
Part D: How would I solve for part d?

. 4


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C. Duncan's goodness itself would protest his murder.

In this excerpt from Act I, Scene 7 of Macbeth, Macbeth is contemplating whether or not to go through with the plan to kill King Duncan in order to become king himself. Macbeth acknowledges that Duncan is a virtuous and just king, who has been meek in his great office.

When Macbeth says "his virtues will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued," he means that Duncan's virtues and good deeds will speak out strongly against the heinous act of murdering him. Macbeth recognizes that Duncan's reputation as a fair and benevolent ruler will cause his virtues to stand as a testament to his moral character, even after his death.

The phrase "plead like angels" suggests that Duncan's virtues would be like heavenly messengers advocating for justice, condemning the wickedness of his assassination. This implies that Duncan's goodness would be a powerful force, capable of stirring the conscience of others and condemning the act of regicide.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Duncan's goodness itself would protest his murder.
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P Answered by Studen AI
C. Duncan's goodness itself would protest his murder.

In this excerpt, Macbeth is contemplating whether or not to go through with the plan of killing Duncan. He acknowledges that Duncan is a virtuous and respectable king who has been humble and clear in his duties. Macbeth believes that Duncan's virtues will act as advocates against the evil act of his murder, essentially pleading for his innocence like angels would. This shows that Macbeth recognizes the morality and righteousness associated with Duncan's character, and he understands that going through with the murder would be a heinous act opposed by Duncan's own virtues. Therefore, Macbeth means that Duncan's goodness would speak out against his own killing, as if the virtues themselves would protest the unjust action.
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P Answered by Studen AI
The sentence that uses a prepositional phrase to convey how Bertha would like to live is option C: "She would like to live with more freedom."

This sentence expresses Bertha's desire to live in a way that allows her to have greater freedom in her actions and choices. The prepositional phrase "with more freedom" describes the manner or condition in which Bertha would like to live. It indicates that she desires a life without restrictions or constraints, where she can fully enjoy moments of spontaneity and joy, as described in the previous paragraphs.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The C14 would be found in Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate, and the O18 would also be found in the same molecule


Isotopic labeling is a common method for deducing reaction mechanism in chemistry.

In photosynthesis, the oxygen in the found in Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate comes from the carbon dioxide, This is also finally found in the glucose produced at the end of the cycle.

The oxygen in water is released into the atmosphere as the oxygen molecule.

Therefore, the C14 would be found in Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate, and the O18 would also be found in the same molecule.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The C14 would be found in Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate, and the O18 would also be found in the same molecule


Isotopic labeling is a common method for deducing reaction mechanism in chemistry.

In photosynthesis, the oxygen in the found in Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate comes from the carbon dioxide, This is also finally found in the glucose produced at the end of the cycle.

The oxygen in water is released into the atmosphere as the oxygen molecule.

Therefore, the C14 would be found in Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate, and the O18 would also be found in the same molecule.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

I dont know the first one sorry but the others are:

12) B. The organism would suffer as its cells would be less able to provide the energy needed to carry out life functions.

13) D. The central vacuoles in the cells lose water and can no longer help support the cells.

14) A. It acts as a framework inside the endoplasmic reticulum and keeps it from collapsing.

15) D. The cell's energy level will diminish as the enzyme decreases.

16) C. Whales are able to conserve oxygen better than humans.

17) A. Glycolysis  

18) i dont know this one but maybe B

19) B. It is turned into more chlorophyll for the plant.

20) B. The chloroplasts would be unable to generate ATP.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

I dont know the first one sorry but the others are:

12) B. The organism would suffer as its cells would be less able to provide the energy needed to carry out life functions.

13) D. The central vacuoles in the cells lose water and can no longer help support the cells.

14) A. It acts as a framework inside the endoplasmic reticulum and keeps it from collapsing.

15) D. The cell's energy level will diminish as the enzyme decreases.

16) C. Whales are able to conserve oxygen better than humans.

17) A. Glycolysis  

18) i dont know this one but maybe B

19) B. It is turned into more chlorophyll for the plant.

20) B. The chloroplasts would be unable to generate ATP.

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