 = 6 + c
---> c = -3

Hence ,

Equation of line is :-

y = -3x - 3

[ 4 ]

Line is passing through ( -15 , 11 )

Therefore x = -15 ; y = 11

+ It's a Horizontal line

Hence , equation of line -
y - 11 = 0 Ans.

Hope it helps you :)

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
◆ Straight Lines ◆

[ 1 ]

Any equation with a slope m can be expressed in the form of :

y = mx + c

Here m = -3/4 ;
Line is passing through (3,5)

Substituting in std. equation ,

5 = -3/4(3) + c
---> 5 = -9/4 + c
---> c = 5 + 9/4 = 29/4

Hence ,

Equation of line is :-

y = -3x/4 + 29/4 Ans.

[ 2 ]

Line is passing through ( -4 , -7 )

Therefore x = -4 ; y = -7

+ It's a vertical line

Hence , equation of line -
x + 4 = 0 Ans.

[ 3 ]

Any equation with a slope m can be expressed in the form of :

y = mx + c

Here m = -3 ;
Line is passing through ( -2 , 3 )

Substituting in std. equation ,

3 = -3(-2) + c
---> 3 = 6 + c
---> c = -3

Hence ,

Equation of line is :-

y = -3x - 3

[ 4 ]

Line is passing through ( -15 , 11 )

Therefore x = -15 ; y = 11

+ It's a Horizontal line

Hence , equation of line -
y - 11 = 0 Ans.

Hope it helps you :)

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The answers are;

The distance between (3,8) and (7,-11) is 19.42\text{  (to the nearest hundredth)}The midpoint of the line JK is (6,-1)The midpoint of the line AB is (8.5,9)The value of y is 7The slope of the line that passes through (3,-6)\text{  and  }(6,12) is 6The value of x is -1The value of y is -\frac{3}{2}The slope of the line that passes through (8,7)\text{  and  }(11,7) is 0

In coordinate geometry, given two points (x_1,y_1) and (x_2,y_2);

The distance between them is given by d=\sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2}The midpoint has the coordinates (\frac{x_1+x_2}{2},\frac{y_1+y_2}{2})The slope of the line passing through the points is the ratio \frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}

These formulae will be used to solve the following problems:

   1)  Given points (3,8) and (7,-11), the distance between them is

        \sqrt{(7-3)^2+(-11-8)^2}\approx 19.42 \text{    (to the nearest hundredth)}

   2)  If J=(-9,5) \text{ and }K=(21,-7), the midpoint of the line JK is

         (\frac{-9+21}{2},  \frac{5+(-7)}{2})=(6,-1)

   3)  If A=(-8,7) \text{ and } B=(-9,11), the midpoint of the line AB is

         (\frac{-8+(-9)}{2},  \frac{7+11}{2})=(8.5,9)

   4)  If the midpoint between (8,y) \text{ and } (-11,6) is (-1.5,5), then, using the

        midpoint formula for the y-coordinate

        6=\frac{y+5}{2} \implies y=7

   5)  The slope of the line that passes through (3,-6)\text{  and  }(6,12) is


   6)  If the slope of the line that passes through (x,10)\text{  and  }(-4,8) is \frac{2}{3}, then,

        using the slope formula

        \frac{2}{3}=\frac{8-10}{-4-x}\\\implies \frac{2}{3}=\frac{10-8}{4+x}\\\implies  \frac{2}{3}=\frac{2}{4+x}\\\implies x=-1

   7)  If the slope of the line that passes through (9,0)\text{  and  }(3,y) is \frac{1}{2}, then,

        using the slope formula

        \frac{1}{2}=\frac{y-0}{3-9}\\\implies \frac{1}{2}=\frac{y}{-3}\\\implies y=-\frac{3}{2}

   8)  The slope of the line that passes through (8,7)\text{  and  }(11,7) is

        \frac{7-7}{11-8}=0, (since the y-coordinates of both points are equal)

Learn more about gradients here: link        

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